Chapter 294 Inside the Palace ([-])

Many love books in the previous life said that if you don't like someone, you must not procrastinate to accommodate that person, otherwise it will make that person think that you like him, which may cause more harm.

Is long-term pain better than short-term pain?

But who will teach her how to reject a crown prince under the feudal imperial power.

She didn't want to marry the crown prince, didn't want to be locked in the deep palace compound, strangled to death with many women for that pitiful favor, and accidentally lost her life.

It was a miserable life.

But the other party is the crown prince... As long as he uses his words, he may die, and even his family and friends will not have a good end.

"Don't worry, everything is up to me." While Qi Zixuan was excitedly directing the eunuch and maid to carry the things he had prepared from Zhuyun Pavilion to Xi'an Hall, Qi Zihan, who could see that Tang Shanshan was not in a good mood, gently shook her hand. hands, comforting in a low voice.

No matter what happened, she didn't need to worry, just wait for him to help her carry all the burdens.

If not, it is his incompetence.

Qi Zihan smiled, and let go of Tang Shanshan's hand the moment Qi Zixuan turned his head.

"Shanshan, what do you think of this?" Qi Zixuan pointed to a pair of pink-blue fine porcelain vases, on which the colorful glaze was painted with patterns of mandarin ducks playing in the water.

Qi Zixuan said: "This is the best one I picked from this batch of tributes, and it happens to be in pairs. It's very rare. It's just right to put it on the window sill."

The reason why Qi Zixuan chose this pair of vases was because the vases were a pair, and the meaning of the pattern on the vases was very suitable for his state of mind.

"I don't like it." Without even thinking about it, Tang Shanshan directly rejected Qi Zixuan's proposal.

In Tang Shanshan's eyes, this pair of vases was very eye-catching. She didn't want to pair up with Qi Zixuan, and Qi Zihan would be the same.

Glancing at the vase uninterestedly, Tang Shanshan remembered what Qi Zihan said just now, he has everything to do with him?What do you mean, could he still take her over from Qi Zixuan's hand?
Qi Zixuan is the crown prince.

(End of this chapter)

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