Chapter 235

"Have you been with me for too long and you're bored of me? That's why you don't even bother to be jealous?" Fan Xing knew that she was a little bored, but she just felt uncomfortable seeing Duan Chengfeng look so calm.

Thinking of the seven-year itch that people said, they have been remarried for four years, so it's not seven years before something goes wrong, right?
The more Fan Xing thought about it, the more sad he felt, and his eyes were full of resentment as he looked at Duan Chengfeng, "Do you think I'm old, and after giving birth, I'm not as slender as before, so you start to dislike me?" After giving birth , although Fan Xing is recovering very well, his body is indeed much plumper than before, but he is not very fat, but the one that should be convex is more convex, and the one that should be warped is also more warped. His figure is thinner than before It looks much better, so what she said has no factual basis.

Reluctantly put down the bowl, Duan Chengfeng has long since gotten used to Fan Xing's occasional temper tantrum, who made him like to spoil her and love her?

But what Fan Xing said really hurt his heart a little bit.

The perfect hands like a pianist gently traced Fan Xing's eyebrows, the tip of his nose, and even his lips. Finally, Duan Chengfeng lowered his head and gave Fan Xing a hot kiss.

This kiss is not like Duan Chengfeng's usual sympathy, nor is it like that affectionate kiss. In this kiss, all of Duan Chengfeng's love for Fan Xing is poured out, hot and wild,
Fan Xing frowned in pain, and stared at Duan Chengfeng with a pair of beautiful eyes, with indescribable grievances in his eyes.

Duan Chengfeng felt the strangeness of the person in his arms, and opened those dark eyes to look at Fan Xing, with a rare seriousness in his eyes, "Xiao Fan, don't say these words in the future, okay? What is my feeling for you?" I know, I don't ask, it's because I believe in you, I also saw Qin Yilian looking at you very calmly that day, so I put my heart down and let you get along alone. I know you have always felt that Qin Yilian Because you are lonely all your life, you will feel guilty and uneasy. So even if you don’t want to, I still let you have a good talk. You should understand me. We have been in love for so many years, and we have gone through so many ups and downs , why bother to influence each other because of these trivial things? So, in the future, don't say that I despise you and don't love you, you know? If you do this, it will hurt me very much!"

Those eyes as deep as Youtan, those deep eyes, and heart are full of Fan Xing, these Fan Xing all know, but she still likes to hear Duan Chengfeng admit it personally.

Hey, who made this man always so boring and rarely say such provocative things?
Women always like to listen to sweet talk, and Fan Xing is no exception.

So, taking the opportunity, Fan Xing will stimulate Duan Chengfeng a little, make Duan Chengfeng nervous, and then confess affectionately again. Fan Xing has indeed done such boring things occasionally in the past few years, but now listening to what Duan Chengfeng said, Fan Xing I also feel that I seem to be a bit too much.

At this moment, Fan Xing acted like a little daughter-in-law who did something wrong, and kissed Duan Chengfeng flatteringly, "Feng, I'm sorry, I won't do it again." Although she liked to hear Duan Chengfeng's affectionate confession, Fan Xing also knew , always doing this, too many times will affect the relationship between husband and wife, so Fan Xing really won't do it in the future.

Duan Chengfeng trusted her so wholeheartedly, so why did she say those things to bother Duan Chengfeng?

In fact, deep down in her heart, didn't she love Duan Chengfeng so wholeheartedly, did she believe in Duan Chengfeng?

If so, why should she?
"Forgive me this time, okay?" Trying to kiss Duan Chengfeng again, Fan Xing tried to act like a baby, "Don't be angry!" He arched towards Duan Chengfeng, feeling the body of the person holding him stiff, Fan Xing revealed With an expression of scheming, she blew into Duan Chengfeng's ear, and said softly, "As long as you don't blame me, you can do whatever you want at night!" Well, she admits that acting like a baby is not enough, she can seduce the head office, right?

Duan Chengfeng took a deep breath, pulled Fan Xing in front of him, and looked at Fan Xing seriously, "I'm not angry, it's just that I don't like it when you complain that I don't love you, despise you, you will make me think I'm doing something wrong." It's very bad, and it broke your heart again."

Duan Chengfeng still remembers the lesson of what happened five years ago. Looking at Fan Xing who was so injured, Duan Chengfeng still feels that what he did was not good enough to make up for his previous injuries, so every time Fan Xing complains, He will reflect on whether he did something wrong again, which made Fan Xing unhappy?

Therefore, every time Fan Xing complains, he is very disturbed, because he knows that Fan Xing is not such a boring person, and when she complains, it must be because she feels dissatisfied.

"Feng, I'm sorry, I didn't know you would think so much, I was just complaining, I didn't think so much, I'm sorry!" Fan Xing was really wrong at this time, and she dared not do it again.

"Well, don't talk about it in the future, you know? I will be afraid and worried!" Holding the person in front of him tightly, feeling the soft body in his arms, Duan Chengfeng felt that this life was really enough.

"Okay, let's not talk." How can I be willing to let you worry?

The two hugged quietly, feeling each other's temperature and atmosphere, quiet and beautiful, but...

"Are you really following me tonight?" The two of them discussed it, and Duan Chengfeng naturally wanted to seek benefits for himself!
"..." In such a good atmosphere, Duan Chengfeng suddenly changed the subject, and Fan Xing couldn't react immediately.

"You promised just now! You can't go back on your word!" Well, now that the business is settled, Duan Chengfeng will naturally not forget his own benefits.

"Yes! I promise! I won't go back on my word!" Said every word, Fan Xing had a bit of gnashing of teeth.

"Anyway, it's fine now, why don't we catch up on some sleep!" Duan Chengfeng said, and left with Fan Xing in his arms.

"No, no, the children are playing, I'm afraid they will find me later!" She is not a fool, how could she not see the spark in Duan Chengfeng's eyes?

"It's okay, they got carried away and won't come looking for you!" Ignoring Fan Xing, Duan Chengfeng continued to walk with Fan Xing in his arms.

"What if they are hungry later? It will be noon soon." Seizing every possible opportunity to escape, Fan Xing knew that he would definitely be repaired badly for what he said just now!

"Mom said today, go to their place for lunch! Let's go back to sleep first, Mom will call us later!" Ignore it and continue walking.

"What if the children are thirsty later?"

"There are fruit juices in the refrigerator, and they will eat them when they are thirsty!"

(End of this chapter)

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