Chapter 135

"Oh, Shiny, why don't you be so stingy, why don't you tell us a few names for everyone to guess?" But there was someone who didn't let Fan Xing go!

"Yes, yes, let's guess together, the power of the masses is very powerful, we can eliminate them one by one!"

Everyone continued to gossip, leaving Fan Xing speechless—how did she never know that the people in the design department have such a talent for gossip?

Could it be that her previous impression of those people in the design department was just an illusion?
"Okay, everyone don't ask anymore, Shiny is still pregnant, everyone is busy, don't bother Shiny anymore, it's time for work!" Yan Qin couldn't stand it anymore, so she came out to make a rescue, "Everyone Although we haven't been together for a long time, I believe everyone understands Shiny's personality, she won't keep it secret, haven't you seen it? There is no name on the card!"

"Well, Shiny won't keep silent on purpose, she must really not know!" Seeing that Fan Xing was distressed, Zhang Shuqi also came out to make a rescue.

"Hey, it's really boring, let's go, go to work!" Selly took the lead to leave, because seeing Fan Xing's appearance, he really didn't know, and they couldn't ask anything!
"Let's go, I still have to catch up with the design draft!" Moring also left with interest.

"Ah, I was busy with this season's press conference just now!"

"Oops, I forgot too"

In a few seconds, everyone returned to their respective seats and started to get busy, and the atmosphere in the office suddenly fell silent, making Fan Xing almost doubt whether what she just felt was true.

"I'll get it!" Yan Qin looked at Fan Xing's hard work holding the bunch of flowers, and offered to help take the flowers in Fan Xing's hand.

"Hee hee, thank you Qinqin!" Feeling that his hands were finally relaxed, Fan Xing smiled and expressed his gratitude to Yan Qin.

"Hey, you really don't know who sent the stars?" It was rare for Zhang Shuqi to see so many blue enchantresses with her own eyes, so she naturally wouldn't let go of gossip.

"Qiqi, I really don't know, don't you see that I am distressed?" Fan Xing spread his hands free, showing that she was also at a loss.

"But..." Zhang Shuqi originally wanted to ask Fan Xing if he had any suitors recently, but Yan Qin interrupted.

"Okay, Qiqi, go get busy too. If the manager sees it, you will probably have your salary deducted this month. Aren't you going home to bring gifts to your parents? If you deduct your salary, let's see what you do with it!" Yan Qin didn't want Zhang Shuqi to continue to ask and trouble Fan Xing, so she had to stop her.

"Yeah, oops, I almost forgot, I went to work, Qinqin, Xingxing, bye!" After being reminded by Yan Qin, Zhang Shuqi remembered that she had been deducted a lot of wages this month, so she stopped thinking If you want to ask, run to busy.

Seeing Zhang Shuqi walking away, Yan Qin smiled at Fan Xing, "I'll help you take the flowers to the office, don't think too much, that person will show up!" Yan Qin also roughly guessed who it was, It's just that she didn't want to annoy Fan Xing, so she chose to remain silent.

"Well, Qinqin, who do you think it would be?" Who is so boring to send these flowers to her by air?Still so high profile?

"Don't think about it, he sent you off, he will contact you later!" With Mr. Qin's personality, he probably will send it off in the future. Thinking of the grand occasion in the office every day, Yan Qin feels a headache.

"Oh, by the way, Qinqin, tell me, could it be... him?" Fan Xing couldn't remember who it was after thinking about it, but seeing Yan Qin's worried expression, Fan Xing suddenly realized, Tun Swallowing his saliva, Fan Xing asked in disbelief, "No... Really... He... gave it to you, right? Oh, myGod!"

After Fan Xing finished speaking, as if avoiding the plague, he kept himself away from the bunch of blue enchantresses, and patted his weak little heart lightly, looking scared.

How could this be the case?
Fan Xing looked at the blue enchantress in front of him, his face full of helplessness.

To Fan Xing, that blue enchantress is like a hot potato, neither can be taken or thrown.

So Fan Xing had no choice but to ask Yan Qin to put the blue enchantress in the corner farthest away from her, so that she could see nothing!

But Fan Xing could still see it out of the corner of his eyes. Every time she saw it, she felt that the bunch of blue enchantresses were like Qin Yilian's monitor, which made Fan Xing very at a loss!
What should she do?
With both hands resting on the table, Fan Xing dragged his chin, his eyes full of tangled expressions.

Fan Xing was so helpless, entangled and depressed all morning, finally got off work, Fan Xing was sitting in the office waiting for Duan Chengfeng's lunch, this time Yan Qin and Zhang Shuqi also came over.

As soon as Yan Qin entered the door, she saw Fan Xing's tangled eyes fixed on the blue enchantress, she could only sigh helplessly, "Xing Xing, don't think about it, let's go eat!"

Yan Qin also understood Fan Xing's troubles, and she didn't expect that their President Qin was really determined to chase Fan Xing this time!
Fortunately, he gave high-profile flowers, but he himself did not announce his pursuit of Fan Xing in the company, which also made Yan Qin feel relieved.

Zhang Shuqi at the side saw it and couldn't understand, "Xing Xing, you should be happy if someone sent you flowers. They paid a lot of money to send them by air from the Netherlands, so you can enjoy it for a while, don't be so bitter! I'm not good at being a son!"

Zhang Shuqi doesn't have the troubles of Fan Xing. She has always felt that receiving flowers from others and being pursued by others is a happy thing-that proves that she is attractive, doesn't it?
How wonderful!
Fanxing sighed for the [-]th time, shook his head, and looked at Zhang Shuqi with a tangled face, "Qiqi, if you were in my current situation, I guess you would be more exaggerated than me!"

She has no right to refuse being coerced to be pursued and given flowers like this. Being so "forced" and not being able to resist is a person that will be very distressed, right?
"But..." Zhang Shuqi wanted to say, don't you think being pursued and liked by others is something to be proud of?

But Yan Qin didn't want to continue this topic to increase Fan Xing's troubles, "Okay, Qiqi, do you think Xing Xing's current status is suitable for dating?" Let Zhang Shuqi understand Fanxing's current situation.

"That's right, it takes time to fall in love. What Xing Xing lacks most now is time. I can't exhaust my godson, so Xing Xing, you can just wait for me to raise the baby, and the rest will wait for you to give birth." Tell me again, my child, and I will find you a better one when the time comes!" Zhang Shuqi patted her chest, which was not well developed, and said, "I am responsible for your future happiness"!

(End of this chapter)

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