The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 120 Punish Yan Xiaoyan

Chapter 120 Punish Yan Xiaoyan

The corners of Yan Xiaoyan's mouth couldn't help but rise upwards.

This is the atmosphere in the club she wants, and she skates the best among all the players.

Meng Yao is a thief, she stole something that belonged to her, now it's all over, if you can't keep it, of course you have to return it!

Head coach Zhu came to the edge of the ice rink and looked around the practice situation on the ice rink with his hands behind his back.

Yan Xiaoyan noticed that head coach Zhu was coming, and immediately wanted to get his attention, so as to win his higher approval.

Jump on the ice!

"Wow! It's a quadruple jump!" Many team members exclaimed enviously.

Well, the ice fell successfully.

Head coach Zhu watched Yan Xiaoyan's quadruple jump, and he knew how much she had improved and how much hard work she had put in, but once a person made a mistake, no matter how much effort he put in, it would be in vain. If he wanted to start again, he had to start all over again .

"Yan Xiaoyan, come to the office."

Yan Xiaoyan knew in her heart that she held more weight in Coach Zhu's heart than Meng Yao, so when she heard him calling her, she skated to the edge of the ice rink without thinking, put on the skates and headed for the office.

"See, Yan Xiaoyan is more favored than Meng Yao, just look at the attitude of head coach Zhu."

"So what, Meng Yao skates better than Yan Xiaoyan."

"Meng Yao's foot is injured now, so she can't train, and Coach Lu is gone. I don't know how to arrange for Meng Yao's foot to come back."

"Speaking of which, since Meng Yao had an accident at home, she is not as lively and cheerful as before, and she doesn't laugh at us anymore. She always practices more alone, and feels much more mature."

"Hey, who doesn't have a lot of personality after a sudden big change?"

In a word, all the small team members gathered together fell silent.

Yan Xiaoyan thought that head coach Zhu was asking her to do something, but she didn't expect to listen to a recording for her as soon as she came in. After listening carefully, she realized that it was what she said to her uncle on the phone in the bathroom during the Winter Games.

At that time, she obviously checked the toilet seat, where did this come from?

Seeing that her face turned pale, Head Coach Zhu put the phone aside, looked at her seriously and said sadly, "You are so disappointing."

This sentence shocked Yan Xiaoyan's heart as if it had been split by Dao Lei, her face was tense and she dared not say a word.

who is it?Who is it?
Head Coach Zhu said in a deep voice, "There's no need to say anything. The higher authorities have verified what you did to Meng Yao, and have made a decision to punish you for your actions."

"You should immediately apologize to Meng Yao and ask for her forgiveness, and then write a profound review and submit it. You will be suspended for one year, and you will not have to participate in the Asian Open in March."

I thought it would be airtight if the Ministry didn't deal with it, but I still have to believe in the power of the old saying, there is no impenetrable wall, only an uncontrollable mouth.

Thinking of this, head coach Zhu frowned secretly.

Could it be Meng Yao?
Hearing such a punishment, Yan Xiaoyan wanted to argue but didn't know what to say, her slightly parted lips trembled slightly.

Yan Xiaoyan tried to recall the situation at that time, and soon realized that the last toilet was closed. She thought that there was no one like the front, so she didn't check.

Could it be that the person in the toilet recorded it?
Thinking of this possibility, Yan Xiaoyan turned pale.

She actually destroyed a hundred secrets in her own hands.

Meng Yao received a call from Qin Fei and heard that Qiao's had fired the employees involved.

Meng Yao had no objection to this result, she just wanted to teach Yan Xiaoyan's relatives a lesson.

Qiao's work efficiency is very satisfactory, looking for it in the morning and getting the results in the afternoon, it really is the style of a big company.

After hanging up the phone, Meng Yao thought of Coach Lu, so she tried to dial his number again, but unexpectedly got through, with unexpected surprise on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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