My son Wang Teng has the appearance of a great emperor

Chapter 115 The Black Emperor Depicts the Killing Formation and Slays the Top Old Monster

Chapter 115 The Black Emperor Depicts the Killing Formation and Slays the Top Old Monster

The one-eyed old man burst out with endless divine power, stretched out a palm, and slashed at Wang Teng.

At this moment, Wang Teng tried his best to mobilize his blood to the extreme, and the boundless divine power bloomed in the sky.

"Shua." The six visions appeared behind him.

Then a phantom of a saint appeared behind the vision, accompanied by wisps of holy light, covering Wang Teng inside.

One after another divine light pierced the sky.

Immediately, the phantom of the saint kept waving his arms, and one after another was formed by condensing Dao power, constantly squeezing the space and shaking the world.

A simple and sacred seal appeared in the air, with holy power all over it, oppressing the world and shocking the whole world.

Then, a blue light covered the world and appeared on Wang Teng's right hand, with a stroke that shocked the world and the world.

Holding the heaven and earth pen, the void turns into paper, and the stroke of the pen passes through the sky, and all souls are fruitless.

A streak of murderous divine power shot out.

Wang Teng used several magical methods, and at this moment, he attacked and left.

"It's useless!" The old man roared, his eyes were like a dragon soaring into the sky, and his aura was majestic.


The void collapsed, and the divine light burst out.

The aftermath of one after another collided, shooting through this world.

The dust settles down, and the world calms down.

At this time, the old man was not as calm and relaxed as before, and his breathing was a little short, but he was not injured, and his one-eyed eye was still so gloomy.

"Okay, the stronger you are, the greater my chance." The old man looked at Wang Teng with excitement in his eyes.

"Old Clapper, your eyes are disgusting!" Wang Teng roared.

I saw the boundless purple air coming from the east, turning into divine power in the dense cloud, the sky was covered with divine clouds, and the supreme divine power surged out.

Five emperor canopies appeared above Wang Teng's head, and the power of the five elements flowed slowly on them.

Aoki, everything is revived and full of vitality.

The red fire burns everything and destroys all living beings.

The loess, fused with hundreds of gatherings, solidifies the spirit of the earth.

Platinum gathers vigor and murderous intent.

Black water, Taoism follows nature, and the best is like water.

Rigidity overcomes softness, specificity overcomes looseness, solidity overcomes emptiness, many overcomes few, essence overcomes firmness, the five elements are mutually generated, and the five elements are mutually restrained.

The foundation of all things in the world is the power of the five elements, the five elements give birth to all things, and all things transform into heaven and earth.

Wu Shidi Sutra attack and kill the secret technique.

In this style, murderous intent pervades, and the whole world is directly covered by the power of the five elements, chaotic and chaotic, with no light from the sun and the moon.

The one-eyed old man was no longer calm and composed, and his hands directly fluctuated with the seals, shooting out divine power one after another, and casting divine spells one after another.


The general trend of the world has collapsed.

It took a long time to restore calm.

Wang Teng's face turned pale. This is the second form of the beginningless secret technique he has comprehended, and it consumes a lot of energy to perform.

"Cough, cough, cough!" There was a sharp cough.

Heihuang and Wang Teng were shocked that the one-eyed old man was still alive.

"Cough, cough, not bad. As expected of the old man of the Great Emperor's Secret Technique, he is getting more and more interested!" The one-eyed old man's left arm was broken at this time, blood was continuously flowing from his mouth, his body was covered with dark red, and he was covered with scars.

Even so, the old man's gaze was still full of terror, and his gestures and gestures still exuded a terrifying aura.

"Grandma, it's too hard to kill such an immortal!" Wang Teng was also speechless.

The black emperor's face was gloomy, showing a gloomy look: "Ma De, you can only use the pattern, it's best to strangle, otherwise we can only run away!"

Wang Teng nodded, and the Black Emperor made the move.

With the comprehension of the Dao pattern of the Great Emperor Wushi, the level of the Black Emperor was directly raised by one degree, and a hundred banners were shot out in the blink of an eye, and they were planted around the old man one by one.

"Hehe, how can it be possible to escape!" The one-eyed old man could see the intentions of the two at a glance, and saw him waving his right hand, shooting out with majestic force, trying to break the formation flag.

However, the Black Emperor was faster than him, his claws constantly fluctuated in the void, one after another divine light shot out from his forehead, and the endless and majestic power of the Dao pattern merged into the space, and in the blink of an eye, a large formation rose from the ground.

The old man was directly trapped here.

"You think this will trap me to death, daydreaming!"

The old man kept waving his single arm, hitting the walls of the formation with incomparably terrifying divine power, and the formation shook continuously, as if it was about to shatter in the next second.

"Ma De, fight hard, today I will let you experience the power of the killing array! Boy, give me the magic material!" Heihuang gritted his teeth and started to be ruthless.

The Black Emperor took over the divine material and continuously penetrated into the void. An aura stronger than the Dao of Heaven grew little by little, constantly impacting the endless void.

At this moment, a silver world quietly formed, instantly enveloping everything in the entire space.

"Quick, stop it!" The one-eyed old man felt death at this moment, and yelled directly, wanting to interrupt the Black Emperor.

Everyone heard his order and attacked the Black Emperor.

How could Wang Teng do what he wished, the Heaven and Earth Brush waved forward, a series of divine punishments appeared, half a step of power came to die.

Xiao Huo knew how powerful Wang Teng was, so he didn't step forward, and was trying to escape, but he was already covered by the killing array, and everything was useless.

"Hey, enjoy it slowly!" At this moment, the killing array was finally completed, and the black emperor's big dark face turned pale, but his eyes were extremely excited.

In an instant, Fengyun courage, lightning and thunder, ground fire burning, tsunami rushing, all things that evolved from the killing intent, all started to operate automatically, and the inside of the killing was completely dark.


A scream came from inside.

After running for half a cup of tea, the Black Emperor collected the pattern.

The scene in front of him was truly tragic.

Everything is pitch black, everything is annihilated, the heaven and the earth are already glued to everything, and the killing array even kills the heaven and the earth invisible.

Those among them, not to mention, couldn't be more dead.

One by one can no longer distinguish the human form, like black charcoal.

After counting, it was just right, and the whole family was neat and tidy.

But it's a pity, without getting the information about killing the emperor, everything was destroyed.

"Wang, boy, I can help you a lot, hurry up and make it up to me" Hei Huang stuck out his big tongue.

"Ma De, you really have no conscience. You just gave you the enlightenment of Emperor Wu Shi, and you have to make up for it. You are greedy!" Wang Teng squinted at him.

"This kind of old monster is too difficult to kill, I'm exhausted, Ma De, boy, you carry me out!" Heihuang lay on the ground directly, panting heavily.

"Think about something good, this time it's futile, and there's no gain at all." Wang Teng was a little disappointed.

After resting for a long time, the two slowly walked out of the formation.

Outside, a piece of news caused heated discussions again.

The Ji family's divine body was just formed, but they didn't expect to lose to Wang Teng's move. If it weren't for the means to save their lives, they might have been decapitated.

This news caused an uproar. Everyone knew what a divine body meant. If Wang Teng killed the Ji family's divine body, it would definitely arouse the Ji family's fury, and might start a war of the ancient family recklessly.

Especially when news came from the Ji family, the Patriarch of the Ji family was so furious that he even said that he would kill Wang Teng at all costs, and everything related to the Wang family would be killed.

However, there was another reason that caused the head of the Ji family to be furious, and that was Ji Ziyue. It was said that she was Ji Haoyue's younger sister who was beheaded by Wang Teng.

After everyone learned about it, they regretted for a while, Wang Teng is really ruthless!

On this day, the disciples of the Ji family came in and out with hurried and dignified expressions.

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(End of this chapter)

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