Chapter 234

"Yingying, Uncle Duan will cook you a lot of delicious food!" Today is Saturday, Fan Xing and Duan Chengfeng are naturally at home, so Fan Xing also joined the people who tempted Xu Yingying.

Seeing the earnest eyes of the two brothers, and looking at Fan Xing's gentle eyes, Xu Yingying finally nodded, "Mommy, you go, I'll play with the brothers!"

As soon as Xu Yingying agreed, Fan Aojie and Fan Aosen grabbed Xu Yingying's little hand and said in unison, "Don't worry, little godmother, we're off to play! Bye!"

"Goodbye, Mommy!"

After finishing speaking, the three children went to the room to play hand in hand.

Zhang Shuqi watched the three children leave reluctantly, and finally withdrew her gaze, "Xing Xing, I'm sorry to trouble you today!"

"What are you talking about? What's the relationship between us? What's the reason for not being troublesome? You go, don't keep your husband waiting! Have fun!"

"Well, then I'll go first, and I'll pick up Yingying in the evening!" Thinking of her husband still waiting for her, Zhang Shuqi couldn't wait.

"Well, if you have fun, let Yingying sleep here today, your rare anniversary!"

"Well, but Yingying is still young, if she leaves us for a whole day, she might not be able to sleep at night, so let's see it then! Goodbye stars!"

"Bye!" Seeing Zhang Shuqi's fast pace, Fan Xing smiled enviously.

Her and Duan Chengfeng's wedding anniversary is coming soon, I don't know how Duan Chengfeng plans to spend it?

Fan Xing suddenly looked forward to it.

Walking to the room of the two children and looking at the three children, Fan Xing's face was full of happiness and satisfaction.

"Yingying, shall we play the prince and princess game?" Fan Aosen suggested naturally after reading too many fairy tales.

"Okay!" Every girl has a princess dream, although Xu Yingying is still young, she also dreams of it.

"Well, I'll be the prince, Komori, you are the knight, and Yingying, you are the kind and beautiful princess, okay?" Fan Aojie became a prince very much, and Fan Aosen was a little dissatisfied.

"Brother, why am I a knight and you are a prince? I want to be a prince too!" The knight will always protect the princess, he doesn't want it, he wants to be happy with the princess like a prince in the end!
"Komori, both the prince and the knight guard the princess. There is no difference. The knight has beautiful armor, but the prince does not!" The prince does not have beautiful armor, but the prince has gorgeous court clothes!Fan Aojie deliberately didn't say anything, because he likes Xu Yingying very much, and he really wants to be Xu Yingying's prince!

"Really?" Fan Aosen liked the armor of warriors very much. Although he was dubious about Fan Aojie's words, he believed that Fan Aojie would not lie to him.

"Really, how about we ask Yingying to see who she would like to be the prince?" Fan Aojie was calm when he received his younger brother's dubious expression, and he didn't even type out a draft when he told a lie.

"Well, Yingying, who do you want to be your prince?" Fan Aosen accepted Fan Aojie's suggestion and asked Xu Yingying directly.

"Yingying, Brother Jie has a lot of delicious candies. If you become my princess, you will have endless candies. How about it? Do you want me to be your prince?" Fan Aojie knew that Xu Yingying liked it. He eats sugar, so even if he doesn't like it, he still saves a lot of sugar for Xu Yingying.

"Okay, then I'll be Brother Jie's princess!" A certain person didn't know that she had betrayed herself because of a few candies, so that she had been pre-ordered since she was very young.

Fan Aosen on the side doesn't care who is the prince and who is the knight, he only cares about whether he can wear that very bold and powerful armor!
Seeing that his younger brother did not object, Fan Aojie smiled and stretched out his hand, "Well, Yingying is so cute! Come on, my princess!" Several people who looked like little adults began to fiddle with the clothes at home, and soon After the change, the three of them began to stage scenes of fairy tales.

Fan Xing watched a few children perform at the door, the immature children's voice, the pure world, are so beautiful, this made Fan Xing feel relieved, but at the same time he had to lament the black belly of his eldest son Fan Aojie.

Thinking of Fan Xing's doubts when Fan Aojie asked her to make princess clothes and prince knight clothes not long ago, now it seems that Fan Xing understands Fan Aojie's good intentions.

It seems that this child is really more stable and mature than his father. He is only five years old, so when he grows up, what kind of scenery will it be like?

Fan Xing suddenly looked forward to the two children growing up as soon as possible, and really wanted to see them succeed in their careers and have a happy day, but Fan Xing knew that it was still early.

Smiling, feeling the approach of the faint fragrance of ice lotus, and then being brought into a warm embrace, Fan Xing consciously leaned himself into the other's arms, Duan Chengfeng hugged Fan Xing gently, with a low voice The tone sounded, "Didn't your mouth keep getting angry recently? I boiled mung bean paste for you, let's go, drink and see, will it feel better?"

"Okay." Gently closing the door of the room, Fan Xing and Duan Chengfeng hugged each other and left.

The two were sitting on the sofa, Fan Xing leaned himself into Duan Chengfeng's arms, feeling Duan Chengfeng's thoughtfulness, the corners of his mouth were raised, and he watched Duan Chengfeng feed her mung bean paste with a smile in his eyes, the two of them just watched quietly Looking at the other party, Duan Chengfeng also gently held a bowl to feed Fan Xing porridge. The atmosphere was quiet and beautiful.

But someone, always seems to like to spoil the scenery.

"Feng, why didn't you ask me why Mr. Qin came here that day?" Since Qin Yilian appeared, Duan Chengfeng didn't ask anything, and treated Fan Xing as usual. Seeing that Duan Chengfeng still didn't ask anything, Fan Xing couldn't wait.

Although it is a very good thing to be trusted by others, Duan Chengfeng didn't ask such a question, which made Fan Xing feel happy and a little bit disappointed at the same time.

Didn't it say that the more someone loves you, the easier it is to be jealous?
Why is Duan Chengfeng still so calm and composed, without any intention to ask?
Well, if you don't ask, I will!
"Also, didn't you dislike my relationship with Mr. Qin before? Why did you take the two children away so generously that day and let us be alone?" Well, Fan Xing admitted that Duan Chengfeng didn't like it at all. Not feeling well.

But Duan Chengfeng didn't seem to pay attention to Fan Xing's little awkwardness again, "Xiao Fan, this matter is nothing, come, drink some mung bean paste, you see your mouth is bubbling, and it will hurt very much!" After finishing, he continued to dig a spoonful of mung bean paste and handed it to Fan Xing's mouth, but Fan Xing closed his mouth tightly unwillingly, and looked at Duan Chengfeng sadly.

(End of this chapter)

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