Chapter 201

"Based on what I know about him, those explanations that he hasn't said all the time prove that he has no intention of saying it. Are you sure you can wait? What if he keeps saying nothing? What do you want to do? Being so unstable with him? You have to know that that factor can affect the two of you in the past, and it will be the same in the future. If you finally get out, if you sink again, you will really not be able to get up. " Although Lin Xiuyin has clearly felt Duan Chengfeng's change in the past week or so, Duan Chengfeng's deep personality is still like a mystery, which is incomprehensible and unreal.Lin Xiuyin felt that Duan Chengfeng cared about Fan Xing, and also saw Duan Chengfeng's kindness, but she still couldn't see clearly what Duan Chengfeng was thinking in his heart, and always felt that Duan Chengfeng still had secrets in his heart!

And this secret made Lin Xiuyin unable to completely believe that Duan Shengfeng would give Fan Xing happiness!

"Mom, just trust me again, trust him again, okay? This time I made up my mind after careful consideration. I'm already prepared and won't let myself get hurt again! I believe he won't either. Hurt me again, so, please rest assured?" Looking at Lin Xiuyin firmly, Fan Xing's tone was full of persuasive power, "As for the secret, I said I would wait until he Until the day he is willing to say. If he keeps silent, it proves that he has not completely opened up to me, which also means that he has not completely trusted me! If this is the case, then I will find a way to end this buried The love that is a ticking time bomb, I will never look back again! So Mom, don’t worry, okay? I’ve been hurt once, and I won’t let myself get hurt easily again!”

Listening to Fan Xing's words, feeling the firmness and determination in her daughter's tone, Lin Xiuyin sighed, "Then how long are you going to wait? There must be a time limit, right? Don't you just pass by if you can't wait forever?"

"Mom, I have already told him that if he still can't reassure me before I give birth to the child, then I will kick him out. Although he has gradually made me trust him recently, if the child is full moon, he hasn't told Me, I will firmly break up with him, and I will never look back from now on!" Although it hurts to think of leaving Fan Xing, the person who doted on him, but thinking of his grievances and hurts in the past few years, Fan Xing If she doesn't understand everything, she won't be able to completely let go!

Since you say you love me, why do you always treat me so nonchalantly?
In the end, what are your difficulties?
If you don't give me a convincing reason, how can I completely give my heart to you?
Lin Xiuyin looked at the seriousness and firmness in Fan Xing's eyes, at the flimsy and unshakable determination in Fan Xing's eyes, and finally smiled clearly, pinched Fan Xing's ruddy little face, "My daughter When I grow up and know how to protect myself, then I should be relieved."

"Hehe, Mom, thank you for your fulfillment!" Hugging Lin Xiuyin, Fan Xing began to act like a baby again.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to be a mother soon, and I'm still so childish, let's tidy up these things first, put them all here, it's messy enough!" Patting Fan Xing on the back, Lin Xiuyin also knew that it was almost It's time to let go completely. After going through hardships, Fan Xing has grown up. It's not good for them as parents to care too much!

"Okay, mom, where do you put this little quilt cover?" Taking out a set of light blue quilt covers, Fan Xing began to organize things.

"Put it in the cabinet first, wait for the crib to be installed, ventilate it, and then replace these quilt covers!"

"What about this?"

"Put it in the closet too."

"This is so cute, do you want to hang it on the bed?"

"Well, you don't need to collect this one, just put it here, and he will use it when he installs the bed later."

"and this……"

After the conversation, the mother and daughter were busy packing up the items they had bought. Looking at the dazzling array of supplies, the two of them were very busy. They knew that someone called them to eat, and they left unsatisfied.

Came to the living room, looking at Fan Shicheng and Duan Ziyun who were still playing chess, Lin Xiuyin smiled helplessly, "It's time to eat, you two have been playing this game of chess all morning, haven't you finished yet?"

Fan Shicheng raised his head reluctantly, his brows were still furrowed tightly, as if he was thinking about some difficult problem, "Xiuyin, this time I have met my opponent in chess, and my in-laws and I played chess so well. It's refreshing, but my in-laws are so good, I haven't thought of how to crack them yet. Hey, I've played chess for so many years, and I still think I'm good at chess. Compared with my in-laws, I'm ashamed to come out to meet people."

"Dear family, why do you say that? Look at this chess game, we are tied, and you still have a tendency to be slightly better. I am willing to bow down and feel ashamed!" Duan Ziyun did not expect Fan Shicheng's chess skills to be so good. Well, he also wanted to get closer by playing chess, but he didn't expect to meet a rare master. This game of chess is really fun!
"Dear family, why do you need to be humble? I know you are superb at chess, no less than me. I like to study. This chess has a lot to do with history, so I have spent a lot of effort over the years, but you are so A layman is so proficient in chess, I really feel ashamed!" Even a foreign businessman is on par with him, Fan Shicheng is a little bit shocked, but more importantly, he is happy to meet his opponent!

"Dear family, this shopping mall also pays attention to layout and foresight. I have spent a lot of time on chess over the years. I am older than you, so I must spend more time than you. I am ashamed!" He said. He is here to build a good relationship, not to grab the limelight, not to mention that he admires a scholar like Fan Shicheng, and he is naturally courteous when speaking.

"Dear family, you are wrong to say that. It has nothing to do with age. It's my lack of knowledge that made you laugh." You can see a person's character from playing chess. Duan Ziyun's chess quality is very good. Fan Shicheng can also see that Duan Ziyun is upright and upright. If there is a father like this, then his son will naturally not be too bad!

The two people came and went like this, and the word "in-law" was called a familiarity. Lin Xiuyin really couldn't watch the two people go on like this, so she had to quickly stop the modesty between the two people. , "Okay, it's time to eat, you are not hungry, the stars and children are hungry."

When the two of them heard this, they shut their mouths consciously, and went to eat reluctantly.

This meal was quite harmonious, perhaps because of the relationship between Lin Xiuyin and Fan Xing, Lin Xiuyin's face towards Duan Chengfeng and Duan Ziyun was obviously much better, and she didn't drive them away like before after the meal, but It's just that they stayed.

(End of this chapter)

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