Chapter 141

Who did he provoke?

"..." Qin Yilian looked at Fan Xing speechlessly. He has always heard that girls like romance and love flowers and diamonds, but the woman in front of him thinks very differently. It seems that he has to think again about what gift to give Fan Xing She will accept it!

"You don't like flowers, so I'll give you something else. Tell me what you like, and I'll buy it for you!" Qin Yilian almost thought that he was an unbeatable Xiaoqiang. How could he, who was always conceited, suddenly Is it just a shameless face?
"Boss Qin, as long as it's from you, I don't like it!" Fan Xing knew that Qin Yilian was a good man, and she didn't want to waste Qin Yilian's time, so she spoke very mercilessly at the moment.

"Okay, Shiny! You're so kind!" Qin Yilian's eyes became colder and colder, which made Fan Xing very uneasy. She suddenly felt that Qin Yilian was terrible at this moment!
Did she say it was too much?Did Qin Yi get angry?
Duan Chengfeng seemed to sense Fan Xing's uneasiness, pulled Fan Xing behind him, blocked Fan Xing with his body, and said to Qin Yilian, "Boss Qin, Xiao Fan has already rejected you, please respect yourself! "

Duan Chengfeng looked straight at Qin Yilian, held Fan Xing with his hands behind his back, and signaled Fan Xing not to worry, and once again had that faint smile that could not be moved by thunderstorms, "Boss Qin, it's getting late Now, we have to go back to eat, and we shall leave!" After speaking, Duan Chengfeng ignored Qin Yilian, directly dragged Fan Xing into the car, and drove away in the car!

"Shit!" Qin Yilian kicked the car door angrily, full of anger at being rejected again and again, then remembered something, Qin Yilian took out his mobile phone, and shouted at the mobile phone, "Su Jin, Get to Opening within 10 minutes, or I want you to look good!" After speaking, Qin Yilian quickly hung up the phone, got in the car, and drove towards Opening at high speed!
When Qin Yilian arrived, because it was not yet night, there were still very few people opening. Qin Yilian directly ordered the service staff, "Let your boss bring all the rest of Dom. RomaneConti1997!" He walked to his own box, leaving the waiter with a bitter look on his face.

Their boss only had three bottles of this kind of wine. They were robbed of one bottle before. They saw the boss's heartbroken face. After that, the boss treasured the remaining two bottles like nothing, and wouldn't let anyone get close to him. Wine cellar!

Let him get it now, he doesn't want to be cannon fodder!

"Dan, you'd better hurry up and get it, otherwise that customer will get angry, and we won't have to do business today." Although the people on the side sympathized with Dan, they were also glad that they were not selected to get the wine!
They can't guarantee that their boss will use them as a punching bag? !
This is a thankless job, and the little people on both sides can't afford to offend them. Who made them survive in the cracks?

"Hey, die as soon as you die, die early and live early!" Dan tried his best to make himself look like he was vowing to die, and after comforting himself, he ran to find the boss!

Because the people in the box are not easy to mess with!

When Su Jin arrived at Opening, Qin Yilian had already finished drinking a whole bottle of Dom. RomaneConti1997, seeing Su Jin's eyes full of pain.

As soon as Su Jin came, she snatched another bottle of Dom that Qin Yilian planned to open again. RomaneConti1997, full of complaints, "It's too embarrassing to hold you boy, I was 5 minutes late, and you drank up my favorite wine, do you know how much I went to see you early Red light, how many tickets have you been fined? You, you, you, you ruined my wine like this, are you worthy of me?"

Su Jin just chattered. It was rare for him to see Qin Yilian's abnormal appearance, so he was naturally happy to watch, "Hey, tell me, what troubles our President Qin have encountered recently? He is drinking alone here? "

Su Jin looked at Qin Yilian with a gossipy face. He originally wanted to go to the company to watch the fun, but thinking that it would not be worthwhile for him to go to the company to report so non-stop, and remembering Yan Qin's warning before, Su Jin naturally Or hide if you can.

He had only been happy for a few days, so he didn't want to let himself fall into a sea of ​​misery again just because of his little curiosity!
"Boy, tell me, what has stumped our omnipotent fashion president, let us be the president..." Su Jin originally wanted to joke, but Qin Yilian ignored him at all and kept going Drinking down his stomach, the last bottle of Dom from his most beloved boss in a blink of an eye. RomaneConti1997 was snatched by Qin Yilian and finished drinking. Su Jin blushed with anger, "I said President Qin, I was just lazy for a few days. Do you need to punish me like that? My favorite." Dom. RomaneConti1997! You just ruined it like that. Did you break up in love or something? Then punish yourself? But you can't spoil me by the way, hey, my favorite Dom. RomaneConti1997! Farewell!"

Su Jin looked heartbroken, and said this just for the occasion, but he didn't expect to be hit by what he said.

"Yes, I just fell out of love. I fell in love with a woman, but she just refused to accept me! Waiter, bring me some more bottles of wine. I must get drunk today!" Qin Yilian looked at a bottle of wine Just like that, he quickly picked up the phone and called for someone to deliver the wine. After calling for the wine, Qin Yilian continued to vomit, "Su Jin, I found out that I'm really unlucky today. I finally fell in love with someone. I don't care that she has been divorced and is still pregnant with a child, but why does she always refuse to give me a chance, and refuses me so heartlessly every time?"

"Uh, this...President Qin, Qin Yilian, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand what you mean?" Su Jin was really frightened by Qin Yilian. He always thought that Qin Yilian was the same as him I've been playing games all my life, and I won't stay for anyone, but... today, why...

Well, it's an illusion, yes, it must be an illusion!

"Su Jin, don't pretend to be an idiot to me, I said I fell in love with a woman, but she doesn't like me, don't say you don't understand Chinese!" Picking up the wine brought by the waiter, Qin Yilian continued to drink .

"My God, did you come across something unclean? Are you infected?" Su Jin's face was full of disbelief. If what he heard the first time was an illusion, then the second time it was absolutely true!
(End of this chapter)

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