Chapter 314 Rouyun was demoted ([-])

After a pause, Concubine Zhen said again: "Shanshan has just entered the palace for half an hour, this child is very sensible, and my concubine likes it very much."

Concubine Zhen's words made the empress who was kneeling on the ground itch with hatred. Tang Shanshan was sensible, but wouldn't it make Rouyun even more ignorant?

How could the old emperor not hear such obvious stubble.Unsure of whether to say "oh", the old emperor turned his eyes to Tang Shanshan, his hand-picked daughter-in-law.

Concubine Zhen didn't care about the old emperor's reaction. Anyway, the old emperor was not ignorant of Rouyun's domineering in the palace, so he could just stop talking. Talking too much would have the opposite effect.

Turning her head with a smile, Concubine Zhen said to Tang Shanshan: "Shanshan, I have seen the emperor soon, I want to ask the emperor for a reward."

"Your Majesty, this is the first time you see Shanshan, so you can't be stingy." After Tang Shanshan finished speaking, Concubine Zhen said to the emperor again.

Tang Shanshan didn't know what Concubine Zhen meant, but according to Concubine Zhen's instructions, she bowed her body and saluted: "My daughter Tang Shanshan, I have seen my emperor long live."

"What's the name..." Concubine Zhen refused, and said angrily, "Shanshan, why are you still called the emperor, you want to be called the father."

Tang Shanshan's forehead was immediately covered with black lines, and she didn't want to marry Qi Zixuan, needless to say she was trapped in the palace now, so why should she call the old emperor "Father Emperor" now? 
God, spare her.

"Concubine Zhen is right, she should be called Emperor Father." The old emperor seemed to be very kind to Concubine Zhen, whatever Concubine Zhen said, the old emperor would respond to what Concubine Zhen said, so that Tang Shanshan would call him Emperor Father.

Tang Shanshan's face was flushed, seeing Concubine Zhen and the emperor were still staring at her, Tang Shanshan called out helplessly: "Father."

It sounded like a mosquito humming.

"Silly boy, you're still shy." Concubine Zhen teased Tang Shanshan with a smile, in exchange for the old emperor's happy smile.

Please, that's not shyness, okay? It's helplessness, anger and embarrassment.Tang Shanshan complained that the masters of this harem are like this, they don't take other people's opinions seriously, and feel that the whole world has to revolve around them.

Turning her eyes, Concubine Zhen saw the young master Rouyun standing there blankly, and the anger in her heart was rising slowly, but Concubine Zhen did not show this anger in any form.

(End of this chapter)

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