The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 166 Actually took down Joe's!

Chapter 166 Actually took down Joe's!
Coach Fang was amused by her words, picked up the contract, "Okay, I'll take this to the association now."

"Thank you coach." Meng Yao smiled.

Walking to the edge of the ice rink, seeing Chen Ying jumping around after the jump, Meng Yao stared with surprise.

It's amazing... Sister Ying jumped around after conquering it!
Chen Ying fell on the ice and didn't get up for a long time. She lay flat on the ice with her eyes closed and gasped for air for a long time.

Still no success...

Meng Yao took off her skates, put on the ice, and slid to her side.

"Sister Ying, are you okay?"

Chen Ying opened her eyes and smiled, "It's okay." After speaking, she got up, "Let's skate for two!"

After joining the national team, Meng Yao's favorite thing is to learn skills and skate with Chen Ying. Chen Ying also often said that many of Meng Yao's movements are not standard. If Chen Ying's former coach taught Meng Yao, she would definitely practice crying, but even so , Meng Yao's skating has a charm that makes people overlook flaws.

Mr. Joe has spoken of her before.

She also wants to change, but...

"Sister Ying, have you ever filmed a commercial endorsement?"

"Advertising endorsement?" Chen Ying was stunned for a moment, and soon thought that the head coach Fang had asked her to go back, "Just now when you returned to the office, did a company ask you to endorse?"

Meng Yao nodded, and then said worriedly, "But I haven't filmed before, so I don't know if it will be difficult. If the filming is not good, will the signed contract be voided?"

Chen Ying pursed her lips and smiled, "I have never filmed commercials, but you can ask someone with experience. Which company is the endorsement?"


Chen Ying was surprised, and then smiled and gave her two thumbs up, "Awesome! Awesome! You actually took down Qiao's!"

A bunch of question marks popped up in Meng Yao's mind, "Aren't many athletes signed endorsements?"

Isn't this very common? What's wrong with it?
"Flower skating is not a strong point in our country, so there has never been a figure skater endorsement advertisement or anything. Joe's is the number one sponsor of figure skating, but its sports brand has never hired a spokesperson, all relying on hard word of mouth and Integrity, quality and a resounding brand to open up sales, you are the first spokesperson invited."

"You know that well?" Meng Yao exclaimed.

Chen Ying squinted at her, "As a figure skater, you have to know some news about figure skating, right? How can you keep up with the times when you are always stuck in your own world?"

When Meng Yao said this, Nunu mouthed in deep embarrassment, and rested her chin with one hand in distress.

"Then who should I consult with?"

Chen Ying said "Hey", turned her head to search the crowd in the ice rink, then slid over to talk to a female teammate, and slid back after a while.

"Brother Lu Yun has filmed commercials, do you want to ask Lu Yun?"

When Chen Ying suggested that she go to Lu Yun, Meng Yao felt scrupulous in her heart, and the reason was still because of Lu Yun.

If she didn't get it wrong, Lu Yun has always been unhappy that Lu Feng helped her write the song, otherwise he would not have taken away the song intended for her from Lu Feng in the first place.

Now that she has joined the national team, Lu Yunye is still not happy, and there is not much communication between them.

But she also wondered, it's been almost a year since that incident, is it necessary to be unhappy for so long?Is your chest narrowed?She doesn't care about the victim, does she?

But if you don't look for Lu Feng, who can you look for?

On the way home, Meng Yao sighed.

The phone in the small backpack rang suddenly.

Local landline number.

Meng Yao connected without hesitation.


"Hello, is this Ms. Meng Yaomeng? This is Qiao's..."

(End of this chapter)

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