Chapter 131

Fan Xing thought about it carefully, and it took seven years for him to be unable to get into Duan Chengfeng's heart, which must only mean that the problem between the two of them is very serious, maybe it is really inappropriate!
Now that they have separated, there is no need to worry about it anymore.

The past is all over, since those misunderstandings are just misunderstandings, let's forget it!
It's just that a little misunderstanding will get bigger and bigger, and it will become what it is today, which proves that they may really be inappropriate!
I spent seven years and couldn't change anything, so let's just let them be like they are now, and be the most familiar strangers!

But maybe, they have never been familiar with it, and it is not necessarily true!
Seven years of getting along, in fact, Fan Xing knew very little about Duan Chengfeng, and did Duan Chengfeng really understand her?

Perhaps, they have never been close to each other, and it will be a matter of time before they separate. Now that he knows the reason why Duan Chengfeng agreed to the divorce, Fan Xing can't do anything but sigh.

Maybe they really have nothing to do with each other?
This life is destined to be a unilateral pursuit of each other, it was her in the past, and it is him now, but this kind of pursuit seems to never reach the other shore!

In the past, it was he who kept her away, but now, she is the one who refuses him. Is it possible for them like this?
the answer is negative!
"Okay, I don't want to discuss this issue in the future. We just need to take good care of the children now. I don't want to think about the rest. The past is over, and there is no point in pursuing it now. Let's do it! We are destined It's over!"

Regarding this question, starting today, Fan Xing doesn't want to think about it anymore, because every time he says it, Fan Xing will feel that he was ridiculous before!
Those things that were originally non-existent have become facts in each other's hearts because of the two of them. Is it necessary for such a fragile love, such a marriage without any trust and communication, to continue to exist?
After Fan Xing finished speaking, he looked at Duan Chengfeng, hoping that Duan Chengfeng would agree to his request.

But Duan Chengfeng just listened quietly to what Fan Xing said, and the fingertips holding the steering wheel were already turning white from clenching. When Fan Xing finished speaking, Duan Chengfeng just said lightly, "Here, you go first Busy, I'll bring you lunch at noon!"

After finishing speaking, Duan Chengfeng got out of the car and opened the door, and handed the things to Fan Xing, "Here are some nuts and snacks, eat them first if you are hungry, and I will come back at noon!"

After speaking, Duan Chengfeng handed the things to Fan Xing and got into the car, closed the door with a "bang", and drove away quickly with a "swish".

Seeing Duan Chengfeng driving so fast for the first time, Fan Xing couldn't help but feel a little worried, and was about to call to persuade him, but remembering their current relationship, Fan Xing resisted his impulse.

"Forget it, he has always been very measured, so he shouldn't be so impulsive!" Thinking of this, Fan Xing also felt relieved, and was about to enter the company with the snacks in his hand, but saw Lan Shu's face with a smile that was not a smile Look at yourself.

"Sister Shiny, who was that just now? It was driving a Ferrari! That's a limited edition this year, isn't it your mysterious suitor?" Lan Shu smiled innocently, how harmless would that look be, As harmless as it is, she is like a curious little girl, gossiping about asking Fan Xing for something.

But who knew, seeing that scene just now, seeing Duan Chengfeng's concern for Fan Xing, and listening to Duan Chengfeng's entrustment, how unhappy she felt in her heart!

However, even though her heart was full of jealousy, Lan Shu still kept her innocent image, greeted Fan Xing with a smile, and gossiped to Fan Xing seemingly carelessly!

This kind of Lan Shu confuses Fan Xing. She clearly remembers that since the last time she met Lan Shu and Duan Chengfeng in the garage, Lan Shu's attitude towards herself has changed drastically. Call her "Sister Shiny" again, but what happened to Lan Shu today, and she started treating herself like a normal person again?

Although he didn't understand why Lan Shu's attitude towards him changed so quickly and strangely, Fan Xing still kept an eye out, "It's just a friend, he dropped me off on the way."

Duan Chengfeng is considered a "friend" to her now, right?It's not like she's hiding it.

"Oh, is that so? But why do I think he looks like Brother Sheng?" Lan Shu glanced at Fan Xing thoughtfully, and then said innocently, "I remember Brother Sheng too. Driving this year’s limited edition Ferrari, but Brother Sheng is not an employee of Fengshang, and Sister Shiny probably doesn’t know Brother Sheng either! Brother Sheng is usually a low-key person, and it’s impossible for Brother Sheng to appear at the gate of Fengshang so ostentatiously, um, that’s definitely not Brother Sheng , Brother Sheng’s passenger car seat, except for my sister and me, has never been used by anyone else! I must have read it wrong just now, haha, how could it be Brother Sheng! If it is Brother Sheng, Fengshang will definitely come when he comes Find me, hee hee."

She smiled mischievously. Lan Shu's expression was full of shyness unique to girls. She looked like a young girl in love talking about her beloved. The sweetness and happiness in that expression were not concealed at all. , and even has the possibility of infinite magnification.

Holding Fan Xing's arm, Lan Shu remembered something, and continued to say without thinking, "Sister Shiny, I didn't tell you, I like Brother Sheng very much. Brother Sheng used to be my sister's boyfriend. My sister I was only ten years old at the time, and I saw how gentle and considerate Brother Sheng was to his sister. Do you know? At that time, I made up my mind that when I grow up, I must find someone who is as gentle and considerate as Brother Sheng! Hehe, Sister Shiny, You don’t know who my sister is, do you? Let me tell you, my sister is a beautiful woman. At that time, my sister was in college, and there were many boys who wanted to chase her! By the way, I still have her photo in my mobile phone. show you!"

After Lan Shu finished speaking, she took out the mobile phone she had prepared, and found the photo of Lan Xin and Duan Chengfeng smiling happily together, while talking, she continued to praise, "Sister Shiny, look, I am my sister, And this is brother Sheng from ten years ago, hehe, you have seen him before, right? He hasn't changed at all, he's still so handsome, and even more attractive than before."

Lan Shu looked carefully at Fan Xing's eyes, and saw that Fan Xing's face became a little stiff and unnatural, Lan Shu continued her efforts, "Hehe, look, my sister and brother Sheng are a natural match, look at them standing together. What a perfect fit together!"

(End of this chapter)

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