Chapter 76

"Sister Yuefei, please, sisters can't bear it. If the emperor sees this, he will think that we have bullied you. It stands to reason that I have to salute you, but I am a little older. I just took advantage of it." Qiao Jieyu has learned a lot more introverted now, so she speaks in a set manner, which is completely different from the way she was when she met Yan Youyou back then, when she was so strong.

There is still a smile on her face, I am afraid that she has already hated her to death.Yan Youyou couldn't help sighing, a palace can really grind and transform a woman thoroughly until she doesn't even know herself.

In fact, what Qiao Jieyu said is correct. If it is based on their titles, there is no need for Concubine Yue to salute to them. Concubine Mei and Concubine Yue are of the same level. Necessary, but Qiao Jieyu is still a little lower than her. If according to the death rules in the palace, then Qiao Jieyu will definitely pay her respects, but if you look at it according to age, Qiao Jieyu and Mei Fei are indeed better than Han Mingyue. Much older.

"What did my sister say? My sister just entered the palace, and she is still young. Some things have to be guided by my sisters. Please don't bother my sister." Han Mingyue said delicately, every word , they were all putting themselves on the lowest platform, while holding Concubine Mei and Qiao Jieyu high.

Concubine Mei and Qiao Jieyu really looked better, and took her hand enthusiastically, "Sister Yuefei, don't be polite, just tell me if you have anything, we are all sisters."

Although I don't know if it's real enthusiasm or fake enthusiasm, at least Yan Youyou can see their harmony and sisterhood.

"Oh, that's right... Queen Mother, the concubine came to give something to Queen Mother." Han Mingyue clapped her hands as soon as she finished speaking, and a maid came in with a tray.

Yan Youyou couldn't help but cast her gaze on the tray in the maid's hand, and she was stunned when she saw it.

"Mother, this is the long-lived banana that is abundant in our Hanlin country. This time, due to the long journey, many of them have rotted. The concubine specially picked a few fresh ones and sent them to the queen. The concubine wished the queen a long life after eating this banana. Banana, stay youthful forever, prolong life." Han Mingyue introduced the long-lived banana in front of her, but she didn't know that Yan Youyou already knew what it was.

This is clearly a banana, but this banana seems to be bigger, but Yan Youyou is sure that it is a banana, because there is a faint fragrance that rushes into the nasal cavity.

"The concubine has also prepared some for the elder sisters, and I will send the servant girl to the elder sisters' palace." Han Mingyue looked at Concubine Mei and Qiao Jieyu, who were curiously looking at the longevity banana, and said with a smile.

"Huh? This..." Concubine Mei and Qiao Jieyu were suddenly at a loss. Did they agree or not?In fact, they are also quite curious about what this banana is, is it really so majestic?But on the other hand, they didn't want to accept any benefits from Han Mingyue.

"Sisters, why are you being polite to your younger sister? Didn't the older sisters just say that they are all your own sisters? Don't you think of your younger sister as your own sister?" When Han Mingyue said this, how could they still refuse, nodding repeatedly, "Why? Yes, since my sister is so kind, we as sisters can only be respectful rather than obedient."

Concubine Mei and Qiao Jieyu said thankfully, and Han Mingyue's melancholy face suddenly brightened.

It is undeniable that this Han Mingyue is very good at talking. Who among the women in the deep palace, including the Queen Mother, would not want to stay young forever and live forever?These words completely grasped the characteristics of a woman's heart.

When Han Mingyue raised her head again, she noticed that Yan Youyou seemed to be very interested in this banana. She couldn't help but feel proud when she watched it without blinking. There is no such place like Yan Country, no matter who is curious about such a novel thing.

But she didn't know that Yan Youyou had eaten bananas for countless times, but seeing it this time, her mentality was completely different from before the time travel, and she felt very kind.

In this country that has no records at all, seeing modern things, this feeling is extraordinarily special.

"Mother, would you like to have a taste?" Han Mingyue saw that she was so interested, so she asked, this thing must be peeled and eaten, the skin is not edible, she was afraid that she didn't say it, and they would eat it together with the skin If you eat it, it will be troublesome.

"Well, let's have a taste. This is also Concubine Yue's wish. Concubine Mei and Qiao Jieyu will also try it together." Yan Youyou was slightly taken aback, then nodded lightly. I am so greedy that I want to take a bite of the taste of this banana. I don't know if it is the same as the one I ate before.

Chu Xia on the side nodded, and took the tray from the hand of the maid, but looking at the bananas in the tray that she had never seen before, she felt a little troubled, how to do this thing?Is it okay to cut everything?

Chu Xia looked at Yan Youyou as if asking for help. Seeing her hesitating so much, Han Mingyue knew that this girl must not know, so she prepared to tell her how to do it, but just as the words came to her lips, she was beaten by Yan Youyou's elegant voice. broken.

"Bring it." Yan Youyou beckoned to Chu Xia, Chu Xia nodded and ran over, but she was also puzzled in her heart, the lady had never seen this thing before, would she?

"Look, after peeling off its skin, the flesh inside is edible, you know? Just cut the flesh into small pieces." Yan Youyou gently picked off a banana, and then peeled it skillfully Pi, raised the pulp in his hand, and seriously told Chu Xia what to do.

"That's it, servant girl understands." Chu Xia didn't even blink his eyes, he didn't expect this thing to be peeled off like this, and it was very smooth under the young lady's fingers.

Has the lady eaten before?Isn't this something only available in Hanlin country?Strange……

Chu Xia went down and continued to prepare, but Liao Han Mingyue, Mei Fei, and Qiao Jieyu didn't recover. Of course, they were surprised not how the banana was peeled, but how Yan Youyou knew about the banana. How to peel her skin, and judging by her appearance, it didn't seem like it was the first time she had done such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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