Chapter 233

Let him be tempted but want to leave him, let alone the door, there are no windows!

Also, why is she crying?
Did he hurt her?
Qin Yi's heart was in a mess.

"I'm tired. I think I'm not good enough for you, Young Master Qin. Can you just let me go? I want to go home and marry Mark! He's been waiting for me!" Trying to break free from this hot embrace, Zhang Xiaoya knew I can't miss it anymore, otherwise she will really fall into the abyss, and she won't even be able to climb out!
"You woman, what are you talking about?" Angrily restraining Zhang Xiaoya, Qin Yilian couldn't understand why the person who had been chasing him all this time suddenly wanted to marry someone else?
He will never allow it!
"I said I want to marry someone else, and you don't love me. I'm tired. I want to go back to the United States. I don't want to follow you. You despise me so much. I, I want to go home! I miss my parents!" Pushing her little arms and legs, Zhang Xiaoya really wanted to escape from Qin Yilian's restraint, but how could Qin Yilian give her a chance to escape!

"You bad man, bad man, I want to go home, I want to go home, let me go, I want to go back and pack my luggage! I'm leaving today, I..." Zhang Xiaoya didn't know what she was talking about , she only knew that if she stayed in this embrace any longer, she would definitely lose her heart!
"Damn it, try again!" It disturbed his heart, and he wanted to escape irresponsibly. Is there such a good thing in this world?

"I..." Zhang Xiaoya wanted to struggle at first, but why did Qin Yilian allow her to continue speaking so irresponsibly, and impatiently blocked Zhang Xiaoya's mouth with his mouth, looking at Zhang Xiaoya's staring eyes that were bigger than a copper bell Eyes, Qin Yi smiled, "Hey, close your eyes."

Zhang Xiaoya closed it obediently.

After the kiss, Zhang Xiaoya's face turned red, and she looked at Qin Yilian dissatisfied, with an aggrieved look.

When Qin Yilian saw it, he pecked Zhang Xiaoya's mouth lightly again, "Don't go, I'll take you home to meet my grandpa at night!"

Zhang Xiaoya couldn't react for a long time after hearing this, Qin Yilian repeated helplessly, "If you satisfy my grandfather, I will consider marrying you!"

"What, what did you say?" There was a thunderstorm in Pingtian, making Zhang Xiaoya burnt inside and out.

"I didn't say anything." He didn't like to repeat a sentence.

"Say it again! I didn't hear clearly just now!" Zhang Xiaoya tried to act like a baby, but she was really afraid that she was hallucinating just now.

"It's fine if you don't hear clearly."

"Oh, what did you say!"

"Do not say!"

"Then I'll go back to America!"

"you dare!"

"I dare! I want to marry Mark!"

"Damn woman, try saying it again!"


"Come with me back to see my grandpa tonight, we'll get married in a while!"


"why do not you talk?"

"what happened to you?"

"Why are you crying? I didn't bully you!"

"Okay, okay, don't cry, don't cry, be good!"

"...Are you really going to marry me?"

"if you are willing to!"

"I am willing, I am willing, I am 1 willing, then will you marry me?"

"Is it possible?!"

"You lied to me!"

"I want to go back to America!"


"Then will you marry me?"

"I want to marry Mark!"

"I can't tell!"


"Okay, I will marry you! But you are not allowed to go back to the United States, and you are not allowed to think about that Mark!"

"Okay, I got it! I only have you in my heart, and it's not like you don't know it!"

"It's almost there!"

"Well, how is your grandpa? Will he be as cold and serious as you? I'm so scared!"

"Hey, where are you taking me?"

"This is not my room!"

"You you you, what are you doing?"

"I, I, I, I'm dizzy." After saying a word, a certain woman fainted magnificently.

"Zhang Xiaoya, you didn't eat breakfast again! Didn't I tell you that you can't starve if you have low blood sugar?"

"Hey, Dean Deng has given you 10 minutes to arrive at the Royal Hotel, otherwise you won't be able to take the position of dean!"

"Damn girl, if you dare not eat next time, see how I will spare you!" Looking at the pale man in front of him, Qin Yilian felt a little heartbroken, and touched Zhang Xiaoya's tender skin, "Why do you always put me in the What about the front? If I don't come back, you won't eat?"

"Thank you, thank you for igniting my heart and letting me try love again, Xiaoya, I will love you well and give you a lifetime of happiness."

In the luxurious presidential suite, Qin Yilian made a lifetime promise, this time, they will be happy!

The person lying on the bed also seemed to feel the intimacy of his lover, and a happy smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Damn it, why hasn't anyone come yet?"

"Dean Deng, there are 5 minutes left!"

"Little godmother, don't worry, leave Yingying to us, and we will take good care of her!" Fan Aojie and Fan Aosen patted their small chests and promised, "You and godfather hurry up and go on a date." Come on, we will play with Yingying!"

Looking at the two little boys who made promises, Zhang Shuqi pulled Xu Yingying beside them to the two children, "Yingying, Daddy and Mommy have something to do today, so you're going to play with Aunt Fan, you know? Mommy will pick you up tonight! "

My daughter seldom leaves her side, but today is the four-year anniversary of Zhang Shuqi and her husband Xu Zhishen's marriage, and it happens to be the weekend again. The two finally found time to be alone together. Zhang Shuqi thought twice and decided to hand over Xu Yingying to Fan Xing Take a day, and the three children happen to be accompanied, so she can rest assured!

Xu Yingying looked at Zhang Shuqi with eyes full of reluctance. It was the first time she was away from Mummy for such a long time. She was not used to it, and a childish voice sounded, "Mummy, can I go with you?" She didn't arrive Three years old, she doesn't want to be away from mommy for so long!
Seeing her daughter's pitiful appearance, Zhang Shuqi couldn't bear it anymore, "Yingying, didn't you promise Mommy this morning? Also, don't you like Brother Xiaojie and Brother Xiaosen very much? Why did you suddenly change your mind? ?”

Fan Xing at the side saw Zhang Shuqi's embarrassment, and also helped her, "Yes, Yingying, don't you like playing at Aunt Fan's house?"

"I, I..." Xu Yingying doesn't know what's wrong, although she likes to play with Fan Aojie and Fan Aosen, and also likes the aunt in front of her, but when she thinks of Zhang Shuqi and Xu Zhishen leaving her alone, she feels a pang in her heart Not good!

"Oh, Yingying, brother Xiaojie has a lot of delicious candies here!" Looking at the cute girl in front of him, Fan Aojie said that he didn't like it, it was impossible!
"Yes, Yingying, you can run a house with us here!" Fan Aosen also likes Xu Yingying very much, and today he finally had the opportunity to play with Xu Yingying all day, so Fan Aosen was naturally very happy!
(End of this chapter)

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