Chapter 209

"No, you can arrange that doctor Zhang!" After being together for eight months, Fan Xing has already trusted Dr. Zhang.

"Well, don't worry. Although my hospital is not as good as those star-rated hospitals, the equipment is still very advanced. The obstetricians and gynecologists here are also very experienced. Don't worry, Mrs. Fan!"

"Well, then we will go through the formalities then! Goodbye, Dr. Zhang!"

When the two went out, Duan Chengfeng looked at Fanxing, hesitated, and tried to say, "Xiaofan, although it's not bad here, it's not as good as Lanmeng after all. Ruide is temporarily employed in Lanmeng. Where will you go?" Wouldn't it be safer?" This Duan Chengfeng has long wanted to say that Duan Chengfeng is really worried about not letting Fan Xing go to a safe and reliable hospital!
"Dr. Zhang is a nice person. I have had a lot of contact with her. I am also familiar with this place, and it is close to where we live. Besides, haven't you asked about the equipment and doctors? They are all experienced obstetricians and gynecologists. Doctor, it’s not much different from Lanmeng’s doctor, don’t be nervous, medical care is so developed now, you’ll be fine!” Now, it’s Fan Xing who comforts Duan Chengfeng.

Fan Xing knows that Duan Chengfeng wants to give her the best, but Lan Meng is really too far away from where she lives, which is inconvenient, and Fan Xing is already used to this place, so it would be really strange for her to change places all at once. of.

"Then I'll ask Reid to come over and help!" By the way, call some authoritative obstetricians and gynecologists over there, and buy another set of equipment, otherwise he is really worried!

"Okay, just don't scare her!" Naturally, Fan Xing knew that Duan Chengfeng would be very nervous when he met her, so she could guess what the future would be like.

That's fine, the doctors in this hospital are very good, and it's only right to help.

Thinking of this, Fan Xing realized that he forgot one thing.

"Oh." Patting his head with poor memory, Fan Xing was a little distressed.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Fan Xing's suddenly distressed expression, Duan Chengfeng was puzzled.

"I forgot my bag in Dr. Zhang's office." Why is her memory getting worse and worse?

"Then you just sit here first, it will be very hard for you to keep walking around, I'll go back and get it!" Helping Fan Xing to the chair and sitting down, Duan Chengfeng explained and left, leaving Fan Xing sitting there bored. Watch the people coming and going here.

At this moment, Lan Shu, who just finished the inspection, just came out, looking at the surrounding environment, thinking about how to escape!

For more than four months, she has been tormented by the man she met in the alley every day and night. The man seemed to be tireless and wanted her all the time. She would rather die than live!
Lan Shu hated her filth, and hated the man who kept plundering her, but when the man was away, she was closely watched and could not escape!

During the four dark months, Lan Shu felt as if she had gone through centuries. She couldn't tell the difference between day and night. Apart from being robbed, she would sleep and eat in a daze every day. She lived in the dark and faced the tyranny of that man every day. Lan Shu's heart was already dead.

But just two months ago, she was found to be pregnant, and that man let her off a bit, giving her a chance to catch her breath!
However, she hated, hated the man who robbed him of his innocence, and also hated the child in her belly, because according to the calculation of time, this child was the shame of the day she lost her virginity!

However, while hating, she had to be grateful to this child, because with this child, she would not be tortured by that demon in the past two months!
That demon has always forbidden her to come out. She spent a lot of effort today, even seduced her, to make the man think that she had been appointed obedient, so she was able to come out. She originally wanted to come to such a small hospital. Opportunity is easy to escape, but just now when she was considering the timing, she met the person she hated the most in her life!

Lan Shu stared at Fan Xing's high bulging belly with her eyes burning like fire, as if she was about to swallow Fan Xing, she wished she could tear Fan Xing to pieces right away!
Thinking of her dark life for the past four months, and looking at Fan Xing's proud appearance, Lan Shu is full of raging anger at this moment, and it can't be quenched!

Why can that person conceive Brother Cheng's child, but the child in her belly belongs to her enemy!
Thinking of that demon, Lan Shu subconsciously shivered, remembering that it was because of Fan Xing and Duan Shengfeng who treated her like that and let her be violated by that demon, Lan Shu wished she could run over and kill Fan Xing immediately!
But she knew that she couldn't do this now, the devil sent someone to follow her, she couldn't do it, so she had to take Fan Xing away first!
After thinking about the countermeasures, Lan Shu looked at the men in all-black suits and sunglasses, and ordered coldly, "Take that woman with a big belly away!" Since she can't get it, she won't either. Let someone else get it!

The man in black replied coldly, "The sect master only asked me to send you to the maternity checkup, and didn't ask you to bring anyone else back!"

Lan Shu looked at the man in front of her, and said sarcastically, "Chi, don't forget who I am, your sect master should have said it when he went out, and then you have to obey my order, I will let you take that woman with me now." Do you dare to have an opinion when you go back?"

Chi lowered his head, "No!"

"Then why don't you hurry up!" She finally came out, and originally wanted to run away, but now seeing Fan Xing, she changed her decision!
She can't get that man in this life, so she would rather ruin it!
"Yes!" The man in black signaled the people around him to pay attention to Lan Shu with his eyes, then walked over, knocked Fan Xing out quickly, and disappeared into the hospital in an instant holding Fan Xing and Lan Shu!
Back to the end, Lan Shu once again felt timid, but thinking of Fan Xing, she was so excited that she couldn't sleep!
Huangfu gave Lan Shu an arrogant and affectionate look, the blood-red pupils made Lan Shu tremble!Huangfu Jueao was about to say something, but when he saw Fan Xing beside him, his eyes became ruthless. His red eyes swept over Chi beside him like ice skates, and the voice like a hell Shura scared him red. A cold sweat broke out all over his body, "Have you forgotten the rules of Jue?" The piercingly cold voice contained no trace of emotion. When Huangfu Jueao said this, his body was full of murderous aura, which made Chi's hand tremble subconsciously. Almost knocked down Fan Xing!
"Say, what's going on here?!" His eyes like ice knives swept across the crowd, and Huangfu's arrogant tone was full of cold death breath!

"Master, this is Miss Lan's order!" Although Chi was very nervous, he still stood there motionless, not daring to slack off in the slightest!
(End of this chapter)

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