Chapter 128

He shouldn't have forced Fan Xing, but he was too impatient to get Fan Xing's forgiveness so eagerly. He should have known that Fan Xing never liked others forcing her, right?

The more you force her, the more she will resist, which will only have the opposite effect!

So in the future he has to lower his profile and ask for Fan Xing's consent in everything, because only in this way will Fan Xing not be disgusted!

After hearing Duan Chengfeng's words, Fan Xing still looked at Duan Chengfeng thoughtfully, which made Duan Chengfeng very nervous. He was afraid that Fan Xing would refuse, and he really didn't know what to do.

Duan Chengfeng, who has always been calm and calm, can't calm down now facing Fan Xing.

Duan Chengfeng waited for a long time, and when he almost thought he would be rejected again, Fan Xing slowly said "yes".

Duan Chengfeng finally breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled at Fan Xing, "These are some nuts, it's good for the baby to eat more, you must be hungry after eating a little for breakfast? You should fill your stomach with these first, I'll make soup and cook for you!" After speaking, Duan Chengfeng left quickly as if he was afraid that Fan Xing would change his mind, making Fan Xing dumbfounded.

She is not a scourge, as for?

Fan Xing smiled, looking at the various nuts in front of him, thinking of Duan Chengfeng's seriousness and care for him, thinking of Duan Chengfeng's opening up to himself bit by bit, changing bit by bit, that calm look Gradually, the emotions of normal people began to appear... Does this mean that Duan Chengfeng is serious this time?Should she really give Duan Chengfeng a chance?

Today's accident made Fan Xing understand that she really needs a caring person to take care of her now. Although she can hire a nanny, but the nanny is not her relative after all, and she will definitely not take good care of herself.Judging from the past few times, although Duan Chengfeng didn't do very well, at least he was doing it very hard. Fan Xing also believed that Duan Chengfeng would take good care of her and the baby, so even if it was for the sake of the baby, Fan Xing now He is not so resistant to Duan Shengfeng anymore.

"Baby, do you want Daddy to take care of you?" After going through this incident, Fan Xing also planned not to be so resistant to Duan Chengfeng, because she really needs someone to take care of her now, and she doesn't worry about others. Duan Chengfeng is undoubtedly the best Candidates!
"If you like Daddy to take care of you, then you can kick Mommy, and Mommy will agree to you, okay?" Fan Xing was also asking for the children's opinions while stroking his protruding belly with a smile.

"Oh, the kick is so hard, it means that you like Daddy to take care of you!" Feeling his stomach move, Fan Xing smiled happily, and made a decision in his heart, "But Mommy only promises Daddy to take care of you!" You guys don't intend to be with your daddy!" What should be said, Fan Xing still needs to make it clear, although she promised to let Duan Chengfeng take care of her and the baby, it was under unavoidable circumstances. Making an exception, Fan Xing doesn't want to have anything else to do with Duan Chengfeng in the future!

"But Mommy promises you, if you want to see Daddy when you grow up, I won't stop you, okay?" Feeling that the child in her belly kicked her dissatisfied, Fan Xing also knew that he couldn't be so selfish. According to her own, Duan Chengfeng is also the father of the child no matter what, this blood relationship is not something she wants to disappear just to disappear!
"You have to understand Mommy, Mommy and Daddy have gone through so much, it's impossible to go back, so don't force Mommy, okay?" Fan Xing really doesn't have the courage to trust Duan Chengfeng anymore. , so even if Duan Chengfeng starts to change now, she will never dare to love again.

That person is floating like a cloud in the sky. No matter how hard Fan Xing tries, he still can't touch that person's heart, and even the door of his heart can't be reached. Such helplessness and helplessness have long made Fan Xing lose his love for Duan Chengfeng. After thinking about it, I also broke this relationship.

Love doesn't have to be smashed to pieces to get it. She is already tired, so she gives up and doesn't pursue it anymore. Let her bury this love in her heart and stop touching it!

I believe that as time goes by, this love will gradually fade away.

Isn't it said that time is a good medicine for all wounds?
Therefore, what Fan Xing needs is only the comfort of time, as for the rest, just let nature take its course and don't force it too much!

As for Duan Chengfeng, let him take care of himself, and let the rest take its course!

Early the next morning, Fan Xing ate the nutritious breakfast made by Duan Chengfeng, and was escorted by Duan Chengfeng to Fengshang.

Along the way, Fan Xing wondered whether his decision was right or not.

Fan Xing remembered that when she told Duan Chengfeng to let him take care of her yesterday, Duan Chengfeng had a bright smile on his usually calm face.

Such a smile, so real, so natural, so pure, so undisguisedly happy, even relaxed after tension, this is the first time Fan Xing has seen such a smile.

But this also made Fan Xing understand that Duan Chengfeng has gradually begun to show his truest emotions in front of her, and no longer hides anything.

Knowing this, Fan Xing didn't know whether she should cry or laugh.

After so many years of hard work, it is to get into Duan Chengfeng's heart, let him open his heart to himself, and forget the person who has always existed in his heart.

But after so many years of chasing, there is still no gain!
Now I finally let go, and decided not to try to get into Duan Chengfeng's heart and replace that person, but when she turned to leave, Duan Chengfeng kept getting closer!

Fan Xing didn't understand, why did Duan Chengfeng figure it out all of a sudden?
Didn't he always close his heart tightly and not let anyone get close?
Didn't he always hide his truest emotions and prevent others from prying into his heart?

But why is it like this now?

Fan Xing felt as if overnight, many things were quietly changing!

Originally thought that the person Duan Chengfeng was in love with was not the person Duan Chengfeng loved, but Duan Chengfeng and that woman also had an inextricably linked relationship!
In the end, what kind of complicated relationship is involved, what kind of secret is there between Duan Chengfeng and that woman, who is Duan Chengfeng really loving... All these things, Fan Xing is no longer qualified to care about, go to... exploratory!
Because she has already severed her relationship with Duan Chengfeng, she has lost the qualification to get to the bottom of it, not to mention she doesn't want to entangle her anymore!

There are too many knots in my heart that have not been untied. Fan Xing regretted a little when he agreed to Duan Chengfeng just now. Decided, and tried hard to treat Duan Chengfeng with a normal heart!

(End of this chapter)

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