Chapter 129

"What are you thinking about?" Duan Chengfeng, who was driving, saw Fan Xing's distressed face, and asked with a smile.

"'s nothing." She was just thinking about how to get along with Duan Chengfeng in the future. After all, the two were husband and wife before. Although they are divorced now, they and their children need Duan Chengfeng's care.

So, what kind of attitude should they face each other?
Fan Xing was a little confused.

Be gentler?
But they are divorced after all, why do they have lumps in their hearts, how can they treat each other so calmly?
With a bad attitude?
But after all, they are kind enough to take care of themselves, and they are so ignorant and impolite.

The attitude is a little strange?
But the two live next door, so it's not a big deal to treat him as a stranger, not to mention that Duan Chengfeng has to get along with him day and night because he takes care of himself, it's not good to be too strange, right?
After much deliberation, Fan Xing didn't know what to do. She was simply perfecting Duan Chengfeng and letting him take care of herself.

But yesterday I saw Duan Chengfeng waiting for the verdict, and the uncontrollable excitement and joy when I heard that I was willing to let him take care of me.Taking care of himself so carefully, being gentle and considerate... All these make the city wall that Fan Xing worked so hard to build in his heart gradually tilt, so Fan Xing is a little at a loss now, and doesn't know what to do.

"Xiao Fan." Duan Chengfeng looked at Fan Xing gently, the love in his eyes was growing day by day, these are the changes that Fan Xing saw with his own eyes every day, which also made Fan Xing very depressed, tangled, and uneasy one of the reasons!

Ever since Duan Chengfeng decided to be with Fan Xing, he gradually began to get used to expressing his sincerity to Fan Xing, but hiding his true emotions has been Duan Chengfeng's habit for more than 30 years, and it will not happen overnight, so Duan Chengfeng now Try to change slowly!

Now Duan Chengfeng is working very hard to let Fan Xing understand his intentions. He no longer hides all his emotions in his heart like before, and won't let anyone find out, especially Fan Xing!

So usually Duan Chengfeng will try to express the hidden emotions in his heart little by little, but he is not very used to it, so Fan Xing can only feel the changes in Duan Chengfeng little by little every day, instead of using one touch. !

"Xiaofan, don't think too much, okay? Now I am just as a father to express my concern for my children, you don't have any burden. I do this as a responsibility, but also because I want to take care of you and your children , but I don’t want to be your trouble. You don’t have to think too much, just accept my care happily every day. Is my seven-month observation period okay? Treat me with the mentality of an ordinary person, and after seven months, can you give me the answer?"

Looking at Fan Xing seriously, Duan Chengfeng's face was rare serious and serious, how can he look like he usually doesn't care about anything, nothing can catch his eyes, and he is always indifferent?
"In these seven months, I will let you see my sincerity and determination, so don't keep rejecting me and don't give me any chance, okay? After seven months, you will tell me your decision, and then I will Respect you!" If you still can't accept me after seven months, then I won't cause you trouble in the future, I will bless you, and I will silently care about you in the dark, take care of you, and wait until you truly accept me until that day!
I won't make things difficult for you anymore, because I can't bear to see you so entangled!

So, if you really can't accept me, then I will choose to wait silently until the day you want to let go!
"Then what if my answer is still the same after seven months? Are you respecting my decision as you said and not bothering me anymore?" Seeing the determination and sadness in Duan Chengfeng's eyes, Fan Xing felt I also feel clogged and uncomfortable.

Such a sad Duan Chengfeng is not at all like the calm person in memory, such a hesitant mood does not match him at all!
He should not care about anything, he should not mind anything, nothing can affect his emotions!

But why is this happening now? Could it be that he treats himself really differently?
As soon as he had this thought, Fan Xing cut it off.

She has not forgotten how Duan Shengfeng treated her these past few years!
If you really love her, then why do you just pamper her and satisfy her with everything, but never love her, and never let her know his whereabouts, his thoughts, and his true inner emotions?
If he really cared about her, why did Duan Chengfeng never let her into his heart?
If he really cared about her, why did Duan Chengfeng still have different thoughts about another woman?
So why do the emotions of happiness, sadness, self-blame and guilt... appear just because of mentioning that woman?
If, as Duan Shengfeng said, it's not love, then what is it?

Why, even if you explain it, you don't explain it thoroughly, but instead make yourself more entangled?
Therefore, Fan Xing still has too many uncertainties about Duan Chengfeng, so that Fan Xing still can't believe that Duan Chengfeng really cares about her!
Patriotic, worked hard, and hurt, Fan Xing now has a child, she has concerns and considerations, so naturally she will not care about everything like before, just for her love!
She has a lot to think about now, after going through such a serious injury, Fan Xing will naturally not let herself get hurt easily this time, so she would rather choose not to believe, not to be tempted!
"Can you do what you say?" Looking at Duan Chengfeng fixedly, Fan Xing really wanted to know how firm Duan Chengfeng's determination is this time!
"..." Duan Chengfeng's dark pupils stared fixedly at Fan Xing, those dark eyes were like a huge vortex, almost engulfing Fan Xing!

After a long time, the deep and seductive voice like a cello finally came out of those thin lips, which seemed to have gone through a thousand years of reincarnation, full of vicissitudes, "Xiaofan, if after seven months, you If you still can't forgive me, can't accept me, and want to let me go, then I will do what you said and stop bothering you!"

After a pause, those black eyes that were as dark as an abyss continued to stare at Fan Xing, as if he wanted to engrave Fan Xing deeply in his mind and heart, "I won't cause you trouble, but I won't. I will give up, I will wait, wait, until the day you accept me again!"

(End of this chapter)

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