Chapter 123

In the past five years, she has been in a bad mood for most of the time, and naturally she has practiced a lot, so Fan Xing is already very proficient in handwork now!
After learning that she is pregnant, Fan Xing always feels that she needs to prepare some special gifts for her child, so Fan Xing bought a lot of fabrics and plans to make some hand-sewn clothes for her child by herself!
Such purely handmade clothes are better for children's skin, and they are unique designs. Fan Xing believes that children will like them.

So as long as there is time, Fan Xing will do it!
In the past half a month, I have been very busy at Fengshang, and I don't have much time. Today, I finally got some free time, and Fan Xing was a little depressed, so she naturally started her own production again!
Carefully cut and sewn, Fan Xing is very careful with every stitch and thread, for fear that those sharp lines will hurt the baby's immature skin.

After sewing for an hour, Fan Xing felt a little tired and rubbed his sore neck. Fan Xing stood up to drink a cup of soy milk, but he heard a knock on the door.

Looking towards the door, hearing the domineering and steady knock on the door, Fan Xing was hesitant to open the door.

Could it be Duan Shengfeng again?

But with Duan Chengfeng's personality, he wouldn't be so domineering when knocking on the door, nor would he be a little hasty?

If it wasn't Duan Shengfeng, then who was it?
It seems that not many people know that she lives here?
Fan Xing was thinking about who was coming, and the people outside the door seemed to respond to Fan Xing's many guesses, "Shiny, are you still up? Open the door for me!"

Uh, is it Qin Yilian?

What is he doing here?
Knowing that the person outside the door was not Duan Chengfeng but Qin Yilian, Fan Xing concealed the little disappointment in his heart, pretending not to hear the sound from the door, Fan Xing went to the table and drank the fresh soy milk that Duan Chengfeng had just made in the morning stand up.

While drinking, Fan Xing was thinking: Didn't Qin Yilian not come to mess with her these days?What's going on today?What is he here for?
Not wanting Qin Yilian to disturb him, Fan Xing automatically blocked the sound outside the door. After drinking the soy milk in a while, Fan Xing picked up the washed apples on the table and prepared to go back to the studio and eat them later!

But I didn't take a few steps...

"Shiny, listen to me, I know you're inside, I'll tell you, if you don't open the door today, I'll be wasted here, I don't believe you don't go out to eat all day today!" After a pause, the person outside the door Qin Yilian continued, "I will always sit at your door. If someone passes by and asks me what's the matter, I will say that I am your man and that you are angry with me, so you ran away from home! I am now begging for your help." Forgive me! I don’t think this is the house you bought? Maybe I can find the landlord and ask her for the key, so she can help me persuade my woman back!”

Qin Yi held back his threat from outside the door, Fan Xing really had no choice but to open the door, "If I remember correctly, today is the weekend, right? President Qin, why are you here on my day off today?"

Fan Xing was about to explode, why did one or two annoy her so much recently? !

Seeing Fan Xing open the door, Qin Yilian smiled treacherously, he knew this trick would work!
Automatically avoiding Fan Xing, Qin Yilian entered the room like a regular visitor, looking at the uncollected bowls in the living room, Qin Yilian frowned, "You just got up?"

Although pregnant women are drowsy, they still can't sleep too late. It's past nine o'clock now. Only eating breakfast at this time is not good for the body and the child.

"What's the matter with you?" Fan Xing was very upset about Qin Yilian's "self-familiar" appearance, especially after Qin Yilian confessed to eating her tofu that day without giving her the slightest chance to refuse, Fan Xing naturally Put Qin Yilian in the dangerous group, avoid it if you can!

"Today's weekend, let's go on a date!" In fact, Qin Yilian wanted to go out with Fan Xing yesterday, but he remembered that Fan Xing should be tired after working for a few days, so he "showed mercy" to give Fan Xing a vacation , he himself endured a hard day, and today he gave Fan Xing enough rest time, it didn't come too early!
"No, I want to rest!" Go out with you and continue to eat tofu?I do not want it!
Fan Xing didn't like Qin Yilian's behavior so disregarding his own feelings, so he directly refused!
"Didn't you have a day off yesterday?" If it wasn't for worrying that Fan Xing was too tired, Qin Yilian would have come here yesterday.

He gave Fan Xing several days of buffer time, so he didn't bother him these days. It's the weekend, so Qin Yilian couldn't stand it!

"Don't you know that pregnant women can't work too hard? I have been working for several days in a row, and you still want to disturb me even after two days of rest?" Fan Xing didn't understand, and her attitude clearly expressed herself I'm not interested in Qin Yilian, but why can't Qin Yilian see it?

According to his conditions, what kind of women don't have one, but he had two before he knew him, so why did he just stalk him so hard?

Isn't it rumored that none of his women will last more than a month?

Isn't it rumored that he has never chased women?

how now?

What exactly is going on?

"Qin Yilian, Mr. Qin, no matter whether you allow me to say it or not, I will tell you that I am not interested in you, I don't like you! So please don't bother me again, okay? I am a very fragile person now. A pregnant woman, I can’t stand your troubles, so please don’t cause me any trouble, okay? I’m a pregnant woman now, so I need to keep my mood at ease. If you do this, it will affect the growth of the child in my belly!”

Anyway, Fan Xing felt that she should make it clear to Qin Yilian, she knew that Qin Yilian was a good man, and she didn't want to waste Qin Yilian's time!
So, even knowing Qin Yilian's extraordinary means, Fan Xing mustered up the courage to speak out!

Maybe it's clear, with Qin Yilian's pride, he definitely won't pester himself like this again!
"..." Listening to Fan Xing's relentless refusal, Qin Yi gave Fan Xing a cold look, was silent for half a second, and then slowly said, "It doesn't matter if you don't like me, as long as I like you, I I said before, you are not allowed to reject me! So you should not say these words in the future, otherwise I don't know what I will do more than that kiss that day!"

Qin Yilian was frustrated by Fan Xing's refusal, but he knew Fan Xing's situation, and he also knew that Fan Xing would not accept him so quickly, so he would wait, wait, until Fan Xing let go of his knot and accepted His day so far!
A man who has tasted love for the first time doesn't know much about love. Qin Yilian has lived under the spotlight since he was a child. He has never suffered any setbacks, so naturally he never thought that he would fail one day!
(End of this chapter)

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