The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 564 Free Skating·Is This Really His Girlfriend?

Chapter 564 Free Skating·Is This Really His Girlfriend?

"You will be the next one, let's do some pre-match preparations." Qiao Yiyuan said to Meng Yao.

Meng Yao looked at Zessie Davis on the field, looked away and nodded to him.

——"Falling ice shaking his feet on the ice."

Backstage, Qiao Yiyuan helped Meng Yao put on earplugs, she looked up and smiled at him, the lipstick he used tonight was the one he gave her last night.

Zessie Davis hits the ice after the swallow!
——"Quadruple back-to-ice jump, back-to-out triple axel, back-to-out triple axel!"

Landed on the ice successfully and taxied at high speed.

- "The final jump is the axel triple axel...hands on the ice!"

Qiao Yiyuan raised the curtain, and Meng Yao stood in front of him.The music, commentary, and applause in the ice rink suddenly poured into the ears at high decibels.

Zessie Davis was sweating profusely, panting and smiling, and waved to the audience. Many flower dolls flew onto the ice, and a pink rabbit flew towards her. She caught it with both hands, looked down, and then turned to The referee and the audience on all sides saluted and thanked for going off the ice.

Meng Yao took off her coat and handed it to Qiao Yiyuan, wearing a pure water red performance dress.

——"The score of Davies came out, 190 290 points, the total score is [-] [-] points, surpassing Ruan Feifei by [-] points and ranking first!"

——"The fifth player is Meng Yao, who is ranked second in the short program. He is from China and is a very strong player!"

Before Meng Yao was on the ice, voices calling her name in Chinese and multiple foreign languages ​​were already heard in the auditorium, which shows how much she is loved by audiences from all over the world.

Meng Yao waved her hands on the ice, watched the red flag fluttering in the auditorium and interacted with the audience around, and then got ready.

——"The track is "Mu Guiying in Command". The track adaptation is by Meng Yao's coach Qiao Yiyuan."

"Mu Guiying in Command" is adapted from an opera into a symphony. It mainly talks about the army led by Mu Guiying to attack Xixia who invaded the Central Plains. It sings the praises of the heroic deeds of the generals of the Yang family who have been loyal and loyal to defend their home and country for generations, with a strong sense of patriotism. .

——"Meng Yao was a heavyweight jump on the back ice quadruple jump when he came up, and he completed it very well!"

There was warm applause from the auditorium.

The balance of the falling ice swallow is changed to the big character swallow step.

- "Axel Triple Axel! Perfect!"

Sliding backwards, bowing down, turning the outer blade horizontally, and jumping on the ice!

——"Ice jumping around the back and outside!"

——"Back-to-outside quadruple jump, back-to-outside ice half-turn jump, back-to-inside quadruple jump! Next is the step-by-step."

"She's really good at dancing!"

"The taxiing speed has not declined at all."

"No Hubawa can do that many quadruple jumps!"

There was constant exclamation from the audience, especially the foreigners, who were deeply incredulous about an athlete like Meng Yao, and felt how could there be such an athlete in this world, and how could such an athlete be born in China.

——"Meng Yao is amazing, and her courage is also commendable. The final jump arrangement is the hook quadruple jump that was injured because of it last season!"

Qiao Yiyuan clenched his palms on the fence into fists, staring nervously at Meng Yao.

Meng Yao is also very nervous, but she must do her best in this game to make the first shot for this season's goal!
Jump off the ice with your right foot!

Agata Shubava on the sidelines stared at Meng Yao with shock clearly written in her eyes.

—— "...feet on ice!"

"It's a pity!" Qiao Yiyuan couldn't help blurting out, and even punched the fence board with both fists.

But it's been great!

He began to be a little suspicious, is this really his girlfriend?
(End of this chapter)

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