Chapter 324

Rou Yun secretly laughed, she just ordered the palace maid to leave, it was just a cover, the real trump card is the shadow following behind her, Yao Hong, you lowly maidservant, you have even hidden a trick, but even if you hide it again One move, but also can't avoid the power of the shadow.

But just when Rouyun was secretly complacent, Yaohong came out clutching her arms.

Concubine Zhen breathed a sigh of relief...

Tang Shanshan also breathed a sigh of relief.

Rouyun's heart skipped a beat, and she panicked.

How could this be?How could the shadow miss it?
However, Yaohong, who went in alone, came out with a man wearing an imperial hospital uniform behind him, dragging a little maid in one hand, and holding a gleaming sword in the other.

Tang Shanshan looked at Yaohong nervously——

Everyone looked at Yaohong nervously——

As well as the man in the imperial uniform and the sword in his hand.

The Jinwu Guard immediately let out a cry, surrounded the old emperor, queen and concubine Zhen in a circle, and then looked at the imperial physician as if facing a formidable enemy.

"Emperor Physician Lu, please put down your sword, or the general will be impolite." A leader of the Jinwu Guard shouted at the imperial physician.

The Imperial Physician Lu was also very happy, as soon as he loosened his hand, the sword in his hand fell to the ground with a clang, and a clever Jinwu Guard ran out to pick up the sword, and two more Jinwu Guards stepped forward to look at Imperial Physician Lu covetously. , and then searched the whole body of Doctor Lu.

It seemed that Doctor Lu was not in any danger, so the Jinwu guards dispersed, allowing Doctor Lu to face the emperor and empress.

"Long live my emperor, a thousand years for the empress, and a thousand years for the concubine Zhen." Even in front of so many people, Lu Jianping did not panic.

Tang Shanshan glanced at this Lu Jianping in surprise, she had just been pulled behind by Qi Zihan to block her, she hadn't noticed yet, after seeing this, Tang Shanshan remembered, isn't this Lu Jianping the imperial physician that Yaoqing invited just now?

But why did he appear here?

The appearance of this Lu Jianping surprised the old Emperor Zhenfei and the others, but they still held their breath, they just glanced at Lu Jianping, and didn't say much, just said "Lu Aiqing is alive".

(End of this chapter)

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