Chapter 132

As Lan Shu said, there was also a little jealousy and yearning in her eyes, "Although I was young at that time, I saw Brother Sheng and my sister together every day and thought they were very happy! But since my sister died ten years ago , Brother Cheng has never smiled so happily again."

After Lan Shu finished speaking, there was also a look of sadness on her face, "I remember that Brother Sheng seemed to be a different person at the beginning, and he didn't speak for several days. Later, I heard Sister Lin said that Brother Sheng fainted that day. I At that time, I was thinking, what kind of deep love does brother Sheng have to be so sad and sad because of his sister's departure?"

In fact, Lan Shu didn't remember what happened, she only knew that one day Duan Chengfeng suddenly found her and said that her sister had left, and he would take care of her in the future!
At that time, Lan Shu was only ten years old, but the precocious Lan Shu also understood the meaning of Duan Chengfeng's words. She knew that her sister had left forever.

She had to admit that although she was a little guilty, a little disturbed, and a little sad when she heard the news of her sister's departure, she did not regret the decision she had made, even if her sister left for her own reasons!

Because she also wants that man, no matter how much she pays, she will get him!
"Sister Shiny, do you know? Brother Sheng loves my sister very much! He loves me so much that even as my sister's younger sister, he loves me in every possible way. For the past ten years, my basic necessities, food, housing, transportation and various expenses have all been paid for by Sheng. My brother arranged it, brother Sheng sent me to study in the best school, and originally planned to send me to study abroad, but I couldn't bear him and refused!"

Continuing to show Fan Xing the photo in her hand, Lan Shu seemed to be showing off, "Sister Shiny, look, this doll was bought for me by brother Sheng on my 20th birthday! You have seen it before, it is The oversized teddy bear I held in my hand the last time we met! And this one, have you seen it? It was bought for me by brother Sheng when I was sick last winter when he came to visit me. This one Cute puppy, I still cherish it until now, every day when I see him, I will think of Brother Sheng, and when I think of his kindness to me, I know that Brother Sheng must care about me in his heart, but he has not forgotten his sister That's all, but I will wait, I will wait until the day when brother Cheng forgets his sister, I believe that brother Yicheng treats me well, and he will accept me one day!"

In the end, Lan Shu put away the phone and did not forget to tell Fan Xing, "By the way, this phone was also given to me by brother Sheng. I remember that this phone was just produced at that time, and there were only a few in the world! Sister Shiny , do you think Brother Sheng loves me very much?"

Lan Shu showed Fan Xing the phone as if showing off, and finally looked at Fan Xing with longing eyes, "Sister Shiny, do you think Brother Sheng loves me more? Or does my sister love me more?"

Those mischievous eyes looked at Fan Xing expectantly, as if what she just said was not intentional, but just a simple little girl fantasizing about her lover's sweet dreams, and she couldn't see that she had any intentions. Any scheming!
"It's getting late, I'm going to work, Orchid, go get busy too! That's your business, it has nothing to do with me!" After hearing so much from Lan Shu, all of them belonged to Duan Chengfeng and Lan Shu Lanxin Fan Xing is very upset about the good memories!
Duan Chengfeng on the phone did smile genuinely. Although the smile was as pale as ever, the happiness in his eyes couldn't fool anyone!
Didn't you say you don't love me?

But why do you smile so genuinely and happily when facing them, but only when facing yourself, you smile so far away that I can't get close? !
Duan Chengfeng, Duan Chengfeng, who is in your heart, do you know?

Can I trust you like this again?
"Then sister Shiny, go get busy. I'm sorry, I've bothered you for so long. It's been a long time since I've met someone I can talk to, so after talking so much, you won't laugh at me, will you?" Embarrassed. Tongue, Lan Shu smiled "apologetically" at Fan Xing, she really looked like a simple little girl, without any scheming!

"It's okay, go get busy, I have to work too!" Looking at Lan Shu's appearance, Fan Xing had nothing to say, even if he knew that Lan Shu did it on purpose, so what?Anyway, does she have any relationship with Duan Chengfeng now? Does what she said have anything to do with her?


So, never mind, never mind!
"Then... Sister Shiny, goodbye! I'll see you again when I have time!" Lan Shu waved mischievously, and Lan Shu quickly ran away.

And Fan Xing, who comforted himself in his heart not to mind, didn't see Lan Shu's sinister expression the moment he turned around, and naturally missed Lan Shu's ugly face full of jealousy!

After Lan Shu ran away, she took out her mobile phone, found the previous photo of Lan Xin and Duan Chengfeng, and glanced at it obsessively, "Hehe, sister, it took me a long time to find your photo, brother Sheng locked that room , It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s a good thing I crawled in from the outside cleverly, and got the photo! But this evidence can’t be kept, so sister, I’m sorry!” After speaking, Lan Shu quickly pressed the delete button, and put The photo has been deleted!
Then she turned to the phone and looked at a few other photos. Lan Shu smiled strangely, "Shiny, Fan Xing, my sister can't beat me, let alone you? Just wait, wait and see yourself ruined , let's see if Big Brother Sheng still wants you!"

After finishing speaking, Lan Shu glanced at the photo of Duan Chengfeng on the desktop of the mobile phone with nostalgia, her eyes were full of obsession, "Brother Cheng, you are mine, you know? I sacrificed my sister and lost the only relative in my life, who is In order to get you! So, you can't let me down, you, you know?"

Fan Xing's agitated heart became even more agitated when Lan Shu told her so much about the first-year call. Although she knew that Lan Shu did it on purpose, she cared a lot when looking at those photos. if!
Although he was skeptical, Fan Xing knew that Duan Chengfeng had never lied to her, so although he was very conflicted, Fan Xing still believed in Duan Chengfeng in his heart, but she still had a knot in her heart, so she chose not to go. Believe it!

Duan Chengfeng's apology this morning let Fan Xing know that there was indeed a misunderstanding between the two of them, but Fan Xing doesn't want to delve into it now.

Because she has already decided to give up, she will naturally not give herself a chance to look back!
(End of this chapter)

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