Chapter 140

"Oh, by the way, I just saw that he was holding the blue enchantress that Shiny received this morning. Do you think he is Shiny's mysterious suitor?" Someone finally thought of something sharp-eyed.

"Come on, let's ask Shiny! Such a handsome guy, Shiny is really blessed!"

"I'm so envious of Shiny, she's still being pursued even when she's pregnant!"

"Maybe, maybe that person is Shiny's husband! Isn't her husband never showing up? I think Shiny is afraid that we will snatch her husband away, so she won't let her husband come to the company!"

"That's right, but why does Shiny have a husband, and it looks like her husband is quite rich, so why does Shiny still come to work with a big belly? I thought she came here because of the burden of the family!"

"Oh, let's go ask and find out! Let's go, Shiny should tell us while there are few people!"

"Yes, ask! It's no fun to guess by yourself!"

So several colleagues went to Fan Xing's office together, making Fan Xing unable to take a good rest.

After finally sending his colleagues away, Fan Xing had to explain the ins and outs to Yan Qin and Zhang Shuqi, and had to endure Zhang Shuqi's screams from time to time, as well as Yan Qin's constant silence.

Yan Qin's reaction made Fan Xing very uneasy. After Fan Xing finished explaining, Yan Qin just asked calmly, "Have you thought about it?" The rest of Yan Qin didn't say much, which made Fan Xing very uneasy. .

Fan Xing very consciously promised to invite Yan Qin and the others to have a big meal tonight and let the king slaughter him, which made Zhang Shuqi shut up and Yan Qin's face looked better.

Fan Xing knew that they just wanted to find a time to have a good talk with him, and Fan Xing was very moved when he understood his friend's concern.

All day today, Fan Xing felt that she was full of gossip from her colleagues, which made her want to escape, but there was no way!

After finally getting off work, Fan Xing went downstairs without stopping to prepare to leave, but at the door he saw Duan Chengfeng and Qin Yilian standing there face to face, the atmosphere was a bit weird.

Fan Xing looked at Qin Yilian, and automatically flashed to Duan Chengfeng's side, "Didn't you say you came to pick me up? Let's go home!" If she couldn't respond to Qin Yilian, then she shouldn't give Qin Yilian any hope.

So let her use Duan Chengfeng as a shield, who made Duan Chengfeng so "easy to use"? !

"President Qin, I think you also know that Feng is my husband, and we plan to get back together now, so please don't bother me again, okay?" Fan Xing called Duan Chengfeng "Feng" intimately for the first time after the divorce, This made Duan Chengfeng both surprised and delighted. Duan Chengfeng, who would not easily express his emotions in front of others, was so excited that he held Fan Xing's hand, and an expression called "silly smile" appeared on his face.

Fan Xing's mind froze looking at Duan Chengfeng, who had no usual image, why did this person smile so dumbly?
Could it be that one word of his own can make him have such a big reaction?

Knowing this, Fan Xing also felt sweet in his heart, watching Duan Chengfeng change for himself bit by bit, it is impossible for Fan Xing not to be moved!
But being moved is moved, Fan Xing still understands that she is just putting Duan Chengfeng into the observation period, and the rest depends on Duan Chengfeng's performance, otherwise she can kick Duan Chengfeng out at any time!

"Shiny, is this really what you think in your heart? Do you want to start over with him?" Qin Yilian never thought that Fan Xing's attitude towards Duan Chengfeng would change so much in just one day!

"Yes." Holding Duan Chengfeng's hand back, Fan Xing felt Qin Yilian's anger growing, and felt a little guilty.

"Did you forget that he once hurt you?" Although Qin Yilian didn't know why the two divorced, Qin Yilian guessed that there was something wrong between them!
"Those were all misunderstandings!" It was indeed a misunderstanding!

Thinking of this, Fan Xing was furious. Duan Chengfeng still hadn't explained the cause and effect to her clearly, so she decided that if Duan Chengfeng didn't tell her within half a month, then she would kick Duan Chengfeng out of the game directly, saving even the observation period!

It's just that Fan Xing didn't expect that so many things would happen in the past half month, and Duan Chengfeng gave her support and hope when she was most helpless, giving her the courage to believe again!

"Okay, you're fine! Shiny, you're so cruel, you didn't give me a chance!" Qin Yilian pressed forward every step of the way. Seeing Fan Xing's frightened expression, Qin Yilian suddenly felt that he was chasing Fan Xing. There is a problem with Xing's method, so Fan Xing is allowed to push himself further and further away?
"But I won't give up!" Once again explaining his determination to Fan Xing, Qin Yilian looked at Duan Chengfeng with a provocative face, "Don't think that I can't do anything if you take away the flowers I sent. I give it every day, and I don't believe you take it away every day!"

A big man is holding a bouquet of flowers and a lunch box in his hand. This is indeed an image-destroying thing. When Duan Chengfeng did this today, his return rate was indeed much higher than usual, which really made Duan Chengfeng very distressed. .

He doesn't like to be seen as a scenery like this!

"As long as you give it to me, I will take it away! Xiaofan is pregnant, so don't disturb Xiaofan by sending these flowers!" Duan Chengfeng would not tell Qin Yilian that Fanxing hates flowers being ruined by others, so Qin Yilian just Sending it away, he just took it away without image.

Isn't it just being looked at more often?

The more times you do it, the more he will get used to it!

Anyway, he will spend more time with Fan Xing in the future. It is normal to go in and out of public places, and now it is a practice!
Therefore, he is not at a loss!
"President Qin, what I don't like the most is when others give me flowers, because I feel it's a pity to see such beautiful flowers wither. Beautiful things should keep them as they used to be. We ruined such beautiful flowers like this It's a waste of resources!" Fan Xing didn't understand what Duan Chengfeng was thinking, she really didn't want Qin Yilian to waste any more, so she had no choice but to say that she didn't like flowers!

Now she thinks that the hundred flowers will wither soon, so she feels pain and heartache!

That's money!

Don't you know that waste is shameful?
Isn't it good for people to stay in the garden for people to appreciate?Why did they have to be airlifted here so desperately?
If Fan Xing's idea is known to Qin Yilian, Qin Yilian will probably be excited to pry Fan Xing's head open to see what's inside!
It's rare for him to send flowers romantically, and the other party doesn't appreciate it, but he still hates it so much?
(End of this chapter)

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