Chapter 139

"No, I'll just eat my own box lunch!" Lan Shu continued to eat without raising her head, because now she can only calm down her jealousy as soon as possible, otherwise she can't guarantee that she won't slip up and say something wrong What she said destroyed her beautiful image in Duan Chengfeng's heart!
The atmosphere was a bit strange for a while, Fan Xing looked at Duan Chengfeng worriedly, "Show me your hand!" She used to deliberately ignore Duan Chengfeng's concern for her, so she would not think about many things, if it wasn't for Lan Shu reminded that she would never have imagined that Duan Chengfeng would be a little uncomfortable when he just learned to cook, and he would be injured accidentally!

"I'm fine, I've already applied the medicine, you eat first, don't worry about it!" In the past, he was a pampered young master. Duan Chengfeng hardly did any housework, so learning how to cook just now would be very difficult, especially the knife. , so that classmate Duan often has no way to grasp it well!
"I asked you to show it to me and you just show it to me, what are you talking about?" Fan Xing felt more and more that her temper was developing in a very rough direction, but she was not worried, anyway, she was pregnant now!

"..." Looking at the impatience in Fan Xing's eyes, Duan Chengfeng knew that he would not let it go if he didn't show Fan Xing, so he stretched out his left hand for Fan Xing to check.

"You're such an adult, how can you be so careless?!" Picking up Duan Chengfeng's hand and looking at the tiny wound on that flawless finger, Fan Xing felt slightly blocked and felt very uncomfortable.

With such a beautiful hand, it can be said that the ten fingers do not touch the spring water. Now that she is hurt like this because of herself, isn't this intentional to make her feel guilty?
Although he felt a little guilty, Fan Xing still spoke unceremoniously, "Aren't you very smart? You can cook a dish like this, so don't do it in the future!" Such a beautiful hand, what a pity to ruin it, Fan Xing Xing doesn't have to ask Duan Chengfeng to cook, at worst, she hires a nanny!Although she has become obsessed with Duan Shengfeng's cooking skills.

"It's okay, I just learned how to cook, and I'm not very proficient with knives, I won't do it in the future." Duan Chengfeng will never tell Fan Xing that he was caught by a shrimp when he was cooking shrimps today, making Fan Xing worry that he already let him I feel guilty, he doesn't want to add to Fan Xing's troubles!
"You eat first, and you'll get cold if you don't eat any vegetables." Seeing that Fan Xing didn't respond for a long time, Duan Chengfeng had no choice but to persuade him.

Although Fan Xing is now starting to care about him, he is very happy, but he still doesn't want Fan Xing to bother him!
"This is a band-aid, you stick it yourself!" Taking out a band-aid from the drawer, Fan Xing threw it to Duan Chengfeng and sat down to eat in silence, ignoring Duan Chengfeng.

She just planned to let Duan Chengfeng enter the observation period today, why did these things happen?

Hey, could it be that even God is helping Duan Chengfeng?
Fan Xing was speechless, she felt that it was wrong for her to start caring about Duan Chengfeng so easily, she shouldn't give Duan Chengfeng a good face so soon!
A little regretting his behavior, Fan Xing had no choice but to keep silent.

"Ah, what is that, such a beautiful blue enchantress!" Lan Shu finally got her mood in order, and now she returned to her previous heartless look, "One, two, three, four... One hundred flowers! It means one hundred percent love, brother Sheng, did you send such beautiful flowers?"

Lan Shu looked at Duan Chengfeng curiously. From Duan Chengfeng's puzzled eyes, she guessed that the person who gave the flowers was someone else, but she said so on purpose!

"Brother Cheng, you are so romantic, this blue flower is so beautiful, sister-in-law, you are so happy!" Lan Shu looked envious, but there was gloating in her eyes!
She couldn't believe that Duan Chengfeng wouldn't think about these flowers when he saw these flowers!
She can destroy a little bit, take her time, she is not in a hurry!
"Sister-in-law, look at how much Brother Sheng cares about you and treats you so well. These flowers are very precious at first glance, and I know that Brother Sheng has put a lot of thought into it!" Lan Shu smiled heartlessly, those words seemed like It's really what she thinks in her heart, she envies Fan Xing very much, Duan Chengfeng treats Fan Xing very well!

But in Duan Chengfeng's heart, it was another man who put a lot of thought into Fan Xing and treated Fan Xing very well!
"Shushu, it's almost time for work, isn't it? Go get busy!" Although he was feeling annoyed, Duan Chengfeng didn't show it, but uttered words to chase people away.

"Okay, I got it! But brother Sheng, you can't be partial, I like flowers too! You can give me some flowers some other day too!" Before leaving, Lan Shu said again, "But I don't want flowers." Roses, roses represent love, Brother Sheng, don’t make a mistake! Brother Sheng, see you sister-in-law!”

Saying goodbye with a smile, the moment Lan Shu turned around, her face was full of pride and determination!
Fan Xing, just wait, you will soon taste how serious the consequences of robbing my brother Sheng are!

I have been waiting for ten years, I am not in a hurry!
Just let you be proud for a while!
Watching Lan Shu leave, Duan Chengfeng smiled at Fan Xing, "Xiao Fan, you are pregnant, these flowers are not good for the baby, I'd better take them away!" Duan Chengfeng is a typical nonsense with open eyes , he knew that this flower was given by Qin Yilian, so he naturally wouldn't let this flower be an eyesore here!

"Well, take it away!" Fan Xing was actually thinking about what to do with the flower, and now that Duan Chengfeng offered to help, Fan Xing was naturally happy to accept it!
Fan Xing suddenly felt that Duan Chengfeng's shield was very useful, maybe next time Qin Yilian said something out of line, she could use Duan Chengfeng to prevaricate Qin Yilian directly.

Thinking of this, Fan Xing suddenly felt that it was a very wise choice for her to let Duan Chengfeng take care of herself!

"Okay, then you have a good rest, and eat some nut snacks when you're hungry, and I'll pick you up in the evening!" After Duan Chengfeng finished speaking, he packed up his things and left with a bouquet of flowers.

As soon as he went out, he saw a few employees of the design department who had come back from dinner. Seeing those people looking at him in surprise, Duan Chengfeng left without any response.

Duan Chengfeng generally takes an ignorant attitude towards people he doesn't know!

"Uh... If I remember correctly, there is no such person in our fashion design department?" Employee A waited for Duan Chengfeng to leave for a long time before he realized, "My God, who is such a handsome person? No, no, no. , I'm going to faint."

"That man is comparable to our president, but he seems more difficult to approach than the president. The president is a bit cold, but he is easy to get along with. But that man, no matter how I look at him, I dare not approach him?"

"Yes, yes, you didn't see the look in his eyes when he just walked over, and he didn't respond to a super beautiful woman like me, do you think he is abnormal?" Staff C looked at his hot body, His face was unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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