Chapter 49

When Yan Youyou heard this, she turned her head, "The second prince actually asked me for something? I'm flattered." Yan Youyou looked at him mockingly and laughed, Han Yanlin didn't mind, she still had a faint smile on her face. It seemed that he was tolerant and pampering her nonsense and pissed off behavior.

"Yan Lin would like to ask the Empress Dowager for a favor." Han Yanlin paused for a moment, and then continued, "Help Yan Lin talk to the emperor about the marriage."

"Why are you looking for Bengong? You can go and tell the emperor yourself." Yan Youyou asked directly without even thinking about it. Marriage is always something that can be explained directly, why did she have to tell it this time.

Moreover, the last time I talked to her about the concubine in the harem, she didn't know what happened afterwards, she woke up inexplicably, and she didn't mention that matter again.

Suddenly thought of that enchanting and beautiful woman, Han Mingyue, the palace lord of Hanlin Kingdom, will she become Yan Wushang's concubine?Will Yan Wushang love her with her outstanding looks?

Will his tenderness be given to her, and his love also given to her...

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt a slight pain in her heart, like a needle prick, not heavy, but stabbed her one after another, feeling a little out of breath, unknowingly, Yan Youyou's face suddenly turned pale , She couldn't help biting her lower lip.

"What's wrong with you?" Han Yanlin noticed something wrong with her from the very beginning, and was still wondering what was wrong, but now seeing her in such pain, she immediately stood up from her seat and walked quickly to her room around.

"Hmm..." Yan Youyou clutched her aching heart, wanted to speak, but the words turned into muffled groans, she bit her lower lip to prevent herself from groaning.

"What's wrong with you? Where does it hurt? Here?" Han Yanlin really didn't expect her to be in such pain suddenly. Seeing her body curled up together, her heart seemed to be suspended, seeing her right hand tightly clutching chest, wondering if she had a heartache, and hurriedly pointed to the place she was covering.

"Hmm..." Beads of sweat came out of Yan Youyou's forehead. At this moment, she was soaked in cold sweat, and her mind became a little confused due to the pain, and she was about to lose strength all over her body.

This feeling, like being on the verge of death, she really felt suffocated.

"I'll help you to the bed!" Han Yanlin saw her in such pain, and he couldn't do much to help him. He felt helpless for a while, and his usually calm mind felt blank. Finally, when his eyes fell on the bed, he thought Let her lie down on the bed to rest for a while, but as soon as she helped Yan Youyou up, her legs seemed to be limp, and she knelt straight on the ground.

"Be careful!" Fortunately, he stretched out his arms quickly, put his arms around her waist, and brought him into his arms, otherwise her face might be about to kiss the earth.

Han Yanlin couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, after thinking about it, she hugged her directly, hugged her to the side of the bed, and gently put her on the bed, as soon as she touched the bed, Yan Youyou shrank her body tightly , the thick eyelashes trembled slightly, and the whole small face was tangled together, his pale face was as paper-like, it made people feel distressed.

Involuntarily, Han Yanlin felt her heart was clenched, her brows were full of worry, what happened to her?Is it sick?Then why is he clutching his chest? Could it be that he has a heart problem?
He didn't know much about this aspect, so he didn't have a clue for a while.

"Yuyou, wait, I'll call someone now." Han Yanlin sat by the bed, seeing that she hadn't improved, and seemed to be getting worse, her lips began to turn slightly purple.At this time, he had no choice but to make a bad move. Although it was known that there was something wrong with him in the Queen Mother's bedroom late at night, it couldn't be more important than her life.

After finishing speaking, he strode out. Of course Yan Youyou heard what he said, she couldn't help opening her misty eyes, stretched out her hand, and let out an ah with all her strength, hoping to stop him.

It's useless, even calling someone is useless... She knew in her heart...

She wanted to say it, but she didn't have the strength to say it at all. She wanted to bear it and let it pass, but Han Yanlin seemed to be unable to wait, her vision became more and more blurred, and the figure in front of her seemed to become two...

Han Yanlin heard the weak cry, stopped her pace, turned around, looked at her half-closed eyes, frowned, and after thinking about it, said softly so that she could feel at ease, "You Don't worry, I'll call your maid first, so I won't disturb others."

After speaking, he went to the side hall. In the quiet room, Yan Youyou was left alone again. The candlelight was flickering, illuminating her curled up figure on the bed.

When Chu Xia followed Han Yanlin to Yan Youyou's bedroom, the sweaty person on the bed seemed to have passed out, Chu Xia immediately shook Yan Youyou in fright, but she didn't respond.

"What's wrong with her? How did this happen?" Han Yanlin now had a lot of question marks in his mind, and when he saw her fainted, his expression became even more tense.

"I... I don't know, miss, she often has heartache!" Chu Xia was also frightened by such a scene, although she passed out from the pain when she saw Yan Youyou last time, but the emperor was there after all, but she met again She was still a little flustered by such a thing.

"That's right! Go find Young Master Qianye, he must have a solution! You stay here and watch, I'll go right away!" Chu Xia didn't care about etiquette at all, and ran out after giving Han Yanlin the order. Go, Han Yanlin looked at the back of her running out, opened her mouth but still didn't make a sound, frowned solemnly, looked down at the fainted person on the bed again, her pale cheeks were almost transparent, he couldn't help but look Putting her fingers under her nose, the deep pupils became darker, and even her breathing was so weak and slow.

His eyes fell on her chest again, Han Yanlin pursed her thin lips, it really had something to do with her heart...

Qianye came, not only Qianye, but also Yan Wushang.

When Yan Wushang came, Qianye had already started treating Yan Youyou, as usual, he kept everyone outside the door, Han Yanlin was also blocked outside the door, so he saw him at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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