Chapter 134

Well, it is indeed a colleague who usually works here!
Then this is the design department, yes.

Although she was delayed by Lan Shu for a while today, she looked at the watch in her hand, she was not late!
Fan Xing carefully looked around, no leader came to inspect?

Could it be that Duan Chengfeng sent her here today to be seen?
But there was no one around at that time?
And Duan Chengfeng left within a few minutes, no one should have seen him, right?

Looking around strangely, Fan Xing always felt that everyone looked at him very strangely and weirdly. Some of them had expressions that wanted to eat her, and some of them even looked at him with glowing eyes. It made Fan Xing's goosebumps almost fall all over the floor!
Rubbing his small arms, Fan Xing squeezed out an awkward smile, "Hey, good morning everyone!" After finishing speaking, Fan Xing tried his best to avoid everyone's menacing eyes and walked to his office, but Got stopped again.

"Excuse me, is this Miss Shiny?" The one who stopped Fan Xing was a flower girl holding a large bouquet of flowers in both hands. Seeing Fan Xing was like seeing a savior!
"Yes... I, what can I do for you?" Looking at the flower girl's face that was almost buried by flowers, Fan Xing couldn't help feeling worried, who sent such a large bouquet of flowers?
"This is your flower, can you please sign for it?" The flower girl saw Fan Xing admit it, and looked at Fan Xing with bright eyes, as if she would be relieved soon!
He has been treated as a spectacle here for a long time, and he can hardly take it anymore!
"Just sign here." The flower girl took out a piece of paper and handed it to Fan Xing, and smiled brightly at Fan Xing, "The person who sent the flowers told me that you must sign for it yourself, Miss Shiny is in trouble! "

If he hadn't asked to sign for it in person, he wouldn't have had to wait so long!
"Okay!" Seeing the helplessness and plea in the flower girl's eyes, Fan Xing had no choice but to sign his name, feeling very surprised in his heart, who gave him such a precious flower?
"Then the hundred blue enchantresses will be yours, and I'll leave!" Seeing Fan Xing signed, the flower girl obviously breathed a sigh of relief, handed the flowers to Fan Xing, smiled politely, I said goodbye.

Fan Xing held the large bouquet of flowers helplessly, speechless.

Who is it that so generously gave her a hundred blue enchantresses?

It's expensive, okay?

Fan Xing also read it in a magazine before. The process of cultivating blue enchantresses in the Netherlands is complicated and the cultivation process is very difficult, so the price of blue enchantresses is very expensive!
Although there are many fake blue enchantresses on the market, their color will fade easily!But Fan Xing could tell that these blue enchantresses were very fresh, and...

It looks like it was just picked from the garden!
Who is so boring!

Have money but nowhere to spend it?
Although Fan Xing is rich and lives a very prosperous life, Fan Xing has always advocated thrift and opposed extravagance and waste!
"Hey, Shiny, tell me, who gave it to you?" Zhang Shuqi, who was watching the excitement, couldn't sit still, and hurried to Fan Xing to gossip, "I've seen the real blue Enchantress, I heard it is very expensive! This bunch of [-] flowers is definitely an imported product, so fresh, maybe it was just airlifted from Holland! This is estimated to be my salary for several months , tell me, who is so generous to give you such an expensive gift?"

Zhang Shuqi smiled treacherously, and there were still a lot of gossip factors at play, "Tell me who is that mysterious suitor?"

As soon as Zhang Shuqi opened her mouth, the rest of the people gathered together.

"Yes, Shiny, although we haven't received so many, we have seen it. Tell me, who is it? So romantic?"

"I heard that the flower language of the blue enchantress is also very beautiful. What is it... By the way, pure love and honesty and kindness! Knowing each other is a kind of fate. The meeting of hearts makes us have endless romantic feelings. Enjoy It is a kind of promise, in the reincarnation of the world, we will always remember our beautiful love story! Wow, I like it so much, what a beautiful artistic conception! And there are a whole hundred flowers, I am so envious!"

"What does a hundred flowers mean?"

"Stupid, [-]% in love, this proves that the person who gave the flowers is [-]% in love with Shiny! Wow, so romantic, I really want it too!"

"Shiny, we have been working together for so long, just tell us, please satisfy our curiosity, I really want to know who is so romantic, so romantic!"

Looking at those wolf-like eyes in front of him, seeing the extremely gossip interest in everyone's eyes, Fan Xing couldn't help but get black lines all over his head.

Why did she think that the people in the design department were serious and serious, they only knew about design work every day, and they didn't care about other people's private affairs at all?

Why does Fan Xing think that the women in the design department are good, even the men are so gossip when he sees the eyes of the person in front of him start to glow? !
Swallowing his saliva, Fan Xing tried his best to avoid the spread of everyone's gossip, and smiled helplessly, "Ahem, that, it's not that I don't say it, it's that I really don't know! There is no name on this card!" In order to prove his innocence, Fan Xing took out Huali's card and showed it to everyone.

In fact, she was also very curious, who was so generous and boring to send her so many flowers?
Fan Xing knew that it could not be Duan Chengfeng, because Duan Chengfeng knew that she was reluctant to watch the flowers wither, so naturally he would not send her flowers.

Then, who would it be?
Moring snatched the card, looked left and right, and finally exclaimed, "No way? Could it be Shiny's mysterious suitor? Wow, that person is so generous, romantic, and cute!"

"How could there be no name? Let me see?" Selly couldn't believe it, grabbed the card from Moring's hand, stared at every corner carefully, and almost stared at the card with a hole, and finally had to sigh, "Really not!" His eyes were full of disappointment!

"I'll see, I'll see!"

"And me, and me!"

In fact, no one in the whole office believed it. Everyone scrambled to grab the card and check it carefully, but no one could see anything.

In the end, Moring looked at Fan Xing with a gossipy face, "Shiny, you should know who it is?"

"That's right, Shiny, tell me quickly! You must know, tell me quickly!" This time, everyone didn't study the cards any more, and went directly to the protagonist to ask for the answer.

But Fan Xing really doesn't know!
"But I really don't know. Among the people I know, no one would give me these out of boredom!" Fan Xing was also very distressed, holding a bouquet of flowers with eyes full of helplessness.

(End of this chapter)

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