Chapter 323

Qi Zihan probably wouldn't just sit back and watch him marry into this place that eats people and doesn't spit out his bones, would he?
Tang Shanshan was a little uncertain, because Qi Zihan didn't just say no to this matter, but she firmly believed that if it was Qi Zihan, then today's tragedy would never happen.

Letting out a breath, Tang Shanshan suddenly felt that her palm was wrapped in a warm place.

It was Qi Zihan, Tang Shanshan's heart skipped a beat.

Then Qi Zihan shook her hand vigorously——

It's as if he wants to pass on his warmth to her, telling her - I have everything - generally.

Pursing her lips into a smile, Tang Shanshan secretly stretched out her finger, and playfully picked Qi Zihan's palm.

Don't worry - I'm just a little emotional.

Suddenly Tang Shanshan felt that the warmth wrapped around her palm was gone, she woke up indifferently, Tang Shanshan found that everyone started to move.

what happened?She was just distracted for a while, what's wrong?
Tang Shanshan couldn't help but began to look around.

"Miss, the emperor asked Yaohong to look for evidence. Concubine Zhen said that this place is too narrow, so let's change the place." Jing Min explained to Tang Shanshan in a low voice.

That's it... Tang Shanshan suddenly realized.

Now that the matter has developed, Tang Shanshan can be sure that Rou Yun has indeed done that kind of thing that both people and gods are angry with. What is lacking now is only evidence.

Tang Shanshan followed the brigade, and found that Yaohong led the crowd back to the Hall of Xi'an, and after asking the emperor for instructions, she went into her room to get evidence.

The emperor, queen and concubine Zhen sat on the open space in front of the hall, waiting for Yaohong to come out.

The entire Xi'an Hall was filled with an oppressive atmosphere that was about to storm.

Tang Shanshan secretly took a deep breath, she was so nervous.

"Ah..." Yaohong suddenly yelled in the room, and then there was the crisp sound of metal falling to the ground——

Tang Shanshan couldn't help but twitched her eyebrows, she really wanted to run in and see if Yaohong was silenced, right?

Rou Yun secretly laughed, she just ordered the palace maid to leave, it was just a cover, the real trump card is the shadow following behind her, Yao Hong, you lowly maidservant, you have even hidden a trick, but even if you hide it again One move, but also can't avoid the power of the shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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