The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 563 Free Skating·The Best Way to Appreciate Each Other

Chapter 563 Free Skating·The Best Way to Appreciate Each Other
Ruan Feifei took off her coat, subconsciously turned her head to look at Meng Yao and Qiao Yiyuan, and saw Meng Yao put her legs on the fence to press her legs, while Qiao Yiyuan was talking to her in a low voice, and looked at each other for a few seconds from time to time.

——"Okay, Yamamoto's score is out! 180 280 points, the total score is [-] [-]! Not surpassing the first-ranked player Nikolai, temporarily ranked second!"

Seeing this score, Daikako Yamamoto was very disappointed, and her coach looked even more ugly.

——"The third player is Ruan Feifei, who is ranked third in the short program and is from China."

Ruan Feifei embraced Coach Su, and skating to the center of the ice rink after listening to Coach Su's instructions before the game.

The five-star red flags in the auditorium were shaking one after another.

"Ruan Feifei, come on!" Meng Yao suddenly stopped pressing her legs and shouted at Ruan Feifei.

Ruan Feifei looked at her and gestured "OK" to her.

——"The track is "Dream Chaser". The choreography and music arrangement of this season's free skating are all contestant Ruan Feifei herself."

——"It's a difficult Bellman spin as soon as you play."

Ruan Feifei was a little distracted, remembering what her father said to her before going abroad.

"Baby, Dad will give you the best whatever you want. The only thing I feel guilty about is that I don't have time to accompany you. But even so, Dad still wants to tell you that our family is not short of money. You don't need to work hard to make money. You need No matter how much money Dad can give you, figure skating has Meng Yao, so you don’t specialize in figure skating.”

—— "Axel triple axel!"

"Your achievements in ballet are incomparable to figure skating. If you like people who are better than you in different fields, you should appreciate and support them, not follow them blindly. There are many people who appreciate each other interlaced. If you lose your original pursuit, you will experience all kinds of frustration and bewilderment.”

——"Ice jumping around the back and outside!"

"The best way for two interlaced people to appreciate each other is that you shine in your field of expertise, and I shine in my field of expertise, and each other works towards their respective goals. Isn't that good?"

——"Hook triple axel, back-to-outside flip, back-to-back triple axel!"

"You are excellent in everything, but in Dad's opinion, figure skating is not your strong point. Dad hopes you will think about it."

——"The final jump is the back-to-outside quadruple jump, and the back-to-inside quadruple jump!"

Ruan Feifei landed on the ice, jumped, crouched and rotated.

Zessie Davis was ready to play, and secretly moved her sore right foot. She played too many closed games in the previous game, and was warned by the doctor, so she didn't dare to play again.

——"Ruan Feifei's score is 190 290 points! The total score is [-] [-] points! She surpassed Nikolaova and ranked first, and at the same time set a new personal free skating record!"

Ruan Feifei, who was sitting in the waiting area, covered her mouth with her hands in surprise, and hugged Coach Su excitedly.

This season is the Olympic season that all athletes are looking forward to. No matter what the final decision is, we must work hard this season before making a decision!

Seeing Ruan Feifei's results, Meng Yao happily applauded her vigorously.

——"The fourth place is Zessie Davis, who is in the third place in the short program. She is from Canada and has won two consecutive world championships. Can she turn the tide tonight?"

As soon as Zessie Davis came on stage, the audience applauded enthusiastically.

——"The song is "The Phantom of the Opera"."

This gothic opera has become an eternal classic with wonderful music, romantic plot and perfect dance.

(End of this chapter)

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