Chapter 313 Rou Yun Was Demoted ([-])

Rouyun was demoted ([-])

"Auntie... no, queen mother, look... Concubine Zhen bullied Rouyun, and this woman also bullied Rouyun, queen mother, you have to make decisions for Rouyun..." As soon as she was let go, the young master Rouyun immediately closed her eyes. With a face full of fierceness, he approached the queen's arms extremely aggrieved, tears "ba da ba da" falling straight down.

People who didn't know would really think how much wronged she has suffered... Tang Shanshan curled her lips, it turned out that this little master Rouyun was related to the queen, no wonder she could be so arrogant in the inner courtyard of the palace.

"Stand still." The queen didn't even look at the aggrieved face of the little master Rouyun, but sternly told the little master Rouyun to stand still.

"Mother's queen..." Rou Yun originally wanted to act like a baby, but when she saw the queen's face full of anger, Rou Yun trembled in fright, and obediently stood beside the queen, not daring to move, just kept crying.

"Pa..." The queen slapped young master Rouyun hard on the face, and soon a red five-fingerprint appeared on young master Rouyun's face.

The queen took a deep breath, knelt in front of the emperor in front of everyone, kowtowed and said: "The concubine is incompetent. She can't keep the harem peaceful, and she can't manage the family properly. Please punish the emperor."

The young master Rouyun covered her face, and at first she wanted to ask the queen why she beat her, but when she saw the queen kneeling on the ground pleading guilty, Rouyun suddenly felt that she had caused a catastrophe this time, and she didn't even dare to cry anymore , hold your breath and watch the development of things.

The emperor just glanced at the queen, and didn't tell her to get up. Instead, he turned his gaze to Concubine Zhen and said, "Zhen'er, what's going on?"

"Back to the emperor, the concubine rushed over just after receiving the news, I don't know what's going on." Concubine Zhen bowed slightly and answered the emperor's words.

The emperor frowned slightly, glanced at the kneeling and standing crowd, and immediately saw Tang Shanshan who was dressed differently from the concubine and maid, and looked at Concubine Zhen suspiciously.

Concubine Zhen said with a smile: "Your Majesty, this is Shanshan. Shanshan has been out of town for a long time and doesn't know the rules of the palace, so the empress asked the concubine to teach Shanshan the rules of the palace."

After a pause, Concubine Zhen said again: "It's not been half an hour since Shanshan entered the palace."

(End of this chapter)

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