Chapter 143

So now she chooses to ignore it and walk straight through, but that man is not what Fan Xing wants!
"Hey, beauty, are you new here? Why haven't I seen you before?" The man saw that Fan Xing was about to leave, but he didn't care to look away, and rushed directly in front of Fan Xing to block Fan Xing's way.

"Sir, I haven't seen you before. Since we don't know each other, then don't get in my way!" Fan Xing felt that this man was dangerous, because there was something in his eyes that made Fan Xing very uncomfortable. comfortable feeling!That feeling, as if the other party is treating himself as a plaything.

Yes, it is a toy!

Knowing this, Fan Xing couldn't stay here anymore, Fan Xing tried his best to let himself ignore the interested gaze above his head, and said lightly, "Get out of the way, please?!"

But after Fan Xing finished speaking, the visitor didn't move, still looking at Fan Xing with a flat smile on his face, which made Fan Xing feel very uncomfortable!

She is not a funny thing, why does that person look at him in a funny way?

"Sir, I still have to go to work. Haven't you heard that a good dog doesn't block the way?" If I tried to walk in another direction, I would still be stopped, and Fan Xing couldn't help it no matter how good-tempered he was, "This way So wide, why do you want to be that ignorant dog?"

Being stopped early in the morning, but the other party kept looking at him with a strange smile on his face, Fan Xing felt that he was going to be unbearable, what does this unknown man mean? !

"'re really interesting!" After holding back for a long time, the man finally spoke up, "No wonder that guy fell in love with you, haha, it's so funny, it's really different from other women! I woke up early today Waiting here, I want to see who is so sacred that my friend is so fascinated, and even defends himself like a jade for you, hehe, I waited all morning and didn’t see any interesting ones, but you appeared when I was about to give up, haha, it’s really interesting ,let's be friends!"

After the man finished speaking, he stretched out his hand, and looked at Fan Xing curiously, "Come on, come on, make a friend, you will not lose out if you have me as a friend, and you will know my benefits in the future."

Fan Xing didn't respond to the man's hand stretched out for a long time, and a look of unnaturalness crossed the man's face, "Oh, there are many places where you need my help in the future, you really don't want to make friends with me?"

But Fan Xing still looked at the man in front of her with an idiot face, she really didn't understand where this man came from, he was mentally ill, he was going crazy here early in the morning!

Fan Xing was too lazy to bother, and was about to try to leave again, but the man grabbed Fan Xing's hand in time, then passed his own hand over, and held Fan Xing's hand himself, "Don't worry, give me this Friends, you won’t regret it, my name is Su Jin, everyone calls me Van, I’m the special assistant to the president, you will need my help in the future, how about it, I’m a good friend, right?”

Regardless of Fan Xing's resistance, Su Jin held Fan Xing's hand and kept talking, "By the way, what's your name? Which department are you in? I can come to you when I'm free!"

In fact, Su Jin guessed Fan Xing's meaning to Qin Yilian and Fan Xing's identity from the information Qin Yilian asked him to check and Qin Yilian's recent very abnormal reaction, but he deliberately pretended not to know That's all.

People, be confused!
And it's more fun that way, isn't it?
Fan Xing struggled for a long time to no avail. Su Jin looked thin and weak, but the strength to grab her was just right, it would neither hurt her nor make her break free. Fan Xing was a little speechless up.

From Su Jin's words and the information Su Jin gave, Fan Xing knew that Su Jin's so-called friend was Qin Yilian!

After hearing this information, Fan Xing didn't know what to say!

Why does Qin Yilian's friend like Qin Yilian like to force people so much?
Did she say she wanted to be friends with him?

What does he mean by being so familiar?
"How long are you going to hold my hand?" Fan Xing was very upset when she saw the cynical smile on Su Jin's face, and she was even more upset when she saw the interest in Su Jin's eyes!

What is this man doing?
"Oh, it's normal to shake hands when we're friends on the first day, and your hands are soft and feel good when you hold them, which is much different from other women. I really like shaking your hands, and you won't be less A piece of meat, isn't it?" He smiled slightly, Su Jin continued to rippling his charming smile, and touched Fan Xing's hand irregularly, making Fan Xing feel a chill!
"What are you going to do to let go!" Fan Xing was very uncomfortable seeing the ambiguous eyes of several people passing by, this man, he did it on purpose!

"I told you my name, but you didn't tell me yours. Is there anyone like you as a friend?" Su Jin heard Fan Xing's words, and even gave Fan Xing a wronged look. She really looks like an abandoned little daughter-in-law.

"I! Call! S—h—i—n—y!" For such a thick-skinned and shameless man, Fan Xing really has nothing to do, especially when he sees everyone's eyes of envy, jealousy and hatred, Fan Xing can't be angry Call one!

This guy must have done it on purpose!

"Can you let me go now?" In public, pay attention to your image, Fan Xing tried his best to comfort himself like this, and only hoped that he would never encounter this plague god again!

"I told you my Chinese name and an English name, then you should be fair!" But Su Jin didn't stop there, and continued to touch Fan Xing's little hand, making Fan Xing go berserk!

"Fan! Xing!" This time, Fan Xing really gritted his teeth. Because of Su Jin's relationship, Fan Xing was even more dissatisfied with Qin Yilian!

You like me, why are you talking everywhere, look what kind of person you recruited for me!

"Oh, Fanxing, Shiny, then what should I call you in the future? Xingxing? Fanfan? Little Xingxing, Xiaofanfan? Or..." Su Jin was struggling with how to call you Fanxing.

It's so complicated, it's hard for him to choose!
"Stop!" Fan Xing really couldn't stand Su Jin anymore, so he had no choice but to stop Su Jin's seemingly tangled words, "I use Shiny in the company, so you call me that!" Little Xingxing?Xiao Fanfan?Fan Xing felt chills just thinking about it.

Can this person not be so talented? !

"Then... okay!" Su Jin glanced at Fan Xing, and Su Jin seemed to be a little bit wronged, "But I want to call you someone who is different from others, so can I call you Shinshin?"

The look of a wronged little daughter-in-law really made Fan Xing want to roll his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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