Chapter 200

Knowing what Fan Xing wanted, Duan Chengfeng touched Fan Xing's increasingly tender face, lowered his head and smiled dotingly, "Buy it, we'll pay the bill and leave!" When he raised his head, he recovered With that indifferent expression, everyone was really completely disappointed this time and left.

Fan Xing smiled and leaned on Duan Chengfeng's arm, watching those who lacked interest leave, as happy as if they had won a battle.

How can others spy on her man? !

"Okay, Xiao Fan, they're gone, are you satisfied now?" Duan Chengfeng likes the feeling that Fan Xing treats him as his personal property, it will make him feel that Fan Xing really accepts him in his heart, and has him again With this knowledge, Duan Chengfeng is more at ease!
Fan Xing cast a coquettish look at Duan Chengfeng, and pouted dissatisfiedly, "Unless you don't laugh outside, otherwise I won't be satisfied!" Joke, how could she allow someone to continue spying on Duan Chengfeng?

"Okay, I promise you!"

"That's more or less the same! How cute! Kiss me!" Facing Duan Chengfeng's face, Fan Xing regarded it as a compliment to Duan Chengfeng.

Duan Chengfeng smiled, not satisfied with Fan Xing blowing kisses like this, directly lowered his head and kissed Fan Xing's tender lips, finally smiled satisfied, and dragged Fan Xing who hadn't recovered to pay the bill .

The anger in Fan Xing's heart, he hasn't completely forgiven him yet!Tofu was eaten!

Although she was unwilling, Fan Xing had to admit that this kiss made her feel very sweet and happy. She touched her lips and smiled, feeling the coldness and fragrance that had not dissipated. Fan Xing's heart was full, It's all happiness.

If this continues, they will be happy, right?

Walking to the cashier to pay the bill, Fan Xing looked at a piece of cloth, and looked at Duan Chengfeng puzzled, "What is this?"

Duan Chengfeng took Fan Xing and went to the changing room, tried his best to help Fan Xing put on the cloth, and finally looked at Fan Xing, "I see that your feet have been very swollen recently, your waist is sore and your legs are hurting, I asked Doctor, this is a belly belt, wearing it can relieve your burden, how do you feel now? Do you feel lighter?"

Fan Xing tried to feel it, and her stomach felt a lot lighter. To be honest, it was too hard to be pregnant with twins. She felt very strenuous in less than five months. The baby, she will not bear the hard work to insist on walking every day!

What's more, Lin Xiuyin and the others have been here for the past few days. Although she is not feeling well, she didn't say anything in order not to worry her parents!

She really didn't expect that Duan Chengfeng had noticed all this.

Feeling the relief in the stomach, Fan Xing is full at the moment, and is moved.

It turns out that there is someone who loves me so much, I am really happy!

Concealing the tears that were about to flood, Fan Xing now felt that she was like a crybaby, she liked to cry more and more, this is not good!After adjusting his emotions, Fan Xing looked at Duan Chengfeng with bright eyes, "It's much better, thank you!" There was a flash of light in those eyes, which lost Duan Chengfeng's eyes and intoxicated Duan Chengfeng's heart for an instant.

At the point of emotion, Duan Chengfeng involuntarily lowered his head and kissed those pink lips, gently sucking, extremely lingering, and carefully feeling, as if he wanted to pass all his thoughtfulness and love to the other party, that kiss Inside, full of tenderness and sweetness.

This kiss, tender but blazing, ignited each other's souls, making Fan Xing's heart thump and beat non-stop, and his brain began to bleed, and he couldn't think about anything.

Her whole heart was fed up with Duan Chengfeng's kiss, and all she could think about at the moment was the person she loved deeply in front of her.

After the kiss, Duan Chengfeng looked at the woman with charming eyes in front of him, felt the change in himself, sighed helplessly, then pecked Fan Xing's lips lightly, and said with a smile, "It's time to go back to eat, otherwise mom and the others Time to hurry."

"Okay." As if he hadn't woken up yet, Fan Xing's mind was still immersed in Duan Chengfeng's kiss, that kind of kiss, lingering, all of it was Duan Chengfeng's affection, completely different from their previous kisses!
In the past, Duan Chengfeng, Kiss, was very gentle and considerate, but he restrained himself, as if every time they were lingering, Duan Chengfeng's desire was not very strong!

Although he didn't understand why, Fan Xing could feel Duan Chengfeng's restraint, which was also the reason why Fan Xing felt uneasy.

The person you love has been restraining your desires, so what does that mean?

Fan Xing didn't understand it all the time, so she began to hesitate and doubted Duan Chengfeng's love!
But now feeling Duan Chengfeng's undisguised love and desire, the defense line against Duan Chengfeng in Fan Xing's heart is slowly crumbling.

This time, she believed that Duan Chengfeng would make her happy!

When the two returned home, Lin Xiuyin looked at the pile of bedding, and took Fan Xing directly to the baby's room. Before leaving, she didn't forget to tell Duan Chengfeng, "Just move these things to the baby's room. It's almost noon. Let's make lunch!"

So obviously refusing Duan Chengfeng to be with them, it seems that Lin Xiuyin has not fully accepted Duan Chengfeng!

Duan Chengfeng was not annoyed, and smiled gently, "I see, Mom, you and Dad are getting older, so I don't bother you and Dad to do anything about this bed, put it here first, and I'll install it after I'm done!" Put the things away Okay, Duan Chengfeng consciously retreated to the kitchen to cook.

Lin Xiuyin pulled Fan Xing into the door, closed the door by the way, pulled Fan Xing to sit by the bed, held Fan Xing's hand, stared at Fan Xing with a pair of shrewd eyes, and felt that her daughter was going out this time. Lin Xiuyin sighed, "Xing Xing, you still love him, do you really plan to start over with him?"

Fan Xing glanced at Lin Xiuyin, and said happily, "Mom, I have always loved him, and this has not changed even when I decided to leave him. After leaving, I originally wanted to take the child with me, and I would love him if I cared about him." Yes, but I didn’t expect that he would come to me again, would be so determined to be with me, and even began to change for me to show his determination. I was just like you thought, and I planned to resolutely not look back, because Those hurts in the past have always been the thorns in my heart, which cannot be wiped out. It’s just that these days we get along day and night, and he also told me that the previous things were all misunderstandings. Although I don’t know why even though it was a misunderstanding, he still treats me as if away from me. But I believe that he is serious this time, and I also believe that he will tell me everything one day! So, before he tells me everything, I want to try to give each other a chance, and I also wait for his explanation, wait The day when each other's hearts are completely opened!"

(End of this chapter)

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