The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 119 I like this kind of thing, of course I feel it with my heart

Chapter 119 I like this kind of thing, of course I feel it with my heart
Embarrassment flashed across Qiao Yiyuan's handsome face without a trace, and he cleared his throat in a concealed manner.

"Like this kind of thing, of course you feel it with your heart, and you can express it clearly with your mouth. Do you always think about whether you like it or not every time you meet someone? What a lovely child."

Meng Yao lowered her mouth and curled her hands holding her cheeks, and picked up the bowl and chopsticks again with both hands.

"Speak as if Mr. Joe is very big."

"In any case, he's seven years older than you. It's perfectly fine to be your brother."

"You are my "cousin". Are you, cousin?" She smiled at him with a smile in her joke.

He raised his hand and tapped her on the forehead, "Stop being so talkative, eat quickly, and do a test question after eating, it's too bad, I'm not in the mood to teach you."

She raised her hand and touched the knocked forehead, bargaining, "Then can we cancel the lunch?"

"No talk."


Sure enough, as Nini said, she has a black belly!Also poisonous tongue!

Qiao Yiyuan ignored her resentful eyes, and had no intention of mentioning the 'Feiyue Cup'.

At 02:30 in the afternoon, Ji Chengzhong, who had already settled his salary, came to the president's office, but was stopped by Linda who was sitting outside the president's office.

"Manager Ji, the president is not in the company." Linda said businesslike.

Ji Chengzhong said politely, "Linda, I just want to say goodbye to the president. I am very grateful for being reused by him during my stay in the company."

"The president is really not in the company. And you and I know the president's character. Knowing people and making good use of them is his management style. He does not accept any form of gratitude or farewell when he is in office or when he leaves office."

At this point, Ji Chengzhong had no reason to continue. He glanced at the closed office door, nodded slightly and turned around. Turning halfway, he saw that Qin Fei's seat was empty.

"Where is Special Assistant Qin?"


At 04:30, Qin Fei, who came back from the Skating Federation, walked towards the automatic door with his briefcase. When he got off the car, he saw Ji Chengzhong, but his expression remained unchanged.

When Ji Chengzhong saw Qin Fei, who was wearing a coat and a scarf, come back, he greeted him happily, "Tezhu Qin." After a pause, he continued, "Tezhu Qin, can you help me intercede with the president? Confused--"

Qin Fei raised his hand to signal that he didn't need to say any more, and said directly, "The president said that no matter who you are, you have to pay the corresponding price for doing something wrong. Manager Ji, please allow me to be fair, if your niece meets How do you feel about Meng Yao's experience? The so-called don't do to others what you don't want done to you, isn't exactly the truth."

People all over the country know that Qiao's preference for figure skating in sports sponsorship, and that Ji Chengzhong dared to pluck a tiger's hair, didn't he send it to the tiger's mouth himself.

Ji Chengzhong lowered his head slowly, knowing that his working life in Qiao's had been settled, and his stomach was green with regret.

Qin Fei went all the way back to the president's office. Linda, who was working, glanced at him distractedly, and then continued to work.

Qin Fei pushed open the door of the president's office and entered.

"President, the skating federation said it will deal with this matter as soon as possible."

Qiao Yiyuan turned his dull eyes from the computer screen to him, "You can reply to Meng Yao later."


Head coach Zhu stood at the desk to answer the phone with a serious look on his face.

"What is the request from the association?"

After listening to the words on the phone, head coach Zhu let out a long breath from his nasal cavity, "Then who will go to the Open?"

"Who else can I let besides Meng Yao? You arrange it as soon as possible, and I have to go to the Skating Federation."

After hanging up the phone, head coach Zhu thought for a while, turned around and walked out of the office with his hands behind his back.

On the training ground, Yan Xiaoyan completed the Axel triple axel beautifully, which drew applause from her teammates on the ice rink.

(End of this chapter)

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