The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 165 Mr. Qiao is Really Good

Chapter 165 Mr. Qiao is Really Good

In the afternoon, Meng Yao went to the gymnasium.

When Chen Ying saw her coming, she slid over to talk to her.

Meng Yao smiled and talked to Chen Ying, and was about to take off the skates and put on the ice when Mr. Fang's coach came over.

"Meng Yao, are you all right?"

Meng Yao quickly stood up straight, shook her head, "It's all right."

Head Coach Fang nodded and said to the two of them, "You two come with me to the office."

When they arrived at the office, the three of them sat on each corner of the sofa. Coach Fang sat on the couch in the middle, and Meng Yao and Chen Ying sat on the single sofa facing each other.

"The team has decided that you and Lu Yun will participate in the World Skating Grand Prix at the end of next month. The list has been reported to the association. Lu Yun asked for leave today and did not come."

After hearing this, Chen Ying's expression became serious, and she asked Head Coach Fang, "Coach, what happened to what I told you this morning?"

Head Coach Fang looked at her, "The decision from above is to make you focus on the competition, so you can train for the competition with peace of mind, and you have someone to take care of you at home, okay?"

Chen Ying was stunned for a while, and then replied, "I will do my best."

"Meng Yao, the bonus has already been deposited into your account." Head Coach Fang smiled at Meng Yao, "Come on."

Upon hearing that there was a bonus, Meng Yao was so happy that she squinted her eyes, "Yes, coach!"

Chen Ying looked at Meng Yao who was very happy.

After leaving the office, Meng Yao saw that Chen Ying was depressed, and asked concerned, "Sister Ying, what's going on at your house?"

Chen Ying looked at her sideways and said in a depressed mood, "Something happened to my boyfriend and he broke a bone. I want to go back and see him, but the competition is tight."

It was only then that Meng Yao realized that it turned out that sister Ying did not perform well in the competition because her boyfriend was hospitalized.

"Sister Ying, I can only say something to comfort you. I'm really sorry that I can't help you."

"It's okay, thank you." Chen Ying smiled indifferently.

"Meng Yao!" Head coach Fang called Meng Yao from afar, "Come back, I have something to tell you."

Meng Yao turned her head and looked at Head Coach Fang suspiciously.

"Joe asks me to speak for you?"

In the office, Meng Yao was surprised.

Head coach Fang pushed the contract in front of her, "If you are willing to endorse, you can sign it. As for endorsement, you can increase your income. Before you said that your mother is sick and hospitalized, it can just relieve the financial pressure."

Meng Yao glanced at Head Coach Fang and reached out to pick up the endorsement contract.

Ever since she found out that her mother's condition had worsened during the New Year's Eve dinner, she asked her second uncle and aunt about the medical expenses and how much money her parents had in their bank cards.

Unexpectedly, there was no savings for a long time, and Mr. Qiao helped to advance the high medical expenses of the mother.

After knowing this situation, she felt that she owed Mr. Qiao a lot, as if he was always helping her, and she had never helped him.

So she took the initiative to find Mr. Qiao and asked him to tell her how much she spent, and then write down the IOU. She will definitely work hard to make money and pay it back to him. one day.

The reality told her that no matter what the relationship is, it will become vulnerable to money, just like the relationship between Nini and Ji Shunfeng.

Although Mr. Qiao is not short of money, but he earned it, why should he pay for her family for free?

She didn't hope that one day she and Mr. Qiao would be torn apart because of money, although the chance of this was not great for Mr. Qiao.

Well...Mr. Joe is really nice.

and so……

Meng Yao picked up a pen to sign, and then returned the contract to head coach Fang.

"It's signed."

Seeing her sign the pen, head coach Fang didn't even have time to stop her, "Don't you read the contract first?"

"Can't I still not give me a cent of the endorsement fee." She joked.

She is short of money, how much is there.

(End of this chapter)

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