Chapter 292 Inside the Palace ([-])

"Concubine Zhen, I heard that Shanshan is here, right?" Before Qi Zixuan arrived, his excited voice had already entered the warm pavilion of Xi'an Palace. Immediately afterwards, the curtain was lifted, revealing Qi Zixuan's excited expression. Face.

Concubine Zhen smiled faintly, looked at Qi Zixuan and said, "Yes, I just came, His Royal Highness, why are you here?"

Qi Zixuan will never be her backer. Concubine Zhen understands that she has no sons and no daughters, so the queen does not take herself seriously, but this does not mean that the queen will not sacrifice her when needed.

"I came to see Shanshan." Qi Zixuan was full of excitement, and Tang Shanshan said to Qin Qin: "Shanshan, I have someone tidy up Zhuyunxuan. I don't know if you like it or not. Let's go and see if there is something wrong. If it's appropriate, I'll ask someone to change it."

"No, I'm a bit tired and don't want to move. Besides, the empress wants me to learn the rules of the palace from the concubine Zhen. It's better for me to live with the concubine Zhen so that I can ask her for advice anytime and anywhere. "Tang Shanshan refused.

She didn't want to marry Qi Zixuan...

She likes Qi Zihan better...

Hearing what Tang Shanshan said, Qi Zixuan couldn't hide the disappointment on his face. He said "Oh" and stood listlessly, then waved and asked the maid to bring a short man to sit beside Tang Shanshan.

Qi Zihan looked at Qi Zixuan and Tang Shanshan who seemed to be intimate, and his heart felt like it was being stabbed by a needle.

Even though he knew that Shanshan had no intention of being interested in Qi Zixuan, when Qi Zixuan sat beside Shanshan openly, the uncomfortable feeling made Qi Zihan want to step forward and pull Qi Zixuan away.

However, rationality prevented him from impulsively. Qi Zihan smiled slightly at Concubine Zhen's worried eyes to appease Concubine Zhen's worries. There is no absolute advantage.

Before he is 100% sure, he will act with restraint.

Concubine Zhen breathed a sigh of relief. She was really afraid that Zihan, who was young and full of energy, would not be able to resist a confrontation with the crown prince Qi Zixuan. Immediately, Concubine Zhen laughed at herself for worrying about nothing. Royal does it right.

(End of this chapter)

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