Chapter 114

The one-eyed old man exuded an extremely cold aura, and one eye was like a black hole, which could devour the endless vitality around him.

"Northern Emperor, I have admired your name for a long time!"

Wang Teng and Heihuang didn't say a word, they stared at the old man closely. This kind of supreme master master who touched the king's way was very terrifying, beheading people without a shadow or a root.

"Could it be that the majestic Northern Emperor was frightened by me, a blind old man, this is not like the aura of beheading my emperor-killing elder back then!"

The one eye stared at the two of them.

Wang Teng suddenly realized that he felt drowsy and really wanted to sleep.

"Shua!" In the sea of ​​bitterness, a divine pattern flickered.

Immediately broke through the trace of tiredness.

"One-eyed old man!" Wang Teng was taken aback.

"Boy, this old guy is so extraordinary, I almost fell for him just now!" Heihuang was also surprised.

The old man was expressionless, as if it had nothing to do with him.

"I've heard about the Emperor Killing name for a long time, come to visit today, and by the way, do something!"

"what's up?"

"Help you save some food and send you to reincarnation!" Wang Teng's tone was cold.

"Hahahaha, you are so young and frivolous. I have killed emperors for hundreds of thousands of years. I have never seen any storms, but I have never seen such an arrogant junior like you."

"However, since you are here today, why not leave the beginningless and chaotic ancient heritage behind!" The one-eyed old man's face gradually sank.

"Hehe, a group of rats in the sewer, who can't see the light, the majestic human race, unexpectedly colluded with the ancient clan, and attacked their own lineage of the human emperor, shameful and hateful!" Wang Teng's cold voice revealed endless disgust.

"You're talking about me? You're too immature. In my eyes, justice and shame are not as strong as yourself. Only people like you always talk about the righteousness of the human race, but what can you get in the end?"

"It's not the jealousy, persecution, and hatred of one's own clan. Since that's the case, it's better to do the opposite. After becoming stronger, kill those people and wash everything away."

The old man remained calm, staring at Wang Teng with one eye.

Sure enough, living a long time is also a kind of capital. The old man's words have no flaws at all, and Wang Teng has no information about killing the emperor at all.

"What's the point of communicating with this kind of mentally twisted person? Kill him and save a lot of nonsense." Heihuang opened his mouth and said, and then rushed directly at the one-eyed old man.

The Black Emperor roared loudly, his aura was like a black dragon, shaking this space.

"Bang!" The old man waved a fist, and the aura of heaven and earth roared along with the wind of the fist.

The Black Emperor retreated, closing his sharp edge.

Wang Teng also shot immediately.

I saw a vast ocean appearing in the center of his eyebrows, and then a golden sword of spiritual consciousness emerged from the ocean, piercing through it in an instant.


The one-eyed old man didn't move at all, and a divine light shot out from his eyes, which struck together with the golden sword, causing the space to vibrate in bursts, creating a gorgeous and terrifying splendor.

"At such an age, to have such divine consciousness, you deserve to be ranked No.1 among your peers."

"Roar!" The Black Emperor roared again, and the energy and blood in his body suddenly rushed, a blue dragon woke up, and the whole space trembled.

Then, there was a crack on its forehead, and then the third eye appeared, and when it opened, a terrifying black light shot out, cutting towards the one-eyed old man.

The black light burst and clanked, like a black knife.

The old man still didn't move, but this time there was a ray of divine light between his brows, turning into a divine weapon, majestic and cold, directly striking the black light.

"When, when, when"

The divine light splattered, sparks burst, intertwined with brilliant light.

"Boy, this old guy is too terrifying. I feel that he surpasses the ordinary Supreme Lord!" Heihuang and Wang Teng said through sound transmission.

"Then there is no other way, we can only fight him, otherwise it is impossible to let us go, I didn't expect such a strong person to sit in charge."

Wang Teng's eyes were as sharp as swords, and the holy body shone with endless divine brilliance. The divine fist was born and turned into a monstrous torrent. The light of the fist pierced the sky and shattered the sky.

A black machete shot out from the third eye of the Heihuang, surrounded by black light, and the cold light was shining brightly, and he slashed straight down.

The one-eyed old man was calm and unhurried, and saw a divine spear shot out between his brows, the silver light was piercing and indestructible.


Directly breaking the black knife, the Heihuang trembled, let out a low growl, and lost the wind.

Then, the old man's robe fluttered, and divine power surged out one after another. In an instant, it turned into a hundred and eight thousand swords, covering the sky. That kind of power caused the space to vibrate, and the golden light shot towards Wang Teng.

"Boom, boom boom!"

The invincible posture of the divine fist, piercing through space, constantly intertwined with the golden sword.

Heihuang roared again, and sacrificed his consciousness to cooperate with Wang Teng's attack.

At this moment, the danger is extremely dangerous, if the mind attacks, if you are not careful, you will be wiped out, and there is no hope of reincarnation.

The soles of Wang Teng's feet stepped on the ground, the power of qi and blood broke through the sky, and then emitted a burst of white light. At this moment, his figure seemed to grow bigger and turned into an ancient giant.


The blow of the two finally forced the old man back, but in an instant, the one-eyed old man seemed to stand up after breaking through, and his aura shot straight into the sky. At this moment, he was full of power.

Like a big roc flapping its wings, wandering in the sky, and then, a murderous intent that pierced the sky shot out from between his eyebrows. Wherever it is swept, everything returns to its original place.

Seeing that something was wrong, the Black Emperor quickly retreated, "Boy, get out of the way, this magical method has the power to transform all things, and it is invincible!"

The nine-color divine light flowed between Wang Teng's brows, strands of Dao lines emerged, and the Dao voice continued in his soul.

The heavens and worlds were shrouded in Wang Teng's eyebrows, and the terrifying atmosphere spread, and the endless mysterious power swallowed the sky.

Isn't your spiritual consciousness strong, let you try the "before" tactic.

After the trigger was successful, Wang Teng did not dodge, and directly attacked the old man, using "Nine Secrets".

The old man's expression finally changed. Shock flashed in his one-eyed eyes, his brows frowned, and his figure was ethereal like a cloud, dodging the "Nine Secrets".

"Clang, clang, clang"

The word "Qian" struck the old man. At this moment, there was a sound of iron striking. It was clearly a battle of spiritual consciousness, but it turned out to be a real sound.


A scream came from the old man's mouth.

However, I didn't expect the old man to resist the "Qian" tactic, but his face was a little pale, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, it seemed that his consciousness was still hurt.

"Ma De, the Ninth Secret didn't even kill him, this old man is so fierce!" Wang Teng was also surprised.

"Okay, okay, I actually hurt my spiritual consciousness. I feel that this kind of secret technique is extremely terrifying. In your hands, it is like a treasure orb dusted with dust, and it is a waste of everything." Although the old man was injured, there was a trace of excitement on his face. "It shocked him a lot.

"Boy, give me your good fortune." At this moment, the one-eyed old man turned into an emissary of the underworld, swaying towards Wang Teng again, filled with yin and eerie.

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(End of this chapter)

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