Chapter 338 Disappearing Bizarrely ([-])

This trick was also learned from Concubine An, every time Concubine An looked at her coldly, Tang Shanshan felt the hairs all over her body stand on end.

It seems that if this trick is used now, it will be very effective.Tang Shanshan narrowed her eyes and glanced at the nuns and maids kneeling on the ground. She was in a good mood and couldn't help laughing.

One is because I saw Qi Zihan today, the other is because Qi Zihan was not caught without Qi Zihan, and the third is because she found a way to subdue these extremely arrogant nuns and maids.

Seeing them kneeling in front of her one by one, Tang Shanshan was thrilled - she was practiced kneeling by these nuns before, and this was the first time she saw them kneeling.

Tang Shanshan, who was full of smiles, decided to let them kneel for a while, but she began to think about Qi Zihan's strange appearance and disappearance today.

God, she obviously didn't see anyone entering her room, but she saw Qi Zihan appearing in the room; she also obviously hid Qi Zihan in the cabinet, but Qi Zihan disappeared...

Is it—

Tang Shanshan suddenly thought of a possibility, could it be that there is something like a secret passage here?
It is possible!The more Tang Shanshan thought about it, the more she felt that her guess was correct.

Whatever it was, it didn't matter if there was a secret way or not, what mattered was that when she thought she was dreaming, she seemed to have heard Qi Zihan ask her if she would marry him.

Tang Shanshan blushed a little. Could it be that she didn't dream about it, but Qi Zihan really said it?
Also, he kissed himself.

Touching her lips unconsciously, Tang Shanshan suddenly recalled the numb but intoxicating kiss at that time.

Hongxia smudged her entire face, Tang Shanshan couldn't help feeling a little shy, was his proposal serious?

Everyone in the room was kneeling, only Tang Shanshan was sitting on the bed by herself, looking at everyone with a smile on her face, but actually her mind was wandering, thinking about the details of meeting Qi Zihan today.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Tang Shanshan was thinking, but suddenly heard a delicate voice coming from outside the door, her nerves tensed up instantly, and then relaxed again, hmph, anyway, it's already like this today, let's look at Ann What can the concubine do to her.

(End of this chapter)

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