Chapter 133

But what Lan Shu said today, and those warm photos, Fan Xing had to admit that she was very jealous!

Yes, she is jealous!
Why is Duan Chengfeng able to smile so openly to others, but to himself alone?
What's the difference?

If Duan Chengfeng didn't love herself, why did he marry herself?

If Duan Chengfeng really cared about Lan Shu, why didn't Duan Chengfeng stay with Lan Shu?

Stimulated by Lan Shu, Fan Xing had to carefully examine the relationship between himself and Duan Chengfeng, and think carefully about why they were together for the past seven years, and why Duan Chengfeng treated him like this?

She didn't want to get involved with Duan Cheng before, so she didn't think about it too much. Now that she thinks about it carefully, Fan Xing thinks there are many suspicious things!

With Duan Chengfeng's calm personality, if he didn't really care, how could he have been with me for seven years?How could he treat her well and spoil her for seven years?
In the past, Fan Xing thought he was a stand-in, that's why Duan Chengfeng treated her like that, but thinking about it now, although Duan Chengfeng's attitude towards Lan Xin was not clear, but now carefully recalling the scene Duan Chengfeng explained at the beginning, Fan Xing remembered that there were many things in Duan Chengfeng's eyes. A complex emotion, but there is no love, more regret and guilt!
Therefore, Fan Xing calmed down and thought about it now, she knew that she should actually trust Duan Chengfeng, Duan Chengfeng would never lie to her, if he said he didn't love him, then he really didn't love him!

Maybe he didn't say it clearly, maybe he really had difficulties!
What's more, if Duan Chengfeng really loves Lan Xin, then Lan Shu will not come to tell him about it. Fan Xing knows that Lan Shu may be a person who hides things deeply, and what she says may not be credible, so it is better than Compared with Lan Shu, Fan Xing is more willing to trust Duan Chengfeng!

Calm down to get rid of distracting thoughts and start to analyze these relationships. Although there are many fans who still don't understand, Fan Xing has seen Duan Chengfeng's performance in his eyes these days. Although Fan Xing deliberately ignores it, Fan Xing Xing knew that Duan Chengfeng was working hard to change for her!

Fan Xing originally wanted to pretend not to know, and tried his best to shield everything Duan Chengfeng did from the wall of his heart, not to care, not to care, not to think too much!
Therefore, Fan Xing did not accept Duan Chengfeng's previous explanation and today's apology from the bottom of his heart, but instead tried his best to push Duan Chengfeng further away!
Because she subconsciously chose to block everything about Duan Chengfeng, subconsciously chose not to make more guesses, and no longer fantasized about what Duan Chengfeng wanted to do!
But today Lan Shu said so much, although Fan Xing was stimulated, it also made Fan Xing calm down, and began to think seriously about Duan Chengfeng.

There are some things that Fan Xing has figured out and accepted, but there are still many things that Fan Xing still can't figure out!
Just like Duan Chengfeng's attitude towards her!

Why can't you love her after marrying her?

Divorced but came to pester her?
In addition to these, Fan Xing basically understands the relationship between Duan Chengfeng, Lan Xin and Lan Shu. Apart from not knowing how Lan Xin died, Fan Xing is basically sure that Duan Chengfeng has no other thoughts about Lan Xin, and his love for Lan Shu. Care is also due to guilt.

But Fan Xing still doesn't understand one thing, since Duan Chengfeng doesn't love Lan Xin, why did he call Lan Xin by her name on the wedding day?
So, in the final analysis, Fan Xing cares most about this!

And this is also the most fundamental reason why Fan Xing has been unable to accept Duan Chengfeng!
Fan Xing thought it over clearly and understood the general situation, but she didn't intend to forgive Duan Chengfeng just because of this!

Understanding is one thing, forgiveness is another of course!

He made himself suffer so much, how could she forgive so easily?
Let Duan Chengfeng enter the observation period first, she will take a look first before talking!

So, just like this, Lan Shu stole chickens and lost money. She originally wanted Fan Xing to retreat in the face of difficulties, to let Fan Xing know how much he weighed, and not to do things beyond his power, but she didn't expect that Because of her provocation, Fan Xing would never forgive Duan Chengfeng, but now he suddenly figured out something, and he is not so against Duan Chengfeng anymore.

If Lan Shu knew that what she did would have the opposite effect, if she knew that she would not do anything unnecessary, Fan Xing and Duan Chengfeng would continue to respect each other like guests, and it would be impossible to get back together, but what she did, inspired Fan Xing His stubbornness, that stubbornness broke through the barrier in Fan Xing's heart, and made Fan Xing lose a lot of grudges against Duan Chengfeng, so Lan Shu would probably die of anger!

Some people are like this, the more you want her to think about it, the less she will think about it!
Just like Duan Chengfeng's explanation and apology to Fan Xing, Fan Xing had already made a decision in his heart, so no matter what Duan Chengfeng said, Fan Xing consciously broke away from the track that Duan Chengfeng wanted her to think in that direction, and followed her own path. So no matter what Duan Chengfeng said, Fan Xing's answer would always be the answer she had decided early on!
But Lan Shu made such a fuss, originally wanted Fan Xing to continue thinking in that direction, but Fan Xing stopped and went back to the opposite track, so naturally, Fan Xing returned to the direction that Duan Chengfeng wanted Fan Xing to go to Think track!
Fan Xing is very persistent, but also very stubborn. The unconvinced factor in her bones makes her always subconsciously choose a trajectory that is opposite to other people's ideas. She is always stubborn and refuses to turn back, which makes it useless for classmate Duan !

However, Lan Shu was not reconciled and stepped in, so Fan Xing's stubborn factor continued to cause trouble, leading to the current picture.

Therefore, Lan Shu made a wrong calculation on this move. She ignored Fan Xing's stubbornness, as well as Fan Xing's wisdom and his deep love for Duan Chengfeng!
Fan Xing has figured out some things, although there are still things she doesn't understand, but she is not in a hurry, anyway, she has plenty of time now, just take her time!

After thinking about it, Fan Xing came to the design department. As soon as he entered the door, he saw everyone looking at him with different expressions, which made Fan Xing baffled.

Fan Xing stood at the door and took a few steps back to see if the sign at the door was the design department!
This can't be blamed for Fan Xing's surprise, it's just because when Fan Xing comes to the design department, everyone has already buried their heads in hard work, and they don't have any intention of raising their heads!

But seeing everyone looking at her with different expressions today, Fan Xing always has the illusion that everyone is waiting for her!

When did the busy people in the design department start to relax and look at themselves with gossip?

Fan Xing turned his head and looked at the big words "Design Department" on the door, making sure that he had gone the right way, and then glanced at the people in the office.

(End of this chapter)

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