Chapter 127

If there are no worries, then she must be very happy now, right?
"Of course, although Yuanyuan is only one year old, she is actually very sensible and understands human nature!" Miss Luo looked proud as if her own child was being praised.

"Hehe, Ms. Luo, can I continue to let Yuanyuan give me prenatal education?" Fan Xing likes this dolphin named Yuanyuan very much, because she can really feel that when Yuanyuan screams at her belly, The fetus in her stomach responded, because she felt the fetal movement again!

"Of course, Yuanyuan is one of the dolphins specially trained to give prenatal education to mothers-to-be. Yuanyuan's performance is also the best. If Mrs. Fan wants to see her, she can do it anytime!"

In fact, Yuanyuan is a dolphin that has always been very popular with pregnant women in the aquarium. Ordinary people can't see it without an appointment.If someone hadn't called in advance today to ask them to arrange the best and most docile dolphins for Fan Xing, Fan Xing probably wouldn't be able to see Yuanyuan today!And that person also said that all of Fan Xing's requests must be met, so Miss Luo agreed to Fan Xing's request without hesitation!

"Well, can I come here once every weekend from now on?"

"No problem, Mrs. Fan!"

Fan Xing played with Yuanyuan for a while again, and the mood that had become bad because of Duan Chengfeng and Qin Yilian before became much happier under the infection of Yuanyuan's happy mood.

Attracted by Yuanyuan's cuteness and naughtiness, Fan Xing also laughed like a child and forgot the time. After playing for a long time, he felt that his stomach was a little hungry, so he reluctantly bid farewell to Yuanyuan and left the ocean museum.

Just after walking out of the aquarium, Fan Xing felt that his calf suddenly had severe cramps and he couldn't walk.

The tearing pain made Fan Xing suddenly stop, not daring to move forward easily, she stood there anxiously, waiting for the cramping pain to pass, for fear that if she accidentally moved, her legs could not support and she would fall and hurt her. child!

But the pain in the calf didn't decrease in the slightest, instead it became more and more severe. Fan Xing felt that his legs began to weaken, and he couldn't support his body that was beginning to react to pregnancy.

Fan Xing was in a hurry, and tried to lower his body carefully to massage his calf, but his stomach was a bit big, which was very inconvenient!
When Fan Xing was about to cry in a hurry, he suddenly felt his body lighten, and he was brought into a slightly cold embrace. Fan Xing felt a faint fragrance of ice lotus on the tip of his nose, and his heart also inexplicably settled down.

Gently leaning himself into that person's arms, Fan Xing suddenly had the urge to cry, why didn't he show up when she needed him, but now when she was so helpless and afraid?
Is this life destined to be a unilateral pursuit of each other, with one party always missing the other?

All the previous worries and fears disappeared when he was embraced by that person, Fan Xing also forgot to struggle, and let himself lie weakly in the arms of the visitor, enjoying the unique coldness of that person.

After a while, the man put Fan Xing on the stool closest to the aquarium, squatted down carefully, and the slender and perfect hands like a pianist gently kneaded Fan Xing's calf, slowly relieving his pain. Fan Xing's pain.

Fan Xing lowered his head to look at the person squatting in front of him, he was massaging himself so gently, he didn't care about his identity squatting in front of her, treating himself so carefully, Fan Xing's heart suddenly seemed to be overthrown The bottle has all the flavors of sweet, sour, bitter, spicy.

Why do you still treat her so well?
After she said so many harsh words, so many heartless words, and so many words that hurt him, with his dignity and pride, how could he still treat himself so selflessly?

Is she worth it for him?
People are most easily moved when they are most vulnerable. Fan Xing just stood there helplessly with leg cramps, for fear that he would accidentally hurt the child in his belly. When she couldn't solve it by herself, Fan Xing was full of pain Fear and despair, and Duan Chengfeng appeared at that moment, shining close to Fan Xing's heart like a ray of sunshine, making her fear, worry and despair disappear instantly!
Therefore, at the moment when Fan Xing was most vulnerable, Fan Xing was suddenly moved by Duan Chengfeng's behavior, and Fan Xing also began to hesitate, wondering if she was wrong?
In any case, she is still pregnant with the child, as Duan Chengfeng said, she needs to be taken care of, she is very lucky today, there is no accident, then if one day her luck is really so bad, no one is by her side to help her If so, will she regret it later? !
Today's little accident made Fan Xing seriously consider her situation, and it also made her reflect on whether she really did something wrong, so she no longer resisted Duan Chengfeng's behavior, and let Duan Chengfeng give her a massage, let Duan Chengfeng hug her. He got her into the car and took her home.

Back home, Duan Chengfeng hugged Fan Xing and sat down on the sofa, and asked concerned, "Is it better? Do you want me to give you another massage?" Duan Chengfeng was very confused about Fan Xing's sudden silence.

He was worried about following Fan Xing today, and helped Fan Xing arrange dolphins for prenatal education. He watched Fan Xing interact with the dolphins in the dark, and watched Fan Xing finally smile. He was very happy and satisfied.

He originally wanted to care about Fan Xing silently in the dark in the future, and wait for Fan Xing to calm down, but he didn't expect Fan Xing to stand there suddenly!

He didn't understand what was going on at first, and he was also afraid that Fan Xing would be sensitive, and he was afraid that Fan Xing would blame himself again, so he didn't approach, but after seeing Fan Xing's expression was wrong and his eyes were very anxious, he remembered that pregnant women tend to have leg cramps This thing!

At that time, he walked over without thinking too much, hugged Fan Xing, and found a place for her to have a massage, but Fan Xing didn't say a word during the period, but just looked at himself thoughtfully, letting her Duan Chengfeng felt very uneasy.

He knew that his behavior of approaching her regardless of Fan Xing's objection had aroused Fan Xing's resentment, and he also knew that what he did would only make Fan Xing resist him more and hate him!So just now he has been thinking about taking care of Fan Xing in the dark for the time being, and wait for Fan Xing to feel better!
It's just that Duan Chengfeng didn't expect that this accident happened just after he decided to do that, which made him have to show up, so now when he saw Fan Xing's expression that couldn't tell what he was thinking, Duan Chengfeng became even more uneasy.

"Sit for a while and eat some walnuts, peanuts, and these dried fruits. I'll make you some bone soup. Your cramps are due to calcium deficiency. If you allow me, I will make bone soup for you every day, okay? "

(End of this chapter)

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