Chapter 48

"Let go of me! What if someone sees you? Wushang, let me down quickly, I can walk by myself!" Yan Youyou felt a whirl in front of her eyes, she was so frightened that she subconsciously hugged his neck, and came to her senses Then he kicked his legs and protested.

"Yuyou, there's no one here, so I won't see it." Yan Wushang lowered his head dotingly, looked into her angry eyes, and said softly.

"No one can do it! Put me down quickly! Hurry up!" Yan Youyou shook her head resolutely, continued to kick her legs, and twisted her body.

"If you don't let go, don't let go. Come down by yourself if you have the ability." He smirked, not afraid of her struggle at all, and hugged her tightly with his hands like steel bars.

" let me down! Wushang!"

"Don't let it go!"

"Let go!"

"Don't let it go!"


The funny arguing between the two gradually faded away, and the hall returned to calm again. It was quiet...only the sound of breathing remained.

Soon, the person who had been standing at the door came out slowly, looking faintly at the blurred figure in the distance.

After nightfall, the stars are full of stars, the candlelight is blurred, and a round of bright moon hangs in the sky, writing silver brilliance to the earth.

Yan Youyou has been standing by the window. Tonight, she has already sent Chu Xia to bed early, because she has to wait for someone, and that person will definitely come, so she has been standing here for a long time, her calm eyes staring at the night sky outside the window.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed by, the candlelight flickered slightly, Yan Youyou's eyes were still calm and unmoved, but her thin lips parted lightly, "Come here?"

Her voice was slightly hoarse, perhaps because she hadn't spoken for a long time, and her throat was a little dry.

"The empress dowager is in such a good mood, she is still admiring the moonlight at such a late hour." Han Yanlin sat at a table beside her, and when she heard her calm words, as if she was waiting for his arrival, a hint of meaning could not help but appear on her lips With a deep smile, he poured himself a cup of tea without politeness, and tasted it gracefully.

"The beauty of the moonlight is the first, and this second, of course, is because there are distinguished guests coming tonight." Yan Youyou turned around, and seeing the man sitting at the table, she still couldn't help admiring, such a man is indeed the best.

The jet-black hair is neatly combed in a bun on the top of the head, covered with an exquisite white jade hair crown, and the light green silk crown belts hanging down on both sides, the face is like a crown jade, the sword eyebrows are star-eyed, the face is as exquisite as a knife carving, and the whole body is transparent. There was an air of arrogance and unruliness.

Under the illumination of the candlelight, his figure could not help but cast a illusory color...

"It's an honor for Yan Lin to be honored as a distinguished guest in the empress dowager's mouth." Han Yanlin put down the teacup with a smile, turned her head to look at Yan Youyou who also sat down gracefully.

The slender eyebrows raised habitually, which seemed to be teasing, Yan Youyou gave him an indifferent look, "Being an assassin in the palace and evading a search in the palace's room, The second prince's life is very precious, of course he is a distinguished guest of this palace."

Yan Youyou met his dark eyes, trying to find something out of them, but she was disappointed, Han Yanlin didn't seem to be flustered at all, on the contrary, the smile on her face was even bigger.

Yan Youyou frowned involuntarily, what is he laughing at?
"The empress dowager is talented and intelligent, and Yan Lin admires her." After Han Yanlin finished speaking, she arched her hands pretendingly.

Both of them were playing charades, and Yan Youyou knew that if she didn't directly reveal it, it would be impossible for him to say anything. In fact, she only had one question in her mind.

With a sigh, Yan Youyou lowered her eyelids, "The second prince pretends to be an assassin and I won't say anything, but I can't figure it out. Why should the dignified second prince do such sneaky things? Pretending to come to the palace at this moment , just for walking and playing in the palace?"

Yan Youyou's voice was low and there was a trace of sharpness in the invisible, and every word she said was thorny, but she couldn't understand his indifference and worry, what did he think of Yan Guo?Just let him run amok and ignore him at all?

"Hehe... The Empress Dowager just thought that Yan Lin came to the palace for a walk, so why bother to get to the bottom of it. It would be fine if the emperor found out, Yan Lin would only be very grateful for the life-saving grace of the Empress Dowager that night, wouldn't she? "Han Yanlin smiled heartlessly, and there were flashes of light in his narrow eyes, since that's the case, then he would drag her into the water too, which is also very fun.

There was a smile under the dark eyes, but Yan Youyou sensed his calculation, she lowered her eyes lightly, and she also raised her lips in a half-smile, and stopped talking.

Now that he's said all this, what else does she need to say.

Obviously, he was threatening her. If she told others about it, he would also tell about how he saved him that night.

Yan Youyou suddenly felt that she was really cheap, and that one of her actions when she was bored would make him also hold the handle. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

"The empress dowager doesn't need to worry. Yan Lin just came for a walk without any thoughts. The empress dowager doesn't have to think too much." Seeing her expression like this, Han Yanlin knew that she must be very upset now, so she said redundantly said a word.

He didn't need to say this sentence, but... just blurted it out of his mouth inexplicably, just to... just don't want her to think so wildly again.

Yan Youyou raised her head in surprise, seeing his serious and cautious gaze, she couldn't help being a little moved, is that true?

This kind of possibility should be pitiful, who would do something without a purpose, and it is such a serious thing, unless his brain is flooded.

The wavering in Yan Youyou's mind was dispelled, she twitched the corners of her mouth at Yan Lin in a distant and indifferent manner, and did not speak again.Han Yanlin also knew that she wouldn't believe her words at all, and she was a bit unnecessary.

"Young and beautiful empress dowager, Yan Lin still has something to ask, I wonder if the empress dowager can agree with her face?" Han Yanlin directly cut into the second part of today, and said faintly.

There was a wind blowing outside the window, and there were bursts of rustling sounds. His voice seemed very loud in this quiet night.

(End of this chapter)

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