Chapter 77

"How did the queen mother know how to eat this long-lived banana?" Han Mingyue couldn't help asking. Although this long-lived banana is a specialty of their Hanlin country, it can only be grown in places like the imperial palace. It is also extremely rare, so it is even more difficult to spread it to other countries. In addition to the regional differences, this banana will not be spread to Yan Country at all. She came this time, on the way for such a long time, and many of the original ones have already disappeared. Rotten, one can imagine how fragile this banana is.

"It's just a chance, I just ate it, so I know something." Yan Youyou was shocked, it seemed that her experience made them doubt it, but it was not a big deal, so she admitted it openly, and it was nothing .

"That's right, no wonder the queen mother is so proficient." Han Mingyue nodded, feeling a little disappointed, since she's eaten it all, it's nothing new, but she likes her appearance quite a bit, and her move is still right.

In a short while, Chu Xia came back with small plates. Each delicate small plate contained three slices of bananas, neatly cut. First, she gave Yan You You a portion, and then distributed it to them.

It is sweet and refreshing in the mouth, and it melts as soon as it disappears. This is the taste at that time. Yan Youyou couldn't help reminiscing for a long time. Seeing that Concubine Mei and Qiao Jieyu loved it very much, it seemed that they were both delicious and delicious. The beauty thing has subdued her heart, and she can't help but look at this woman Han Mingyue differently. It seems that she is indeed a woman who can use her brain.

"Empress Dowager, Eunuch Li is asking to see you outside the door." A maid who announced came in and said respectfully.

"Eunuch Li?" Yan Youyou frowned slightly, why didn't she know that there was an Eunuch Li, and where did he work?

"Miss, have you forgotten? He is Eunuch Li who served beside the emperor instead of Eunuch Xiaoluzi." Chu Xia saw Yan Youyou was puzzled, and explained to her in a low voice. She went to prepare jujube porridge, and she didn't hold grudges when the father-in-law scolded her after bumping into the emperor, but she was more impressed.

"It's him? Let him in." Yan Youyou didn't expect that the father-in-law next to Yan Wushang would come to her palace, could something be wrong?

Eunuch Li walked in, glanced around, and when he saw Han Mingyue, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, "My servant is for the Empress Dowager, please greet all the ladies." Eunuch Li still held a bright yellow object in his hand, the color Yoyo narrowed her eyes slightly, if she guessed correctly, this thing should be an imperial decree.

Did Yan Wushang want him to come and read the imperial decree?What will be in the decree?Yan Youyou's mind suddenly started to think wildly, and it became a mess. The original calmness and rationality seemed to have drifted away, and she even forgot to let him get up. Fortunately, Chu Xia reminded her appropriately.

"Eunuch Li, get up, come to Changle Palace today, what is the emperor's business?" Yan Youyou couldn't take his eyes off the imperial decree in his hand as he spoke, what could be in it.Xiumei frowned, Yan Youyou was puzzled and became even more curious.

"Empress Dowager, this slave came here to proclaim the imperial edict, but the imperial edict was for the concubine Yue, and the servant could not find the concubine Yue. Hearing that concubine Yue was here, I was afraid that the imperial edict would not be delayed, so I came here." Li The father-in-law glanced in the direction of Han Mingyue while he was speaking. In fact, it took him a long time to find out that Concubine Yue had arrived at the Empress Dowager's place. Afraid of delaying the imperial decree, he rushed here without stopping. Fortunately, she was still there.

He unfolded the imperial decree in his hand, facing Han Mingyue, "Concubine Yue accepts the decree." Han Mingyue couldn't help being stunned for a moment, is it a decree for her?This time, she seemed to have fully understood, and immediately knelt down, "The concubine obeys the order."

"Following heaven's fortune, the emperor ordered that Concubine Yue has both ability and political integrity, and won my heart. Therefore, I specially invite Concubine Yue to sleep with you tonight, and I invite you to do so." The voice that came to him was dragged on for a long, long time, fiercely. A radio broadcast also pulled Han Mingyue out of the shock. Her face was full of joy, and she raised her hands, "Thank you, Majesty Long En."

After Eunuch Li put the imperial decree into her hands, he saluted Yan Youyou and withdrew. His mission was complete, and it was time to go back to deal with it.

After Eunuch Li left, the room became even quieter. The hearts of Concubine Mei and Qiao Jieyu who had just received some relief suddenly ignited a raging fire again. The hatred in their eyes wanted to tear Han Mingyue, who was smiling proudly in front of him, into pieces. !
what is this?They stayed in the deep palace for such a long time, just waiting for a good day to happen to them, but unexpectedly, they were robbed of everything by this concubine Yue who suddenly appeared. Not angry, not annoyed.

"Congratulations to Concubine Yue, the concubine, the concubine will leave first, and come to visit the concubine some other day." The fake smiles on the faces of Concubine Mei and Qiao Jieyu couldn't be maintained anymore, so they hurriedly bid farewell, and Yan Youyou She didn't speak any more, she sat there quietly, watching them leave, Concubine Yue left with an imperial edict full of excitement, and in a blink of an eye, she was left alone.

Looking at the empty seat in front of her, she still seemed to be thinking about the edict read by Eunuch Li in her ears.

With both ability and political integrity, I have won my heart.

Bedtime tonight...

Suddenly, she felt a gust of cool wind blowing in from the outside, blowing straight into her heart, Yan Youyou's complexion became extremely ugly, and even her originally rosy lips lost their color in an instant.

Chu Xia looked at her in such a distraught state uneasily from the side. She also heard the order just now. How could the emperor do this? Doesn't the emperor like young ladies the most?Why would you invite other women to sleep with you!
Miss will be so sad, why did it become like this...

Yan Youyou sat there quietly like a wooden figure. She hadn't moved since just now, and the expression on her face seemed to be frozen.

Her quietness makes people flustered.

"Miss..." Chu Xia finally couldn't stand her like this, and called out softly, hoping that she would be stronger.

"Chu Xia, just now...was it true?" Yan Youyou still seemed to be wondering whether she was dreaming or hearing hallucinations, how could there be such a thing as sleeping, how could Wushang invite other women to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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