Chapter 137

"I'm really fine, you see!" Zhang Shuqi now regrets that she pretended to be in pain so disregarding her image just now, and ended up putting such a big oolong in front of Duan Chengfeng, which made her very embarrassed!
So, now she has to work hard to restore her good image!
After Zhang Shuqi finished speaking, she moved her waist vigorously to prove that she was really fine!

"I just said I'm fine, you still don't believe me, it's true!" Zhang Shuqi regained her normal image, looking at Fan Xing as if you were making a fuss, but she never dared to look Duan Chengfeng in the eye!
"Okay, Xing Xing, Qiqi is really fine, she was just kidding with you!" Seeing that Fan Xing still seemed to be dubious, Yan Qin had to come out to smooth things over and change the subject, "You said that the person in charge of your three meals is not Him?"

Yan Qin only talked about him, without naming him by name, and she was not as polite as she was to Duan Chengfeng before, because she was not worthy of being a friend, and she also felt a little resentful towards Duan Chengfeng in her heart.

"Yes, Xing Xing, it can't really be... him?" Zhang Shuqi also wanted to try her best to indifference Duan Chengfeng, but after all, she was the person she had a crush on before, so she still couldn't be very indifferent!

"It's...he." After receiving Yan Qin's saber light and Zhang Shuqi's surprise, Fan Xing bit the bullet and spoke.

She knew that in the near future, she would face a new round of torture!

"Xing Xing, aren't you?" Zhang Shuqi blurted out without thinking it through. She clearly remembered that Fan Xing was very decisive at the beginning, and even planned to raise the child alone without Duan Chengfeng knowing, but now...

It's only been a few days, why has the world changed?
"Qiqi, that, I'll find time to explain to you!" Fan Xing felt something abnormal in the air, so she had no choice but to postpone the trouble.

"Xing Xing, you..." Zhang Shuqi was a little incoherent, she didn't know what to say, who made the things in front of her so shocking that she didn't know what to do.

"Qiqi, I believe Xingxing will explain to us soon!" Emphasizing the words "soon", Yan Qin glanced at Fan Xing lightly, making Fan Xing have a creepy illusion!
"Yes, I will explain it soon!" With an embarrassed smile, Fan Xing felt a little guilty, she knew that her two good friends really cared about her, it was really wrong for her to hide it like this!

It's just that she just promised Duan Chengfeng, she hasn't had a chance to say it yet!

Why is Yan Qin looking at herself with such a terrifying expression?

"That's good, Qiqi, since Xing Xing's three meals are covered by someone, then we two lonely people can solve it by ourselves, Xing Xing, let's go." After Yan Qin finished speaking, she pulled Zhang Shuqi, who was still wanting to talk, away, from the beginning to the end. Completely ignored Duan Chengfeng at the end!
She believes that Fan Xing will make it clear that she is not suitable to be a light bulb here anymore!

"..." Zhang Shuqi really wants to say something else, she is really curious, why are two people who are clearly divorced, but now they are still unclear? !
But Yan Qin dragged her away and refused to let her speak, which made Zhang Shuqi very depressed.

She really really wanted to know what was going on!
Seeing Yan Qin and Zhang Shuqi leave, Duan Chengfeng took out the lunch box that was put aside, "Drink some pork rib soup first, and add more calcium!" After speaking, he took out a sealed bowl and handed it to Fan Xing, and then continued to serve the dishes. Take it out and put it on the table.

Fan Xing silently took the bowl from Duan Chengfeng and was about to drink it, but...

"Sister Shiny, I bought some food, can we eat together?" Lan Shu "coincidentally" brought two lunch boxes, and went straight into Fan Xing's office without knocking on the door. When she saw Duan Chengfeng beside her, Lan Shu's face was full of surprise and disbelief, "Brother Cheng, why are you here?"

Lan Shu's face was full of surprises, as if she really didn't expect Duan Chengfeng to be here, "Are you here to talk about work? But it's lunch break, and sister Shiny wants to eat! Brother Sheng, you'd better come back later! "It seems that she doesn't understand the situation in front of her very much. Lan Shu continues to maintain her simple and good quality, and she will never think too much about it!
"Shushu, I'm not here to talk about work, I'm here to take care of Xiaofan!" Since the last time I made it clear to Lan Shu, Duan Chengfeng has been busy and hasn't seen Lan Shu for several days.

Now I see again that Lan Shu seems to be the innocent and lovely Lan Shu before, and has not changed because of her rejection.

That's good!
"But Brother Sheng, why do you take care of Sister Shiny? What does she have to do with you?" Lan Shu still couldn't figure out the situation, and continued to pretend to be an idiot.

"Xiaofan, she...she is pregnant with my child!" To be honest, Lan Shu's question was really difficult to answer. The two are now divorced, and they have nothing to do with each other except for the child.

"Oh, that's my sister-in-law! Sister Shiny, why don't you say that you are Brother Sheng's wife? You still hurt me... Really!" Embarrassedly sticking out her tongue at Fan Xing, Lan Shu's face A blush appeared, as if he had done something shy.

Indeed, it is indeed a "shy" thing to say that you like your brother in front of your sister-in-law!

"I'm not..." Fan Xing really wanted to say that I'm not your sister-in-law, but Lan Shu didn't give her this chance, she hugged Fan Xing directly, and called "Sister-in-law" in front of Duan Chengfeng!
"Sister-in-law, hehe, I really didn't expect that we are still colleagues. I heard that the clothes you designed are very beautiful, so can you design a few for me some other day? I like beautiful things the most!" Lan Shu began to act like a baby mischievously. , calling Fan Xing "sister-in-law" all the time, without giving Fan Xing any chance to explain or refuse!
"Orchid, that..." Fan Xing wanted Lan Shu to let go of herself, because she was very uncomfortable being hugged by Lan Shu, but Lan Shu "didn't realize" Fan Xing's reaction at all!

"Oh, sister Shiny, you can call me Shushu just like brother Sheng, you don't need to call me by my English name, hehe..." With a little effort in her hand, Lanshu really wanted to get the child in Fanxing's stomach like this Death, but she knew that the time was not yet ripe, and she had to wait for a while!
Fan Xing felt the pressure on his stomach, very uncomfortable, and wanted to push Lan Shu away, but Lan Shu hugged her tightly, smiling innocently, which made Fan Xing very distressed!

"Shushu, let go of Xiaofan, you will hurt the child in Xiaofan's stomach!" Duan Chengfeng always felt that there was something wrong with Lanshu's overly enthusiastic performance, but he just couldn't tell!
(End of this chapter)

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