Chapter 126

"Duan Chengfeng, haven't you always taken people seriously? Why do you bother? Let go, weren't you very straightforward and chic on the day we divorced? Why are you doing this now?"

Fan Xing has never understood what Duan Chengfeng thinks about her, so now Fan Xing is even more puzzled why Duan Chengfeng will pester her uncharacteristically this time, and even change his usual style to explain to her!

In the past, Fan Xing might have thought that Duan Chengfeng cared about her performance, but Fan Xing subconsciously chose not to think that way after being hurt so much!
"This time, I hope you can really understand what I mean, and don't bother me again, okay?" Your interruption will make me start to fantasize again, you know?

But I can't bear any consequences now, so I can only choose to push you away!

"Xiao Fan, don't be self-willed, okay? You and the child need to be taken care of. Don't avoid my concern just because you can't forgive me. It's unfair to you, the child, and me!" Duan Chengfeng really didn't expect Fan Xing would really be so stubborn to refuse his approach and his concern. He thought that for the sake of the child, Fan Xing would at least refuse him to take care of her!
"I don't care what is fair or not. I just know that the damage has been done and we can't turn back. I don't want to think about the rest. Well, it's getting late. I'm going to the aquarium. I hope you I've already left, goodbye!" After Fan Xing finished speaking, he entered the room randomly, took some things, closed the door, and left without looking back.

She was afraid that if she stayed any longer, seeing Duan Chengfeng's sad expression would make her unbearable again, so just treat her as cowardly, she only wants to avoid Duan Chengfeng now!
Walking out of the community, Fan Xing hailed a taxi and went to the aquarium. When he came to the aquarium, Fan Xing asked for close contact with dolphins, and the staff of the aquarium also agreed.

Following the staff, Fan Xing saw the dolphins playing in the water in a short while, and Fan Xing smiled heartily at that cute appearance.

"Does the sound of dolphins really help children's development?" In fact, what Fan Xing said to Qin Yilian today was just a casual mention.

Before Fan Xing read a report about the benefits of dolphin sounds on fetal development, she was also skeptical. If she didn't want to escape Duan Chengfeng today, she wouldn't really come here!
"Yes, Mrs. Fan, the high-frequency sounds made by dolphins can promote the development of the fetal nervous system. Before you, many pregnant women have come to our aquarium to receive the 'prenatal education therapy' of dolphin sounds, and the effect is not bad. Our aquarium For this reason, a group of dolphins have been specially trained to provide special therapy for pregnant women. Later, you can also let your baby have zero-distance contact with the dolphins. Don’t worry, these dolphins have been professionally trained. They are very gentle and will not hurt To you and the baby in your womb!"

The staff smiled very kindly, treated Fan Xing very well, and answered Fan Xing's questions in detail.

After listening to the staff's explanation, Fan Xing felt relieved and was going to give it a try first!
When the two came to the pool, Fan Xing saw several cute dolphins rolling in the air, they were so cute.

"Mrs. Fan, come here," the staff called Fan Xing to sit down by the pool, blew the whistle, and said a few words, and a cute little dolphin swam over.

The little dolphin made friendly calls while swimming, and twirled in the air from time to time. After a while, it swam in front of Fan Xing, rolled a few times in front of Fan Xing coquettishly, and then He leaned against Fan Xing's belly, and called a few times kissing, that look was so cute, Fan Xing's depressed mood disappeared instantly.

"Hehe, this little dolphin is so cute." Fan Xing looked at such a cute dolphin, and saw the little dolphin acting like a baby to himself, suddenly wanted to touch it, and looked at the staff expectantly, Fan Xing She said embarrassingly, "That...Miss Luo, can I touch her!"

"Hehe, of course Mrs. Fan can do it. This dolphin is called Yuanyuan. She just turned one year old this year and is usually quite naughty, but today she seems to like you a lot. She will be very happy if you touch her!" Miss Luo's staff looked at Fan Xing with a smile, and she was very patient from the beginning to the end.

After getting the consent, Fan Xing stretched out his hand slowly, but before touching Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan jumped away by herself, and rolled a few more times in the air, which made Fan Xing a little frustrated.

Pouting his mouth, Fan Xing looked at Miss Luo with a pitiful face, "Miss Luo, you still said she likes me, but you can see that she ran away!" Looking at Yuan who jumped farther and farther with a little regret, Round, Fan Xing complained to Ms. Luo, it was like a treasure suddenly disappeared, such a childish Fan Xing made Ms. Luo dumbfounded.

"Hehe, Mrs. Fan, Yuanyuan is playing with you. She is always so naughty. Look, isn't she back?" Pointing to Yuanyuan who quickly swam back, Miss Luo smiled. Some helpless.

"Really, hehe, it seems that Yuanyuan is really a naughty child!" Fan Xing was also very happy to see Yuanyuan came back, but seeing Yuanyuan who seemed a little wronged in front of him, Fan Xing suddenly I feel very strange, "Miss Luo, why doesn't she scream at my stomach like just now? Why do I feel that she has suddenly become quiet now? What's wrong with her?"

Wasn't she quite naughty and cute just now?

Why did she become so quiet all of a sudden, even a little...aggrieved?
Fan Xing was deeply afraid that he was wrong, would animals feel wronged?
"Hehe, Mrs. Fan, dolphins are very spiritual animals. Yuanyuan just joked with you. Didn't you want to touch her? Now that you don't touch her, she naturally feels wronged, thinking that you are angry with her and are at odds with her." She's playing." Miss Luo explained with a smile, "Just touch her."

"Really?" Fan Xing dubiously stretched out his hand to touch Yuanyuan again under Miss Luo's encouragement, this time Fan Xing was very careful, for fear that Yuanyuan would avoid it again.

Yuanyuan also seemed to feel Fan Xing's worry. Before Fan Xing touched her, she came over by herself and rubbed against Fan Xing's hand, showing her happiness and coquettishness like Fan Xing. , and happily yelled a few more times, and then continued to yell happily at Fan Xing's stomach.

"Wow, she seems very sensible!" Seeing Yuanyuan's happy face, Fan Xing was also infected, and suddenly felt that it would be great if she was as carefree as her!
(End of this chapter)

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