Chapter 208

The deep voice, accompanied by the moonlight, slowly told this wonderful little story, like a long lullaby, and after a while, Fan Xing fell asleep with a happy smile on his face.

Watching Fan Xing finally fall asleep, Duan Chengfeng also had a reassuring smile on his face. That kind of smile, like the snow lotus in the sky, is clean, pure, and warm, as if it has finally gone through the cold winter, and finally bloomed in the warmth of spring. Blooming that breathtakingly beautiful smile, warm and refreshing.

From then on, Duan Chengfeng would tell stories to the child in Fan Xing's womb every night, and Fan Xing finally began to calm down after half a month's sleep being disturbed.

Another day:
Fan Xing held on to his stomach, which could not see his feet for a long time, and went out for a walk with Duan Chengfeng. After a while, Fan Xing stopped, "Duan Chengfeng, I can't walk anymore." The burden on the stomach is getting heavier and heavier. Her feet were already swollen, and her sore back and backache were greatly healed by Duan Chengfeng's massage every day, but there was really no way for her feet.

Fan Xing lowered his head, looked at this surprisingly big belly, he couldn't see the tip of his toes, and he began to hesitate, "You said I have such a big belly, will something happen and give birth?" With such a big belly, There is still more than a month, how will she live?

Duan Chengfeng was also very nervous when he heard that, but he just remembered what the doctor said, and tried to comfort Fan Xing, "The doctor said that the fetal position is very upright, nothing will happen, Xiao Fan, don't think too much!"

"But look at how big my stomach is, it's scary! I'm struggling to walk a few steps now, and there's still more than a month left. Will I not be able to walk by then? Wouldn't I have to stay in bed every day, Can’t go out? Wouldn’t I be suffocated to death?” Thinking of his belly being so big that he couldn’t walk, Fan Xing felt very nervous.

"Xiaofan, don't worry, the doctor said that after walking, the delivery will be smoother. If you can't walk, then we will walk less in the future, but you must exercise every day! Don't worry, I have started to control your diet recently, and I won't let you Eat too much, so that your stomach will not be too big, and the burden will not be too heavy!" To be honest, Duan Chengfeng looked at Fan Xing's stomach, and was indeed a little worried, but the doctor assured him that nothing was wrong, so Duan Chengfeng let it go Come on.

"That's good, but I can't walk now, you carry me back!" Thinking of his swollen radish leg, Fan Xing was very distressed.

"Okay, take a rest, we'll come out at night!" Although Fan Xing was already very heavy, but Duan Chengfeng was still quite strong, he bent down and walked back holding Fan Xing directly without any stop.

Leaning himself in Duan Chengfeng's arms, smelling the familiar fragrance of ice lotus, Fan Xing felt very happy, but just thinking of his bloated body now made him feel depressed, Fan Xing said sullenly, "Am I heavy now?"

"No, you are very light." Although it is true that you are a lot heavier, no matter how heavy Fan Xing is, in Duan Chengfeng's view, your weight is still very light.

"You lied to me, you see my legs are so swollen and my figure has changed, do you think I'm sloppy and ugly just looking at me, like a yellow-faced woman?" Fan Xing now looks at himself in the mirror Everyone thinks that she is very bad now, especially facing Duan Chengfeng's handsome face that has not changed for more than ten years every day, Fan Xing is even more hit.

"In my eyes, you are always the most beautiful!" In Duan Chengfeng's eyes, other women are all the same, black and white monotonous colors, there is no difference, only Fan Xing is special to him.

"There are many people who are more beautiful than me in this world. Don't comfort me. I know what I am now." Thinking of his current appearance, Fan Xing looked at Duan Chengfeng again, feeling ashamed a feeling of.

Hearing what Fan Xing said, Duan Chengfeng lowered his head and kissed Fan Xing's pink lips lightly. He fixed his dark and gloomy eyes on Fan Xing. His eyes were full of deep friendship, "Xiao Fan, No matter how beautiful others are, they are all the same in my eyes, only black and white, only you are a different gorgeous color in my eyes, so only you are the most beautiful in my eyes. What's more, you are pregnant with me now My child, you exude the brilliance of motherhood, so dazzling, how can you belittle yourself?"

It was the first time I heard Duan Chengfeng's views on other women, and Fan Xing immediately felt that his heart was filled with happiness.

Who doesn't want the person he loves to always be himself in his eyes and heart?
Who doesn't want to be the most special in the eyes of their lover?

When Duan Chengfeng said that, why wasn't Fan Xing moved?
Such a high-ranking person, originally so out of reach, is now close at hand, speaking of such strong love words, Fan Xing is now more and more aware of his position in Duan Chengfeng's heart, and because of this, he is becoming more and more unscrupulous. Firstly, he wanted to test Duan Chengfeng's patience with her, and secondly, he wanted to appreciate the warmth Duan Chengfeng gave, because Fan Xing was still worried, worried that the two of them hadn't talked about it, and that they would end up as strangers in the end!
"Duan Chengfeng, no matter what I become, you are not allowed to dislike me, you understand?"

"No matter what you become, you will never change in my eyes and in my heart!"

"You can carry me back when you go back in the future, I can't walk with my legs now!"

"it is good."

"Am I really ugly?"

"No, you look great!"

"Whether you're telling the truth or not, I'll treat you as the truth!"

"Don't worry, I won't lie to you."

"It's almost the same. By the way, I will go to the maternity checkup soon. Get ready!"

"it is good."

The sun slanted on the man and the woman, casting a layer of holy light on them. Will such a quiet and beautiful picture last forever?

Happiness, will it be at the next stop?
A few days later, the hospital.

Dr. Zhang performed a routine examination on Fan Xing, and said with a smile, "Both adults and children are in good condition. They are nine months old, and they will come for check-ups every week. We expect the delivery date to be at the end of October. Parents-to-be will be be ready!"

"Understood, thank you, Dr. Zhang." Fan Xing smiled and said thank you to Dr. Zhang. Duan Chengfeng took good care of her in the past four months. Now Fan Xing's face is rosy, his complexion is good, and his stomach is already big. , Walking is very difficult, and Duan Chengfeng is required to support him in basic daily walking tasks.

"No thanks, this is what I should do, have you bought all the baby supplies?"

"Well, it's almost ready."

"That's good. Be careful in the remaining month. Twins are easy to be born prematurely, so I suggest that you stay in the hospital one week before the due date. Do you have any opinions?"

(End of this chapter)

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