Chapter 199

"You!" Looking hopelessly at Duan Chengfeng, Fan Xing can now be sure that Duan Chengfeng has a tendency to masochistic, "Mom told us to go out and buy some baby products later, are you going?" Didn't talk about it, Fan Xing didn't want to miss this opportunity today!
"Of course!" Lin Xiuyin never allowed Duan Chengfeng to get too close to Fan Xing. Even when he came to cook these few days, he let him go after cooking and packing. To be honest, Duan Chengfeng really missed the time when the two of them were alone together before. time.

Although Fan Xing didn't have a good look at him at that time, he was already very happy that he could take care of Fan Xing so closely every day.

After eating and resting for a while, Duan Chengfeng and Fan Xing left under Lin Xiuyin's worried gaze.

Looking at the struggle in Lin Xiuyin's eyes, Fan Xing naturally knew that Lin Xiuyin and Duan Chengfeng had the same thought: forgiving too quickly.

But this is also good, after all, we will get along with each other in the future, if the relationship is not good, it will be miserable.

Looking at Duan Chengfeng who was driving beside him, Fan Xing looked at that perfect profile, and thinking about Lin Xiuyin's behavior these past few days, he felt a little pitiful for Duan Chengfeng, "My mother loves me so much, so sometimes she talks too much , you and Dad don't mind, she is unintentional!"

In Fan Xing's view, Duan Chengfeng deserved to suffer a little, but Duan Ziyun followed suit, so something was wrong. After all, Duan Ziyun was an elder, and he did nothing wrong. It's too late.

If she and Duan Chengfeng really reconcile in the future, it will be bad if the parents of both parties have a estrangement because of this matter, so Fan Xing hopes that Duan Ziyun will not mind too much.

"Don't worry, my dad won't care. It's our fault." Although I don't understand why Duan Ziyun came here suddenly, I watched Duan Ziyun work hard to get along with Fan Xing's parents these days. Duan Chengfeng also knew that Duan Ziyun was here to help him.

Touched by Duan Ziyun's behavior, Duan Chengfeng can also feel Duan Ziyun's concern for him, so Duan Chengfeng feels very happy recently.

"It's good that you know that you made mistakes!" Looking at Duan Chengfeng with a little deep meaning, Fan Xing continued, "If you make mistakes, you must correct them. You have performed well recently, and you will continue to work hard!"

"I will work hard, I will make mom and dad accept me again, and I will make you believe in me wholeheartedly!" Looking at Fan Xing with burning eyes, Duan Chengfeng's eyes are full of determination!

Being looked at by Duan Chengfeng like this, Fan Xing was a little embarrassed, turned his head, and pretended to cough a few times to cover up his embarrassment, "Ahem, I'll wait and see!"

When the two came to the shopping mall, they went directly to the baby store. As soon as they entered, Fan Xing gave Duan Chengfeng angrily a look, and went in to pick things out by himself. Duan Chengfeng looked at Fan Xing jealous, and smiled helplessly. , Looking at some people behind him looking at him, he was a little speechless.

He doesn't like shopping, this is the most important reason - he doesn't like being treated as a scenery, as an object of nympho!

Seeing Fan Xing looking at him sadly, Duan Chengfeng really felt wronged.

He also doesn't want to be followed by others, but this is not his territory, and if others want to follow, he can't help it!
Really couldn't stand the different expressions of everyone's eyes, Duan Chengfeng had no choice but to put away his good mood, and instantly changed back to the original indifferent and alienated person, and his whole body began to exude indifference that made people unable to get close, and quickly walked to Fan Xing's side, Help Fan Xing get things.Those watching the scenery were frightened by Duan Chengfeng's reaction, knowing that he was being abrupt, a few sensible ones also left in despair, and only a few followed in reluctantly.

Fan Xing had only bought some clothes before, and he didn’t have many things ready. Seeing the dazzling array of goods, he felt a little dazzled. After a while, the cart was full, Duan Chengfeng felt that this was not a problem, and hurriedly stopped, "Xiaofan, let the doctor give us an order for the obstetric examination in a few days, we will buy it bit by bit, we still have a lot of time , don’t worry! You can buy it right now, and you will have nothing to do in the future!”

While talking, Duan Chengfeng put back some not-so-useful things, "We'll buy bedding first today, buy a new bed and install it well, it's a bit of formaldehyde, it's not good for children! The rest, wait for the doctor to prescribe it. List, let's buy it slowly!" Although he doesn't like being stared at, Duan Chengfeng enjoys the process of buying baby products with Fan Xing, for the sake of this beauty, he will bear the rest!

"Oh!" Just now, Fan Xing was taking things casually, and the car was full in just a short while. Now Fan Xing took a closer look, and found that many of them were useless. This also helped Duan Chengfeng put the things back where they were, but Fan Xing felt very upset when he saw that there were still some people chasing after him!
"Look at the peach blossoms you provoke!" Although the two of them bought the baby's future daily necessities together and prepared for a new life together, Fan Xing was very happy, but looking at those wolf-like eyes, Fan Xing felt very uncomfortable , Naturally, there is a sour vinegar smell in the speech!
After hearing Fan Xing's words, Duan Chengfeng smiled helplessly, didn't even look at those women, and continued to choose bedding directly, proving with actions that he didn't have such intentions.

But Duan Chengfeng has forgotten that pregnant women are sometimes very unreasonable. For example, Fan Xing said now, "I see that you are smiling so proudly. Are you doing it on purpose? You know that you will hurt others when you smile like this." No, then why are you laughing, don’t you usually like to laugh? Why do you keep laughing all the time when you come out?” Well, Fan Xing admitted that she only likes Duan Chengfeng to smile at her alone, as for other people, they can still avoid it. Otherwise, it will cause too much damage.

"Xiaofan, I know I was wrong, didn't I not laugh?" Duan Chengfeng also felt very happy to see Fan Xing's taste for other women spying on her, Xiaofan, she seemed to be more and more dependent on herself , will also act like a baby to herself, which is a good thing, it proves that she is opening her heart to herself bit by bit.

Duan Chengfeng really likes Fan Xing who is such a little girl!I love pampering this little woman so much!I also especially enjoy the process of Fan Xing acting like a baby to him!

Fan Xing looked at Duan Chengfeng for a while, seeing that Duan Chengfeng was indeed not smiling, and then nodded in satisfaction, "That's right." After speaking, he hugged Duan Chengfeng's arm coquettishly, and looked provocatively at those who had intentions for his man. Woman, "Husband, have you bought everything yet? I'm thirsty and want to drink water!"

(End of this chapter)

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