Chapter 293 Inside the Palace ([-])

Concubine Zhen breathed a sigh of relief. She was really afraid that Zihan, who was young and full of energy, would not be able to resist a confrontation with the crown prince Qi Zixuan. Immediately, Concubine Zhen laughed at herself for worrying about nothing. Royal does it right.

"Shanshan, then you want to live in that room, I'll send someone to decorate it for you, okay?" Qi Zixuan soon cheered up, Shanshan can't live in Zhuyunxuan, it doesn't matter, let's decorate it in Xi'an Hall A room is fine, anyway, as long as Shanshan knows what she wants.

Tang Shanshan smiled like Qi Zihan, and said, "No need, I think the place prepared by Concubine Zhen must be very suitable, I don't want to rearrange it."

If Tang Shanshan and Prince Qi Zixuan can get in touch more often, Zihan will give up.Concubine Zhen watched Qi Zixuan's courteous attitude with cold eyes, and now that Qi Zixuan was rejected by Tang Shanshan again, Concubine Zhen smiled and said: "Look at my heart, I just want to find someone to help teach Shanshan the rules, but I forgot to prepare for Shanshan. The place where you live, is really too careless, you should be punished."

Smiling and blinking at Crown Prince Qi Zixuan, Concubine Zhen turned her head and said to Tang Shanshan, "Shanshan, since the Crown Prince wants to help, it will save me, an old woman, the fuss. You go and have a look, it's just Xi'an Hall, I want to help you." Where you live, you can ask the prince to help arrange it."

Qi Zixuan understood, and nodded gratefully to Concubine Zhen, then looked at Tang Shanshan earnestly, and said, "Since Concubine Zhen is busy, don't bother Concubine Zhen, I will accompany you to choose a house, okay?"

"Let's go together." Qi Zihan frowned, he could see all the little actions of Concubine Zhen and Qi Zixuan, if Qi Zixuan was rejected now, and it was heard by the Queen, maybe the Queen would have some dissatisfaction with Shanshan As for the good idea, let's follow Qi Zixuan's wish.

It doesn't matter, he will remember all of this.

Hearing that Qi Zihan was going too, Tang Shanshan nodded reluctantly.

Many love books in the previous life said that if you don't like someone, you must not procrastinate to accommodate that person, otherwise it will make that person think that you like him, which may cause more harm.

(End of this chapter)

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