Chapter 124

So he still thought that it was only a matter of time before he captured Fan Xing's heart, and he didn't think much about the rest!He only knows that he has finally fallen in love with someone, so he must firmly find a way to catch him, so that he will not regret it in the future!
"Boss Qin, love cannot be forced!" Why is this person more stubborn and domineering than Duan Chengfeng?If he likes others, he should also give others the right to choose!

"I didn't force you, I believe it's just a matter of time before you fall in love with me!" The reason why he can't walk into Fan Xing's heart now is because he is seven years later than that person, so he will wait, even if it is He will wait for two seven years!

"Then what if I say that I will never be able to fall in love with you?" Fan Xing didn't understand Qin Yilian's logic. Was he so sure that he would fall in love with him?This is too conceited!
Fan Xing admits that Qin Yilian is excellent, and she is a top performer in all aspects, but Qin Yilian's excellence does not necessarily mean that she will be attracted!
"Don't worry, I will make you fall in love with me!" Looking at Fan Xing with determination, Qin Yilian had the firmness that was inevitable, "So, in order to make you fall in love with me as soon as possible, let's go now Dating!"

"Let's go!" After Qin Yilian finished speaking, he pulled Fan Xing to leave, but when he saw Duan Chengfeng who had returned from shopping for vegetables at the stairs, Qin Yilian's originally good face also became stiff!
The two men seem to have become natural enemies because of Fan Xing, and when they meet, they are like swords and blood!
I saw that although Duan Chengfeng was holding a recycle bag for vegetables in his hand and was wearing very casual casual clothes, his appearance as a family husband did not detract from his noble temperament at all!
Although Qin Yilian was dressed very stylishly, and his body was clean and neat without any clutter, standing in front of Duan Chengfeng didn't bring him any benefit at all!
The two men were silently fighting with each other in the dark, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Looking at such a scene, Fan Xing secretly screamed in his heart that it was not good, thinking of 36 tricks, the best plan was to walk, Fan Xing wanted to take advantage of the two men's battle and quietly pulled out his hand held by Qin Yi to leave, avoiding This battlefield that could erupt at any time.

But Qin Yilian held onto Fan Xing's hand tightly, not giving her any chance to escape!
But Duan Chengfeng, before Fan Xing drove Duan Chengfeng away, although Duan Chengfeng was a little unclear, but he didn't intend to give up. He knew that it would be very difficult for Fan Xing to accept him this time, and he was ready for a long-term battle!
So he just thought about it and went out to buy groceries.

It's just that he didn't expect to see Qin Yilian and Fan Xing entangled again as soon as he came back!

Seeing this man with unruly intentions towards Fan Xing again, Duan Chengfeng naturally wants to defend his love well!
So, Duan Chengfeng had that smile on his face that made Qin Yilian want to tear it apart, and looked at Qin Yilian with an unfathomable face, while Qin Yilian's eyes became colder and colder!
Duan Chengfeng was originally fighting Qin Yilian, but he noticed Fan Xing's annoyed expression from the corner of his eyes. Seeing Fan Xing's little hand held by Qin Yilian, those dark pupils suddenly became darker and boundless. Although there was anger in his heart, but Duan Chengfeng just looked at Qin Yilian indifferently, his tone was full of indifference and alienation, "President Qin, please let go of Xiaofan!"

Didn't he see Fan Xing's reluctance?

"Mr. Duan, this is a matter between Shiny and I, it seems that it's not your turn to take care of it?" Pulling Fan Xing to his side, Qin Yilian was about to hug Fan Xing, but was snatched away by Duan Chengfeng.

Qin Yilian was a little annoyed at his mistake, and glared at Duan Chengfeng angrily, but was once again made even angrier by Duan Chengfeng's extremely flattering smile!
"Mr. Duan, what do you mean? I have something to discuss with Shiny, why do you stop me?" The air-conditioning all over his body began to radiate, and whenever Qin Yilian saw Duan Chengfeng, he felt an inexplicable uneasiness.

This opponent is too mysterious and unpredictable, he really can't figure it out!
"If I remember correctly, Boss Qin is just Xiaofan's boss. Today is the weekend and Xiaofan doesn't work overtime. If Boss Qin has something to discuss, we can wait until Xiaofan goes to work tomorrow!" Hugging Fan Xing carefully, Duan Chengfeng Seeing Fan Xing's reddened hands was full of distress, and naturally he would not be polite when speaking to Qin Yilian!
"Xiaofan is pregnant with my child now, I don't want anyone to disturb Xiaofan during her rest time, so Mr. Qin, it's private time now, please do not disturb!" Emphasize the words "my child" , Duan Chengfeng could see Qin Yilian's face getting darker and darker, but Duan Chengfeng didn't take Qin Yilian's reaction seriously.

He doesn't like this person, because it's so embarrassing for him to make Fan Xing pregnant!

"I believe Boss Qin is also a very busy person, so let's take our leave and not see him off!" After speaking, Duan Chengfeng carefully embraced Fan Xing and was about to enter the house, but was stopped by Qin Yilian!

"Mr. Duan, if I remember correctly, you and Shiny have nothing to do with each other, right? What do you mean here? Your ex-husband is so presumptuous to interrupt, isn't it also disturbing Shiny's rest?"

Qin Yilian was very dissatisfied with Duan Chengfeng's merciless behavior of seeing off guests. Why did he do this?

Both of them are obviously divorced, why are they still so confused?
"At least I won't force Xiaofan to do anything like President Qin. I'm just here to take care of Xiaofan and let her have a good pregnancy environment. President Qin, don't forget that the child in Xiaofan's belly is mine. I have this responsibility and obligation to take care of her!"

Duan Chengfeng looked at the man in front of him. He was handsome and suave, but he was also unrestrained, arrogant and ruthless. Once he made up his mind to get what he wanted, he would definitely fight for it at all costs and by all means!
Indeed, he is a fierce character and a formidable opponent!

But he is too domineering, often too strong, will not consider other people's opinions, and will even force others. If such a person, if Fan Xing is with him, he will be too controlled and have no freedom!

Therefore, he should try his best to avoid contact between Qin Yilian and Fan Xing, because the Qin family behind Qin Yilian is not an easy character to mess with!
Fan Xing is pregnant now, too fragile to withstand any accidents and injuries!
"So President Qin, please don't bother us in private time, and please don't be too arbitrary, Xiao Fan is pregnant now, and I can't stand your troubles!" Put Fan Xing a little far away from Qin Yilian In the safe zone, Duan Chengfeng rarely looked serious.

"Xiaofan has her own thoughts and ideas. I hope you can put her first in everything and don't force her. You should know that if you do this, it will have the opposite effect!" Qin Yi narrowed his eyes, and Duan Chengfeng said lightly, "I hope Mr. Qin will consider what I said carefully. I believe you also want Xiaofan to be happy, and you don't want to embarrass her, do you?"

(End of this chapter)

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