Chapter 41

Yesterday, the ministers jointly signed a letter, everyone knew that Mr. Chen was beheaded by decree, and everyone was panicked. This is enough to show the weight of the empress dowager in the emperor's heart.

He was suddenly glad that he didn't say anything radical, otherwise his own heads wouldn't be enough to cut off!
Thinking of this, I can't help but break out in cold sweat, feeling like I've survived a catastrophe.

When Yan Wushang approached Changle Palace, he saw his sweetheart swinging the flowers on the window sill, although he didn't look back, he still opened his mouth and said, "Chu Xia, Your Majesty didn't eat breakfast this morning, and his stomach is empty." , it is not suitable to eat greasy things, first make him a bowl of red date porridge, it will be gentle and warm to the stomach."

When Yan Youyou heard footsteps, she thought it was Chu Xia who had come back, and gave an order, but she didn't hear a response for a long time, so she frowned and turned her head.

What catches the eye is a shocking face, the sun mischievously sprinkled into the room through the window, and the stars fell on his body, like pieces of gold, setting off the already dazzling dragon robe, making it even more sublime , his expression was focused, and time seemed to stand still.

With a tall nose and moderately thick red lips, there is a dazzling smile, and layers of tenderness appear in the dark and deep eyes, making her look wild, unrestrained, evil and sexy.

There was surprise in Yan Youyou's eyes, but she calmed down in the next second, and walked to his side, "I'm going down."

Just like a wife's natural words to her husband who just came home, harmonious and warm, Yan Wushang pursed his lips, but the smile on his face revealed his good mood at the moment, "Well, I'm going down."

He silently looked at the delicate and quiet person in front of him, his eyes fell on her chest again, the deep pain was quickly covered up, and he still kept a faint smile on his face.

"I've asked Chu Xia to prepare breakfast, it'll be fine when I come here, haven't I eaten yet?" Yan Youyou walked in front of him, but suddenly caught a glimpse of the light blue beard at the corner of his mouth, she couldn't help but pause, her eyes glistening A trace of unknown emotion flashed in his eyes.

"Yeah." He responded softly, nodded, his eyes were still locked on her face, for fear that he would accidentally break this beautiful moment.

However, the time he wanted to cherish was interrupted by someone.

His sharp and cold eyes swept towards the door, making the few people who were just about to come in freeze their steps as if frozen in ice.

"The concubine sees the emperor and the queen mother." When Concubine Mei and Qiao Jieyu saw Yan Wushang, surprise flashed in their eyes.Since they have been in the palace for such a long time, except for seeing each other when they were choosing concubines, there are very few opportunities afterwards. After many inquiries, they learned that the emperor often came to the empress dowager's place after the early court, so they saw the right time. They finally saw the person they missed every day, the supreme god in their hearts.

Qiao Jieyu was very gorgeously dressed, with a long emerald green dress covered with a lavender gauze, very delicate and lovely.Concubine Mei beside her was the opposite. She was wrapped in a white dress, and her exquisite figure looked extraordinarily alluring. Her pure breath was full of enchantment, and her hair was hanging down behind her. She was indeed a rare beauty with a beautiful face. As a woman, Youyou couldn't help but want to admire, but when she glanced at Yan Wushang, his eyes were still calm, as if all this was like air, which didn't arouse any interest in him.

"Why are you here?" There was no emotion in the tepid tone. The moment they appeared, Yan Wushang's expression cooled down obviously. The surrounding air seemed to drop a few degrees. Passed their cheeks, but did not stay for a moment.

With slightly furrowed brows, cold eyes, and expressionless face, he seemed to have returned to the ruthless king of the past.

"Concubine... come to greet the Empress Dowager." Concubine Mei and Qiao Jieyu couldn't help but look at each other when asked, Concubine Mei replied gently, her voice was soft and pleasant.

Yan Wushang didn't speak, he raised his eyebrows lightly and glanced at Yan Youyou, his thin lips were pursed into a straight line.

Yan Youyou felt his gaze, without looking at him, she knew in her heart that they were dressed so grandly, how could she believe that they were just here to pay her respects.However, she was not surprised. Some of these women in the deep palace had never seen the emperor in their entire lives. She greets you.

In this way, she became the one being used by them. Although she didn't care about these things, she was a little worried in her heart, whether Yan Wushang thought she did it on purpose.

Yan Wushang's silence made the whole room become silent. Seeing that Yan Wushang didn't seem to be planning to speak again, Yan Youyou could only smile slightly at Concubine Mei and Qiao Jieyu in front of her, "Concubine Mei and Qiao Jieyu, let's get back together. Ben Gong happens to have breakfast with the emperor, if you haven't eaten, you can stay and eat together."

Yan Youyou's words were like a great reward to Concubine Mei and Qiao Jieyu. They were worrying about what reason they should use to stay, to have more opportunities to get along with Yan Wushang so that he could pay more attention to it. Some of them.

Quickly and shyly glanced at Yan Wushang who was sitting there, nodded frequently.

But compared to their joy, Yan Wushang's expression was very unhappy, the time he and Youyou spent alone was ruined by them, what's so good about it?He turned his head slightly, and flattened his mouth at Yan Youyou from an angle that Concubine Mei and Qiao Jieyu couldn't see, like a dissatisfied child, his resentful eyes expressed his reluctance, but Yan Youyou ignored him, deliberately Looking away, there is still a teasing smile on the corner of his mouth.

He didn't talk to anyone who told him to leave this mess to her, knowing that he came here for him and had nothing to do with her.

Yan Wushang could only sigh helplessly, his Yoyo was just so mischievous... There was a trace of helpless pampering in Gou Mei's eyes, only for her alone.

In this way, what was originally a warm breakfast for two people became a breakfast for four people. Yan Youyou and Yan Wushang sat in the middle, Concubine Mei sat on her left, and Qiao Jieyu sat next to Yan Wushang.

Judging from her facial expression, she should be very excited to have such an opportunity, her face is rosy, her hands are clenched tightly, she looks shyly at Yan Wushang who is so close to her from time to time, she feels her heart is about to jump out up.

(End of this chapter)

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