Chapter 130

"Then what if I can't accept you in my life?" Looking at Duan Chengfeng like this for the first time, Fan Xing was shocked by the hurt in his eyes and the reckless determination in his eyes.

The person who didn't care about anything in the past, and nothing seemed to be able to enter his heart, really, didn't he care about anything?

But why, he had to hide it so well so that no one would find out?
"Then I will wait for you in the next life, the next life, until you accept me!" Duan Chengfeng looked at Fan Xing firmly, and made a promise, "Xiao Fan, you are the only salvation and the only sunshine in my life. You are the biggest loss and regret in my life! I was wrong before. I always thought that you became unhappy when you married me because you regretted it. I thought that the happiness I gave you would end here, so in your I had to let go of your hand when I filed for divorce, sorry!"

Forgive me for not being brave, forgive me for never knowing that you are unhappy not because I cannot give you happiness, but because you misunderstood me!
I don't know, I really don't know that someone made you think that I don't love you, and my own behavior makes you unable to believe my love for you.

I really don't know that my nonchalant attitude towards you will give others an opportunity to take advantage of you, cause you to misunderstand me, and also create a gap between us.

After all, I was wrong. I shouldn’t have doubted my ability so much, I shouldn’t have doubted that I couldn’t give you happiness, I shouldn’t have failed to show my sincerity to you, let you misunderstand, and caused you to be hurt so deeply by me!

Really sorry!

Duan Chengfeng has always been a person who doesn't explain much, so he naturally won't tell Fan Xing all his thoughts. Get used to silently proving your mind with actions!
This has been his habit for more than 30 years, and it is impossible to completely change it overnight!

Besides, Duan Chengfeng himself is not a talkative person who likes to be sensational. In Duan Chengfeng's view, the guilt in his heart is not something that he can buy or sell just by saying it, so he only chose to apologize.

For the rest, he will use actions to prove his determination to Fan Xing, not just words!

Therefore, for the rest, Duan Chengfeng said silently in his heart, his usual calm appearance had long since disappeared, and what was left at this moment was just a man's eyes full of remorse and regret.

Duan Chengfeng looked at Fan Xing with guilt on his face, and said "I'm sorry" for the first time, which made Fan Xing momentarily surprised and unable to react!

How... how could this be?
She thought that Duan Chengfeng agreed to the divorce without hesitation because he really didn't care about herself, so he answered so simply, but she didn't think he would agree because of his unhappiness these years!

What exactly is going on?

Why is what I think completely different from what Duan Chengfeng thinks?
What went wrong?
She was unhappy, but that was also because she thought Duan Chengfeng didn't love her, she thought Duan Chengfeng loved someone else!

And Duan Shengfeng has always been indifferent to him, but he can be so gentle and considerate to Lan Shu, and even goes to see Lan Shu often without telling himself!

Those intimate photos, and Lan Shu's ability to answer her calls, proved that the two of them had a close relationship!
Lan Shu is Lan Xin's younger sister, and Duan Chengfeng treats Lan Shu a hundred times better than he treats himself!
With such a stark contrast, Duan Chengfeng's attitude towards her is completely different from that towards Lan Shu. Fan Xing will naturally think that Duan Chengfeng cares about Lan Xin and Lan Shu very much!

But now, what the hell is going on?
Everything that Duan Chengfeng said seemed to be unfounded, Fan Xing suddenly felt that those thoughts he had were ridiculous!

But if it wasn't for Duan Chengfeng who has been hiding her from her, never expressing his feelings to her, and always being indifferent to her, then how could she have so many wild thoughts?
Therefore, in the final analysis, the reason why they are in today's situation is because they don't trust each other enough, and Duan Chengfeng failed to give her a sense of security!

Even now that Duan Chengfeng is trying so hard to prove his heart to her, Fan Xing's insecurity will always exist and cannot be eliminated!
what is the reason behind the scene?

What is the reason why Duan Chengfeng can't face himself thoroughly, can't show himself his sincerity, can't explain everything clearly?

If Duan Chengfeng has not been able to fully open his heart to himself, then these conflicts, these things will definitely happen again!
Therefore, even with some clues now, Fan Xing still can't accept Duan Chengfeng, because Duan Chengfeng still seems to have a huge secret hidden in his heart, if that secret is not revealed, then their problems will always exist!

"Duan Chengfeng, the past is all in the past, and I don't want to delve into it. Now that we are where we are today, it can be said that the most important reason is ourselves. If there is no problem with ourselves, then no matter how others destroy it, as long as we are firm If we trust each other, the destruction of others will naturally lose its effect. Therefore, regardless of other external factors, our mutual problems are the biggest, maybe we are really inappropriate!"

After thinking about it, Fan Xing continued, "My personality is cheerful, and I will work hard to get what I want, but you are very indifferent, and there are very few things you care about, and you don't care much about anything. It will definitely hurt me, I am a person who needs to be recognized and acknowledged, and I don't want my giving to be unresponsive all the time. I am not a saint, I can always give, I also need encouragement, I need to respond, only this I can go on. But these are things you can’t give me, so we may not be suitable or not, love does not have to be together, I have tried hard, but still have nothing, so I am tired, give up."

Seeing Duan Chengfeng's face getting darker and darker, Fan Xing knew that saying this would hurt him, but Fan Xing had no choice, "Let's do it this way, you just fulfill your responsibilities and take good care of the child. We will cut off contact in the future. But don't worry, I will not cut off the family relationship between you and your children. If you want children, I can send them to you, but the premise is that the children must be raised by me, so you Promise me that the custody of the child will be handed over to me!"

Although he knew that everything before might really be a misunderstanding, it also made Fan Xing realize that there was a real problem between the two of them!
(End of this chapter)

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