Chapter 40

He is like a monstrous evildoer, blooming with gorgeous elegance, but with a bone-piercing cold blood, exuding a deadly coldness all over his body, he dare not approach, dare not be presumptuous.

Chen Yong was speechless in a daze, opened his mouth, but couldn't make a sound.

At this moment, his mind was completely blank. Since Yan Wushang said the phrase "kill you" just now, his thoughts have been in chaos. After doing everything, in the end, in her sixtieth year, she would die because of such a thing.

He couldn't believe it, he didn't want to believe it.

"Say..." Yan Wushang's voice was drawn out very long, listening to that tone without a trace of emotion, which was neither high nor low, made people feel inexplicably panicked.

In the silent room, only the rhythmless heartbeat of each other remained.

'Puff! '

Chen Yong knelt down straight, his knees hit the hard ground, and made a dull sound. He put his hands on the ground, "Minister...damn it!"

The slight sigh at the end of the voice seemed to contain a lot of unwillingness and grievance, Yan Wushang narrowed his eyes, as if he didn't intend to let it go so easily.

Because, all the anger is only because of the sentence, "I heard that the empress dowager also committed indiscretions before she was canonized by the first emperor."

He wants everyone to know how important his Yoyo is in his heart!
On the second day, when Yan Youyou heard from Chu Xia that yesterday the emperor personally ordered Chen Yong to behead the elder of the two dynasties, she couldn't help being astonished. Famous official, although he is old, even the former emperor should respect him three points, because he was also the teacher of the late emperor.

Such an important minister actually ordered to beheaded, one can imagine how much sensation it would cause.

"In early summer, has the emperor gone to court?" Yan Youyou leaned against the window and asked softly, looking at the flowers she planted in her spare time outside the window sill, the flowers that bloom today seem to be extra bright.

"It's about the same time, miss, you...why would you ask this today?" Chu Xia was slightly taken aback, and looked at Yan Youyou suspiciously. Normally, the miss would never ask such questions.

"Didn't he come every day after morning? To prepare his bowls and chopsticks. He must have not eaten breakfast before morning. Let's eat with him later." Yan Youyou stretched out her hand, caressed the flowers, slightly Leaning over, sniffing the fragrance of the flowers, her mood seemed to be much more relaxed, her willow eyebrows were raised slightly, and she turned around to give Chu Xia instructions.

"Alright, servant girl, let's go get ready." Chu Xia nodded and walked out.But my heart is still puzzled, the young lady seems to be less disgusted with the emperor's visit to Changle Palace than before, and she personally ordered her to prepare the emperor's bowls and chopsticks, which is really confusing.

With her head down, Chu Xia walked out with doubts in her heart, but she didn't want to have a sudden headache and bumped into a wall of flesh. She raised her head in panic, and when she saw Yan Wushang's displeased face, she froze. His eyes widened, and his breathing seemed to have stopped.

His recklessness that day almost told her what Yan Wushang specially ordered her. Up to now, he still remembers the look in her eyes when he looked at her. On him, there was only one sentence lingering in her mind, she must be doomed this time!

"Presumptuous! A little lowly servant girl, who bumped into the emperor and still apologizes quickly! Do you want to die?" The little eunuch next to Yan Wushang glanced carefully at Yan Wushang's frowning eyebrows, and immediately pinched his own orchid fingers, He shouted angrily at Chu Xia, who was stupefied, his thin voice added a touch of duck feeling.

He was the little eunuch who replaced Xiao Luzi's position. However, with sharp eyes, he suddenly felt that the little maid in front of him seemed familiar somewhere, but now he couldn't think too much, because the emperor around him was not happy!
"Slave... Slave...Damn it, Your Majesty...forgive me." Chu Xia seemed to have regained her sanity after being yelled at by him in such a voice, her legs softened, and she knelt down with a plop, thinking of Yan Wu again. Shang's eyes were about to tear her apart.

The bright sunlight poured down, and Yan Wushang was condescending and kneeling in early summer in front of him, his extraordinary aura coupled with his enchanting face added to the domineering aura of the king, his cold and haughty eyes seemed to have no focus, deep and dark The eyes were full of calm, but the frown deepened, and the thin lips moved slightly, "Why are you so flustered?"

Chu Xia was so trembling that he couldn't say a word, the little eunuch next to Yan Wushang yelled again, "Little maidservant! The emperor is talking to you! You don't have the rules."

Compared to his appearance of getting angry so anxiously, Yan Wushang seemed calmer, just as he said, the emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is in a hurry to die.

Yan Wushang didn't say anything yet, he kept yelling from the sidelines, even Yan Wushang gave him a cold glance, the startled little eunuch immediately fell silent, lowered his head, feeling panicked.

Ever since the emperor asked him to take the position of father-in-law Xiaolu, he was both excited and terrified. This excitement, of course, is that it is such a good job to serve the emperor. Everyone envies him. This is just a monthly salary. It is already an astronomical figure, let alone anything else.

And this fear... Everyone knows that the current Holy Majesty is unpredictable, ruthless, cruel and bloodthirsty, and he can't understand his mind at all, just like now, he doesn't know what Yan Wushang is thinking in his heart.

"Your Majesty, just now...the Empress Dowager ordered the maidservants to say that you must have not had breakfast, so let the maidservants prepare your bowls and chopsticks, and the Empress Dowager will wait for you to have breakfast together." Chu Xia's voice was very low, full of fear, but this time After saying one sentence, Yan Wushang's tense expression suddenly softened, his glass-like eyes shone with dazzling light, his thin lips curled up in a beautiful arc, captivating, evil and enchanting!
"Then go quickly." Yan Wushang softened a little, Chu Xia couldn't help trembling, and immediately thanked En and left, fearing that Yan Wushang would go back and punish her for her rashness just now.

The little eunuch next to Yan Wushang suddenly realized, no wonder the little maid looked familiar just now, it turned out to be the maid next to the Empress Dowager, it's all because of his clumsy eyes that he didn't recognize it.

Anyone in the palace knows that the emperor is absolutely filial to the empress dowager, as long as it is related to the empress dowager, the emperor will do it himself, and he will come to Changle Palace every day.

(End of this chapter)

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