Chapter 142

Because Su Jin can be [-]% sure that his ears are fine!
"Infect your size! Is it abnormal for me to like someone?" After drinking several bottles of wine, Qin Yilian said that he was really a little drunk.

But his alcohol capacity has always been very good, maybe it's not that other people are drunk, but he wants to be drunk, right?
"It's really abnormal! Lian, tell me, what kind of person is it that melted your heart that has never melted for thousands of years?" Although Su Jin couldn't accept it for a while, but the natural gossip factor caused trouble, Su Jin Naturally, I will not miss this opportunity to make fun of my friends!
"I won't tell you, come on, I'm in a bad mood today, you drink with me! We won't go home until we're drunk!" But it was obvious that Qin Yilian didn't have the interest to satisfy Su Jin's evil interests, so he changed the subject directly.

"Hey, tell me, so I can give you some advice!" But it was rare for Su Jin to see Qin Yi lose his composure, so naturally he would not let it go so easily.

It's been a long time since Qin Yilian's gossip has entertained him, so he must seize the opportunity!

"Why do you think this woman is so hard to chase? I gave her flowers and he didn't like it. I asked her what she liked and she said she didn't like it. Then what do you think I should do!" In the past, others chased him, but this time it was Qin Yilian went after him by himself, to be honest, Qin Yilian really couldn't!
"Let me tell you, Young Master Qin, there are no fragrant grasses anywhere in the world, so why do you have to fall in love with a single flower? I think you haven't had a woman for a long time." A cunning flashed in his eyes, and Su Jin came up with a bad idea, "Maybe it's this Playing hard to get, it's useless for you to get close like this! Women can't be used to it!"

"Yes, I, Qin Yilian, have such good conditions. It's her honor that I like her. She doesn't know what's good and bad, so I'll find a better one for her to see!" Qin Yilian was also a little drunk. Xing's rejection today made him very irritable, and he didn't pass his brain when he spoke.

"Okay, that's what you said, I'll call you right away!" Seeing that Qin Yilian listened to her words, Su Jin really called many beauties with the mentality of watching the show.

Su Jin has long disbelieved in love after being in the romantic arena for too long, so Su Jin is still skeptical if Qin Yilian falls in love with someone!

Qin Yilian was drinking wine depressedly, when suddenly a few sexy beauties with hot bodies and extremely sexy clothes rushed in. Qin Yilian was drinking wine without squinting, not paying attention to the beautiful scenery of cigarettes in front of him at all. inside!
The beauties came to Qin Yilian's side one after another under Su Jin's signal, teasing Qin Yilian flirtatiously, Qin Yilian also put down the wine in his hand, and began to respond enthusiastically, those perfect facial features, blurred The eyes were even a little hurt, such Qin Yilian naturally made all the beauties even more enthusiastic, and they responded one after another!
The room was hot all of a sudden, Su Jin hugged the woman in her arms and kissed passionately, and ate up all the tofu, with a mocking smile on her lips.

How can there be true love in this world?

Men are animals that think with their lower body, how can they really guard their bodies and minds for a woman?
So everything is just a lie!

Qin Yi glanced around with cold eyes, "Ten seconds, I don't want to see you again!" Those beauties were a little dazed and at a loss.

"You guys don't hurry up, don't leave, be careful that you can't get along!" Su Jin had a smile that captivated all living beings, but there was an extremely bloodthirsty factor in that smile!
As soon as Su Jin's words came out, everyone left one after another, and they all disappeared without a trace in less than ten seconds.

"I said President Qin, aren't you spoiling the fun?" After tidying up her clothes, Su Jin returned to her usual naughty look, "Everyone come out to play, why do you bother?"

"Su Jin, you're going back to work tomorrow, it's getting late, I'll go back to rest! You do it yourself!" Qin Yilian packed up his clothes, was met by the door, and finally turned his head to look at Su Jin, "Don't think that in this world There is really no love, I didn’t believe it before, but now, I believe it. So, even if she doesn’t love me, as long as I work hard, I don’t regret it! I was too confused in my previous life, but now I don’t want to To live that kind of life, I want to be a person who is responsible for myself, and I hope you will do the same!" After Qin Yilian finished speaking, he left without looking back, leaving Su Jin with a weird smile on his face.

"Love, responsibility, hehe, this doesn't belong to us, Mr. Qin, one day you will understand what I said!" Su Jin finished speaking, picked up a bottle of red wine, and drank the whole bottle.

"However, I would like to see who the hell is that made our President Qin change so much, hehe... Life is too boring and meaningless!" Su Jin finished speaking, her face full of interest.

The night before, Fan Xing repeatedly assured Yan Qin and Zhang Shuqi that he was not impulsive this time, nor was he threatened in any way, and he would not easily get hurt again. This time, he would definitely make a final decision after careful consideration.

After repeated assurances, Yan Qin and Zhang Shuqi let Fan Xing go home.

After a good night's sleep, Fan Xing continued to go to the company under the escort of Duan Chengfeng the next day. When he reached the design department, Fan Xing met a seductive man!

The man leaned lightly against the wall, with his legs crossed and his hands folded on his chest, looking at every woman who passed by him with interest, and even gave each woman a very charming wink , making everyone's spring hearts sway and sway.

Fan Xing glanced at the man and found that he was really good-looking.

The eyebrows that are neither thick nor thin, paired with the pair of peach blossom eyes that are always shining with lightning, make the man look a little frivolous, the nose is slightly straight, the lips are thin and thick, and they are full of seductive rose red. charm.

Just one glance, Fan Xing felt that this man was not easy to mess with, because Fan Xing could see the ice in his eyes from his light smile!
Fan Xing is a bit strange, she has been here for a long time, why hasn't she seen this character?

Is it new here?

But judging by his relaxed and comfortable appearance, and the very skillful way of greeting passers-by, he should be familiar to everyone, right?

Who is that?

Although he was a little curious in his heart, Fan Xing was not the kind of person who would do unnecessary actions because of his boring curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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