Chapter 136

"Pfft...Qiqi, dare you only care about your godson, and don't care about me as a mother at all?" Now Zhang Shuqi, who never leaves her godson in three words, Fan Xing feels very happy—the child is very happy, Having three moms hurts!
It's just that Zhang Shuqi's behavior of "taking his own children as his own" made Fan Xing a little bit disgusted, so at the moment Fan Xing was so troubled by Zhang Shuqi, he also threw the matter of flowers to the other side of the Pacific Ocean, and started Made fun of Zhang Shuqi!

Looking at Fan Xing's aggrieved expression, Zhang Shuqi's face was immediately covered with black lines. Could this baby really change his temperament after being pregnant?Why are you acting like a child?
"Ahem, Xing Xing, you are one of my best friends, and of course I care about you!" Zhang Shuqi was speechless about Fan Xing's jealous behavior, "How about we treat you today?" , to show my concern for you?"

Seeing that Fanxing seems to be addicted to the game, and continued to play innocent and pitiful there, Zhang Shuqi resisted the urge to twitch the corners of her mouth, and planned to continue bloodletting, "A western restaurant opened recently near our company, and I heard that the steak there is very good, How about we go eat now?"

"Well, then I want to eat the most classic steak!"

Zhang Shuqi gritted her teeth, "Okay!"

"I'm pregnant and I need to add vegetables and fruits, so I want to order a fruit platter, two servings! I'm two people now!"

Zhang Shuqi continued to grit her teeth, "No problem!"

"It's not enough to just eat steak. I can't keep up with the nutrition. I have to order something else. As for what it is, we'll talk about it when we get there!"

Zhang Shuqi glared at Fan Xing angrily, and finally looked like she was swearing at death, "It's okay, eat more, my godson will also grow stronger!"

"By the way, Qinqin also wants to be the same as me!"

Zhang Shuqi glanced at Yan Qin as if asking for help, but the latter pretended not to see it, so Zhang Shuqi could only continue to grit her teeth, "Okay, you can eat whatever you want! I'll pay the bill!"

"And I'm pregnant, so I need to eat more snacks. You can order some snacks for me when you get there!"

Fan Xing smiled and put forward her request. Although Zhang Shuqi felt sorry for her salary, she couldn't help it!
She suddenly felt so pitiful. In the past, Yan Qin often slaughtered her, but now that Fan Xing came, she continued to slaughter her. Moreover, she had to look very willing and generously asked them to spend almost half a month's salary. fine dining restaurant!

Is there anyone more pitiful than her in this world?

She has already been deducted a lot of wages this month, if she has some more blood, then she probably won't have to go home this month to embarrass herself!

Seeing Zhang Shuqi's generous sacrifice, Fan Xing couldn't help laughing, "Haha, Qiqi, I know you are still waiting for this month's salary to go back to honor your parents, I was just kidding you, I forgot to mention, maybe I won't be able to eat with you in the future, and I will have someone responsible for my three meals in the future!" Jokes should be played in moderation, otherwise it will be bad.

"Xing Xing, you're playing tricks on me!" Zhang Shuqi originally planned to die generously for the sake of friendship, but at worst, she would go back empty-handed and shame on her face!
She had already made preparations for the appointment, but Fan Xing actually said that he was joking with her!
Zhang Shuqi was furious for a while, and rushed towards the place where Fan Xing was sitting, but before she could get there, Fan Xing was suddenly moved away!
Poor Zhang Shuqi was supposed to be strong enough to not hurt Fan Xing, but this time there was no one in front of her eyes, Zhang Shuqi lost her mind for a while, not knowing what to do, just in this daze, Zhang Shuqi could only It fell down gorgeously, and fell like a dog!
"Oh, my old waist!" Touching her waist, Zhang Shuqi felt that her waist was "broken".

"Qiqi, are you okay?" Fan Xing looked over worriedly, and looked at the person hugging him with a worried look on his face. Fan Xing felt sweet in his heart, but Fan Xing was still very sad when his friend fell because of him. guilty!
"I have something, I have something very serious, my old waist is about to break!" Zhang Shuqi supported her waist, and with Yan Qin's support, she finally stood up. She wanted to complain, but in the When she saw the person hugging Fan Xing, she instantly petrified, "You, you, you..." For a long time, Zhang Shuqi couldn't say anything except the word you.

"Qiqi, are you okay?" Fan Xing saw that Zhang Shuqi was not speaking well, and this time he really started to worry, avoiding Duan Chengfeng's arms, Fan Xing walked in front of Zhang Shuqi, "Show me if it's true." Did you flash your waist?" After finishing speaking, Fan Xing wanted to pull up the corner of Zhang Shuqi's clothes to have a look.

"No, I'm fine!" Zhang Shuqi immediately jumped a few meters away to avoid Fan Xing's clutches.

"Didn't you dodge to the waist?" Fan Xing saw Zhang Shuqi hiding from him, and really thought something happened to Zhang Shuqi, and was afraid of feeling guilty, so he didn't let her see it!
"Qiqi, I'm sorry, I'll take you to the hospital!" After Fan Xing finished speaking, he gave Duan Chengfeng a reproachful look, blaming him for making a fuss and hurting Zhang Shuqi!

Her look made Duan Chengfeng feel very guilty. He saw Zhang Shuqi pounce on Fanxing as soon as he entered the door. He was really impatient and didn't think too much about it. that danger zone.

However, looking at the situation now, it seems that he just misunderstood something.

I was also very guilty. Now that I calmed down, Duan Chengfeng saw that the person who jumped at Fan Xing just now was Fan Xing's college classmate, and he also knew that Zhang Shuqi was injured because of his messed up relationship, so Duan Chengfeng felt very complacent. "Are you okay? I'll take you to the hospital!" He caused the incident, so he should be responsible for sending Zhang Shuqi to the hospital for treatment.

Injury to the waist is no small matter!
"Well, I'm fine! I'm joking with Xing Xing!" Zhang Shuqi just wanted to scare Fan Xing, but she didn't expect to see Duan Chengfeng here, so she didn't react immediately!

Aren't they already divorced?Why, that person would appear in front of me again?

Seeing the person she had a crush on appear in front of her again unexpectedly, Zhang Shuqi couldn't tell what it was like, so she just lost her mind and forgot to react for a while!
"Are you really okay?" She glanced at Zhang Shuqi suspiciously, Fan Xing had clearly heard Zhang Shuqi's cry of pain just now.

How could it be all right?
"Well, Xiaofan is right. I was too worried just now, so I didn't notice that it was you who caused you to fall. Why don't I send you to the hospital for a checkup and see your waist?" It was all tied to Fan Xing's body, and he didn't notice Zhang Shuqi, now that he saw Fan Xing was so worried, he naturally thought that Zhang Shuqi was really seriously injured!

(End of this chapter)

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