The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 164 Will You Watch My Game?

Chapter 164 Will You Watch My Game?

Gumanni thought she heard it wrong, and looked at her with wide eyes in surprise, with joy in her tone, "Really?!"

"Yesterday, when I was on a drip at the hospital, head coach Fang told me personally."

"It's great! My Yaoyao has such a long face! She will soon become a world player!" Gumanni opened her arms and was about to hug her.

"Shui Shui Shui Shui..." Meng Yao reached out to stop her.

The over-excited Gumanni remembered that she was drinking brown sugar water, and said "Oh" twice, and then sighed deeply.

"You have worked so hard, and I have no right not to work hard. I also want to achieve my goal!" Then he asked Meng Yao, "Didn't you say that Mr. Qiao went to watch your game? Did he go to the hospital?"

Meng Yao shook her head, and was about to speak when the phone that was thrown to the side of the sofa rang.

'Mr. Joe' calls.

Seeing her strange expression, Gumanni raised her head to glance at her eyes, then covered her mouth and snickered, sitting while playing with her mobile phone so as not to disturb her answering the phone.

Meng Yao reached out and slapped her thigh before answering the phone.

"Mr. Joe."

"I heard that you have returned to Beishi."

The mobile phone on the desk was turned on hands-free, Qiao Yiyuan was carefully reading a contract, the contract partner had Meng Yao's name written on it, and he was talking on the phone while reading it.

"Well, I'm back when I have nothing to do, and I will go to the gym in the afternoon."

Hearing this, Qiao Yiyuan stopped turning over the contract, and continued to turn the page, "If you feel uncomfortable, rest for two more days, your coach will not rush you."

Because of this topic, she remained uncomfortably silent for a few seconds, "I'm really fine, thank you for your concern. This is why you called?"

"I didn't call you yesterday." Put the contract aside, picked up the phone, turned off the hands-free sticker and put it to your ear, "How does it feel to win the gold medal?"

"Excellent!" She immediately said happily, "The sense of accomplishment is overwhelming! When the award was presented, I thought, the training is so hard, and the gold medal is worth it."

He didn't expect this girl to be so straightforward, he couldn't help but smile, stood up and walked to the French window, with one hand in his trouser pocket overlooking the hustle and bustle of Beishi, when he heard her words coming from the phone again.

"Mr. Qiao, I'm going to participate in the World Figure Skating Grand Prix at the end of next month!"

Surprise flashed in his faint eyes, and then he said with a smile, "Keep going."

"Will you go to my game?"

When she asked this sentence, she turned her head to look at Gumanni. Gumanni didn't play with her mobile phone at all, but was eavesdropping on her phone call. She stretched out her hand and pushed her.

Qiao Yiyuan was silent for a long time without speaking, and there was a hint of suddenness in the depths of his eyes.

"Mr. Qiao?" Meng Yao called out to him without hearing his answer.

Qiao Yiyuan came back to his senses, and said calmly, "Let's talk about it when the time comes, the groups haven't come out yet. If you are really uncomfortable, don't try to be brave. Let's do this first." After hanging up the phone, he walked back to the desk, stretched out his hand and pressed the internal line, "Lin Dar, come in."

The door of the office was pushed open, and Linda in business attire walked in, "President."

"Send this contract to the chairman, and ask him to implement it as soon as possible." Qiao Yiyuan handed the contract to Linda.

Linda lowered her eyes slightly and took the contract with both hands, "Yes."

In the quiet office, there was only the sound of high heels. Qiao Yiyuan, who was looking down at the desk in deep thought, suddenly raised his head to look in the direction of the door before Linda opened the door.


Linda turned around and stood straight by the door, waiting for her boss to speak.

Qiao Yiyuan pondered embarrassingly for a long time, and finally said lightly, "It's okay." After speaking, he turned and sat back in the office chair.

That girl was obviously embarrassed just now, if he told her how to recuperate, she would probably be embarrassed to see him in the future.

Linda turned around full of doubts and opened the door to go out.

(End of this chapter)

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